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Jumping out two story windows


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Upon introspection I think the one story falling damage rate is a bit too high. I fell off the edge of a one story on accident and I have seen people jump off of one stories. It barely hurts. With a full bag It might make a difference but not that much depending on the weight of the bag.


Now I know popping food to get you off of the full capacity instantly isn't the most realistic thing so I don't expect everything else to be either and I enjoy that service and its saved me a lot of times so I wouldn't prefer everything else be realistic either for lack of a more enjoyable gaming experience in a wider audience because maybe more people enjoy the extra difficulty.


Maybe I don't even know what to suggest. I hope that's not considered spam.

O swingers of ban hammers of theindiestone forum plz hath mercy, but I WAS LOVELY I WAS LOVELY. Lol sorry 2 much time on my hands.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I have seen people jump off of one stories. It barely hurts.

My lumbar vertebra begs to differ.


I had this fort built up at a sewage treatment plant here in my town (there is a broken down building on the lot). Its about three stories high, and the only way to get up is to scale the building. One day, I guess I was spotted going up, and out the window I saw a cop on a bike driving toward me. I had to bail out the window with my full backpack, jump the fence, and run into the woods to get away. Jumping from the three-story building barely hurt. But I'm young (only 15), so I guess that might make a difference. Still, I don't understand how falling from a two story building can kill or just about kill you.

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It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop.


Or in this case, it's not the fall that hurts you, it's how you land. If a person is trained in hard parachute landings, from what I gather, they're trained to have their body curl up as they hit, absorbing the impact and generally falling down to avoid breaking anything. Not to say it wouldn't hurt, even if you've pulled the landing off carefully.


In the same way, simply leaning forward and falling down onto the floor can kill you if your head takes the brunt of the impact. Bye-bye neck.


A happy middle ground between leaping out a second story window, etc. could be to have all falls hurt the player to some degree (take a bit of health off and slap on the pain moodle), but have characters skilled in taking a fall be less likely to suffer critical damage as they land. In other words, Joe Average and Circus McTrapeze leap out the same window and land on their legs. It hurts them and jars their body, but Circus knows how to crumple tuck and roll. Joe Average lands hard, feet, bum, head. Probably broke his leg.


I dunno. Having a trait to take in character creation that lessens the effect of a second story leap to a degree could be useful, but would require careful balancing. I don't want to leap out a window all the time, but I'd like to know it's a viable option if there's a horde on my ass. That kind of thing.

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There's a difference between falling and jumping. Of course if u fell backwards or in a awkward enough stance you're not going to land on your feet. I pretty much jumped because I lost balance on a edge of a roof and had the option to land on my feet. In PZ it seems like the same option.

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  • 1 year later...

I seem to agree with the majority's opinion in this thread.
I think jumping from a second story deliberately should not fracture you all the time.
My players brought this to attention with multiple complaints, and I agree.
I strongly think it should depend on several things:

1. Are the character's hands empty, to balance the jump/fall? - busy hands increase damage
2. Is a bag equipped on the back? - a bag equipped increases damage
3. Is the character in panic? - increases damage
4. Is the character already wounded and in pain? - increases damage.
5. Is the character overweight, obese, clumsy? - all of those increase damage.

A character with a gymnast trait should be immune to second story fall fractures.

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Falls can be quite dangerous or sometimes not for instance when I was taking my Fire and EMS class they talked about a woman who was standing on a fire hose and when it charged it tripped her and killed her, on the other hand I've known a person who have jumped out of the schools third floor and only broke his legs or last year a person jumped from the second story of the school with no injury. "Its a mix between people hate school and Kentucky's crazy"

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Falls can be quite dangerous or sometimes not for instance when I was taking my Fire and EMS class they talked about a woman who was standing on a fire hose and when it charged it tripped her and killed her, on the other hand I've known a person who have jumped out of the schools third floor and only broke his legs or last year a person jumped from the second story of the school with no injury. "Its a mix between people hate school and Kentucky's crazy"


Can be, yes. All kinds of freak accidents can happen, absolutely. Depending on a person's agility, strength, dexterity, constitution, the specific landing conditions, and sometimes just dumb luck.

But currently in PZ a fracture is a 100% guarantee, no matter who you are.

I have personally jumped from 2nd story windows and never broke anything. In PZ terms I could be considered a strength 5 fitness 7 character. I'm not too strong, but plenty agile.

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As a licensed skydiver, I can say that forestviews is correct. Depending on how well you know how to fall and how lucky you are, any fall under 25 ft could result in anything from  no/minor injury to death. I personally have come crashing down 20 ft into a treeline, without even getting scratched. A lot of it is luck

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I am quite slender. I have myself climbed a stone wall a bit higher than the window on the first floor above ground level and dropped down onto grass perfectly safely several times, by lowering myself so that I was hanging with my hands and then kicking myself off to land on all fours, without hurting myself at all. I have also, from a hight not quite so high, jumped forwards and landed on grass, slightly hurting one of my feet inconsequentially. I have, instead of going down the stairs, vaulted over the banister and landed on a wooden floor unhurt. I was not carrying anything much but my body and clothes.

I know someone who climbed to the top of a tree which bent over preventing him from climbing back, who then dropped down onto soft ground spraining a wrist.

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