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Posts posted by Vichiox

  1. English:

    I logged in the other day and found myself pretty lost around the map, it is HUGE. The mods are fine and the server seems stable, but I wonder, is there any sort of forums for the community, a place to gather the players? I've always wanted to see a spanish community server for PZ and this seems the perfect server for it.  I guess english speakers are allowed, yeah? Or you shoot them on sight? lmao

    It'd be nice to see some more activity.



    Me metí al server el otro día y me perdí un montón, el mapa es gigante. Los mods están bien y el servidor parece ser estable, pero me pregunto, hay algún foro para la comunidad donde juntar a los jugadores? Siempre he querido ver un server para la comunidad hispana de PZ y este parece el servidor perfecto para ello. 

    Supongo que los jugadores angloparlantes se les permite entrar, o les disparan apenas los ven? lmao sería bueno ver más actividad en el server

  2. 6 hours ago, atria said:

    Wow some people are salty as hell over being banned. Honestly. 


    For anyone reading this thread, Emios was banned for cheating, VCarrasola (Who contributed to LeanMelon's post) was banned for harassing people in PMs, and LeanMelon himself was banned for abusing the game system to get a mechanical edge. These three should not be taken seriously, and most of the people who come by have a very good time roleplaying.

    I just logged in my TIS account after being told that you're here talking shit about me.


    I, VCarrasola, wasn't banned for "harassing people in PMs" - in fact, I'd like to see evidence of that. I was banned because of the post I wrote and because you got mad, Atria. So don't make up BULLSHIT about me or what happened, because my only mistake is explained in my post and from then I left AGN alone, I haven't done anything to you, so don't spread misinformation to cover yourselves.


    I've been relatively nice through all my time in the community, and If I am being blunt it's because I had to face so much abuse from players and mainly admins, but I kept quiet until I left. 


    I tried to be nice with you, nothing I've ever said was directed to you, just to other members of the admin team and players. But I feel like you felt touched and took it personal, even though it wasn't. You banned me purely because of that.


    So, please.


    Don't you dare to discredit my words, my opinion, for it is as relevant as yours or even more, since God knows who the hell you are and why are you an admin.



  3. Remember in a RP doctor level 1, it was fking awesome<3

    A fracture would heal in nothing, maybe 3 days. Normal wounds wouldn't even exist and the gunshot pain wasn't a problem anymore.

    But doctors are pretty much useless in singleplayer, just in MP - PvP MP are useful. Docs are not too useful in PvE servers I think.

    Ever fell from the top floor of your fence around your safehouse? Three times?

    No, just once. I learned from my mistakes, buildings aren't safe.
  4. Remember in a RP doctor level 1, it was fking awesome<3

    A fracture would heal in nothing, maybe 3 days. Normal wounds wouldn't even exist and the gunshot pain wasn't a problem anymore.

    But doctors are pretty much useless in singleplayer, just in MP - PvP MP are useful. Docs are not too useful in PvE servers I think.

  5. Use some Textures and Scripts from Hydrocraft.

    Did you ask me for permission to use stuff from the Hydrocraft mod? I don't remember if you did.

    However if I can use your stuff in the Hydrocraft mod then you have permission to use Hydrocraft stuff. Seems only fair.


    "The Hydrocraft family is thinking of giving up all of its interest in the mods about dragons, settling out here. Now Cyrrent will sell us his share of the mod so that it can be completely owned by the family."

  6. You guys bought milk this month?


    I read PZ use the Romero's zombies for the lore and things but I think PZ is something completely different to me so the question: You will guide yourselves with that lore or PZ will have a completely original story and create a new zombie lore just for the game? It's a good question, I'm not good reading so I don't know if devs posted this already somewhere (sorry) but since my point of view that is a limitation and a lot of people asks about it.

  7. Is this a post or a bible? Anyways, I read nothing, sorry. I'm almost going to sleep, just came to say this:

    Nobody remembers The Walking Dead Game when... SPOILER ALERT*****

    Lee gets bitten but keep trying to save Clementine, he has to go down of a building and the street is full of zombies, when he is down there notice zombies don't see him, because he is turning.

    In my game I had the option to walk in middle of the horde with a butcher knife, some zombies noticed Lee but he was in a badass killing spree down there, making a blood bath, passing trough the horde like one more of them.

    I don't know if anyone else mentioned it in the post, but tell me that would not be a badass way to end in PZ, maybe that would make players keep playing (because I know most people just start a new game on rage, don't deny it!) when get bitten.

    Just imagine a random survivor passing trough the horde, killing zombies one by one with an axe to finally fall on the ground and sleep forever on a bed of corpses. Tell me that doesn't sounds good.

    Also, to don't make it OP in PvP some zeds would still notice you, because you're not fully turned. Like happened with Lee in TWD game.

  8. I don't want to be a meanie asshole, but write a story isn't that hard... 3 paragraphs? That's all... and you don't even have to answer questions when re-whitelistening a character. Just the first time admins ask for more info, to prove that you said.

    Come on, it was hard to me the first time! I didn't even knew how to write in english ... just translator + online dictionary and my imagination. I did it and learned a lot of english while roleplaying.

    Also, with the polls and things happening, the server won his population again, players were inactive. Today 15 people online when I connected (early, people usually connect more at night) and a little shootout happened too! All made by players, no admin help!

    *changing theme*

    PvP + roleplaying is INTENSE ... know the risk of lose a character with hours of development it's just... damn!

    I like what is happening right now in game...

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