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The Indie Stone
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Everything posted by CaptainBinky

  1. Considering we weren't shown on "New Releases" because of the changes made to Steam, like, one day before we launched GRR We're quite happy Not, dancing round the room ecstatic, but happy. And that happiness will grow the longer we remain on page twoish of Top Sellers
  2. Unfortunately, we're not allowed to discuss Steam sales - and if I gave you player numbers, you could sort of extrapolate the information... not entirely sure where the line is, so we'd rather play it safe just in case. However, anybody can see the number of people *currently* playing Zomboid via Steam at any time by going to the Community hub http://steamcommunity.com/app/108600 - to the left of the number of people in the group chat should be a green statistic. If it's not there, then there's not enough people currently playing to trigger stats. The number fluctuates as the number of people online in Steam rises and falls. During Twiggy's stream, last night, we broke 1,000 !!!
  3. I'm welling up! Quick, someone give me an emergency hug! :'D
  4. Bonus if character is male and wearing women's clothing.
  5. Er, remember that bit where I said this was "only an example"? Exactly how the perks of the various professions will adapt over time is up in the air and will depend of a number of things, including the order in which various features get integrated
  6. Yeah definitely. It's one of these things which will get more balanced as new features go in. So in much the same way that it's currently possible to make yourself OP by choosing negative traits which have no current consequence (like moody), the same is true for professions. For example (and this is just an example), when the NPCs roll out, say the Police Officer gains an advantage - such as, people tend to respect authority, so police officer has an easier time becoming a group leader... in this case, we haven't had to nerf the construction worker, just that other professions have gained, so now you're sacrificing that lovely "thick skinned" perk if you want the NPC gains.
  7. Nice ideas so far (apart from the one about buying the game early - I loathe the concept of achievements which are forever locked off from some players). Adding achievements is super low down on our list of priorities at the mo But we'll get round to it sooner or later
  8. This style of cutaway is another motivating factor behind the engine upgrade. It's something we've always wanted - the way it currently works is basically the best way we can currently do it without it being ludicrously expensive in terms of speed. We'd also like roofs to turn off on a house-by-house basis rather than as a blanket all-on, all-off as they currently are.
  9. I cannot confirm a presence of pun surrounding the company name and logo for copyright reasons
  10. Ha You don't want to know how many versions of the icon I made which were some form of adaptation of the PZ logo before thinking, "fork it, this is taking waaay too long and there are many many far more important things I could be working on, I'll just whack The Indie Stone logo on it and call it delta version"
  11. It's true that you're likely to get zombie blood all over you regardless, but melee splashage is unavoidable - intentionally smearing it over yourself is easily avoidable and for what - are you sure it's going to work? Would you take the risk? If a scratch from a zombie can cause infection would you really smear yourself with gore which is highly likely extremely infectious on the off-chance that zombies in this actually-happening apocalypse conveniently conform to The Walking Dead rules? I wouldn't, I'd find a face mask as soon as possible and never take it off. It's also why melee combat is dangerous - personally, I'd be up for there being a very very small chance of infection in PZ just from combat, but this would likely make the game utterly impossible So we make that concession for now - at least until motorcycle helmets and face masks are in the game. But just because we make that concession for combat, doesn't mean saying "fork it, let them cover themselves in zombie gore, and eat food recently chomped on by zombies and be fine then".
  12. Next primary goal will more than likely to be to complete and fill some of the cells which (if you look at BlindCoder's map project) are blatantly incomplete / undeveloped. And while we're doing that we will start work on the next major location. In other words, expect small additions and general improvements in the short-term and then another major location in the longer term.
  13. I don't really buy the "zombies aren't real therefore..." type arguments, to be honest. Whether or not a zombie apocalypse could ever happen, or whether or not reanimated corpses could pose any real threat is pretty irrelevant. The point of any work of zombie fiction is that you accept the premise that it can happen, and has. After that, it is entirely up to the individual authors to determine precisely how things work and how "realistic" things are going to be. There's no reason not to stick to realism just because the premise, in itself, is not realistic. If the thing which makes you turn into a zombie can be spread through bites and scratches - and therefore, blood and saliva - then it stands to reason that you don't want that shit in your mouth The fact that such a scenario can't happen in the first place is no more relevant to the realism of the rest of it as whether there could be an American werewolf present in London or if a person like David Brent would ever be employed as an office manager edit: Of course, this is all entirely moot if we say that zombies are not attracted by smell or sight, primarily, but body heat.
  14. I'm really not a fan of the "covering yourself in zombie gore to disguise yourself" technique. That's not to say it wouldn't work - if you've masked the smell of fresh meat, and you act convincingly zombie-like, then who's to say that wouldn't fool a braindead shambling idiot? That's not the reason I don't like it. I don't like it because I can't think of anything more idiotic than covering yourself with infected zombie blood In The Walking Dead telly show, they play fast and loose with the blood - on the one hand they play the "oh noes I've been scratched" card, but on the other, they'll have zombie gore splatter all over their face and mouth and they're all, "yeah, whatever". Get zombie blood in your mouth and you're as good as bitten, imo.
  15. No we don't. I specifically voted for proper pancakes not the more rubbishy baby ones with a pointless rising agent added purely to make them less convenient to roll. I also reject the lumping of proper pancakes and crepes together since crepes are thinner and usually a little wider of diameter than proper pancakes. As, I'm sure, a true Frenchman would agree with (although probably for the reason of not sullying a true crepe with British pancakes ). British pancakes =/= French crepe. Anyone who says otherwise is getting banned And while we're at it, proper potato waffles > those fakey sweet waffles pictured
  16. I knew that example was a mistake the moment I wrote it
  17. NPCs, stories, and map extensions go very much hand-in-hand so it definitely won't be the case that when the NPCs are being worked on full-pelt, nothing will be happening with the map. Will has no constraints when it comes to writing - if he needs a pygmy hippo sanctuary for story purposes, a pygmy hippo sanctuary is what he gets
  18. You're best off putting pictures on walls as opposed to the ceiling - therefore, 2/10 Jesus, Binky - you broke the thread just to make a bad joke? 1/10 As you were, please continue as if I wasn't here
  19. Oh my God, why didn't I think of this bef-- *shakes fist* It's because the problem isn't consistent. It's not *all* frames broken in the same way. Once I've got everything consistently wrong, making it consistently right will be trivial
  20. Weapons will deffo get some more love in the... er... in-determinant future *cough* Like many things, now that we have the 3D source models, adding stuff like this is a *lot* more straight-forward than it once was. Although not *completely* straight-forward as, for some reason, the guns are upside-down which is possibly a bug with our export process (which I've been staring at until I've nearly gone blind) since I've triple/quadruple/gadzunkle-checked the source files a gazillion times or more now
  21. Something along these lines did occur to us when we were chatting amongst ourselves about NPCs. Can see from both sides and it's a tough call. The only thing I would say is if we had something along these lines, then simply having another NPC in your group would probably not be sufficient to allow a "switch to that char on death". There would probably be other conditions in play, such as, "how well you and he/she get on", etc. But it's something to think about.
  22. Yeah, that controller looks flupping marvellous. Want to play PZ with it
  23. Oh the irony Find me where I'm dismissing your argument on these grounds. You, however, have just assumed something I did not assume, and dismissed this non-existent assumption as fallacious. That, my dear Rathlord, is not an argument by any definition, but a request. I were to make an argument, it would be that Valve's impact and track record concerning PC gaming is not irrelevant to a discussion on what's ultimately the best for PC gaming.
  24. It wasn't a Straw Man, because it wasn't an argument, nor a representation or exaggeration of one or more of your points, accurate or otherwise, nor a refutation of anything. It was merely an observation to keep in mind. I also hate it when the term "Straw Man" is bandied around regardless of whether it's in any way appropriate In fact, out of the two of us, you're the one with the more Straw Man argument since you've blatantly exaggerated my statement into a Straw Man in order to dismiss it for that reason. Sucker. And now let's never use that term again. We can put it on the same pile as "meme" and "Zeitgeist" where they only get brought out for special occasions, like your mum's finest crockery.
  25. Just as far as being on sale in the Windows 8 app store goes, the requirements include "code and feature complete" so you can immediately rule out alpha-funded games, and that's before you get into the adult-content issues.
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