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  1. Ah that’s a shame. There’s an insane amount of them around the map too.
  2. Another question, are guns spawning on dead zombies that spawn when the map generates supposed to be vanilla? Stuff in regular containers seems fine but all of these pre-made corpses seem to spawn vanilla guns.
  3. Does the same type of weapon have the same chance of spawning between them all? Say a desert eagle vs a glock.
  4. It's pretty good so far, also refreshing to have a server with a different take on zombies. Sprinters are buggy but it forces you to play differently.
  5. I doubt it, sprinters are still a buggy teleporting mess unfortunately.
  6. As said above. I had hoped that the car update would make it so they don't teleport all over the place making them impossible to play with, but it seems the streaming fix for cars doesn't do anything to help them. Suggestion is to just simply make them practical and work correctly in multiplayer rather than teleporting all over the place.
  7. Ah the classic discredit because of people being "salty", Alstrum's good at that one as well (see Darius' post!). Everyone here actually brought up valid points but there's a 100% chance that's going to fall on deaf ears to the admin team.
  8. Give it a try when I'm back on the PC, that picture was inside the police department in Muld but I also checked the gun store in WP that was just as full in those particular containers.
  9. Finally got around to trying it. Spawns still seem a little high, particularly inside crates, filing cabinets, and metal shelves. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/80343990354253693/EC6119D7A0D72D8936A7AD41CA66E38B0C44734E/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|1024:542&composite-to%3D*%2C*|1024%3A542&background-color=black
  10. I'll try it as soon as I get the chance. Unfortunately like you I have quite a crappy laptop during weekdays, later tomorrow I should be able to give it a look. Thank you very much for taking the time for this though, I know myself and quite a few of my friends will be quite happy with it.
  11. A bit of both in honesty. It seems every single gun container has something in it and on top of that it is extremely filled as well. Personally the fact there's so much in one container every time is what bothers me a bit more.
  12. Do you have any plans to make a variation of the mod that lowers spawn rates? Even with it on the lowest settings weapons are extremely abundant to the point of almost having every container that spawns them being chock full up to the 50 weight.
  13. This is great man, please keep it going.
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