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Everything posted by syfy

  1. damn, i don't know where crazy manman gets his ideas..... but some of them are just a little too hard, too preposterous, to take remotely seriously.
  2. give it time, remember the game is technically still pre-Alpha. TONS of work still to do.
  3. Banned for denying the truth....this IS an utterly useless thread (udderly as well)
  4. so, if we were to take the stuff we want and lay it on the ground next to the crates, would it still be there? if it's not in the crates, then it should not be replaced, right?
  5. i've tried a few 75-85 pound compound bows, i would have serious doubts about it being powerful enough to puncture a skull. even a 4 bladed arrowhead with a shaft of aluminum or kevlar may not be enough, unless you can go in thru the ear or the eye
  6. unfortunately, it seems probable that is exactly it will become if you are crazy enough to join a PVP server. and with some of the ideas out there for restraints, taking hostages,and other nonsense it will only be a matter of time till some people view MP PVP as an offspring of FPS style gameplay. which will make it even more important to find a steady, sane group of players that run a white listed server that discourages such behavior.
  7. sorry you had to learn about old mods in such a bad way. easy way to be sure a mod still works right is simply checking the post history in it's thread. in this case, the latest post was in December, 2013.
  8. certain liberties have to be taken in the game. you are right, the way we build a fence is incredibly fast and easy and with no actual supports holding it upright, other than a post in corners. but trying to make every little thing we do in the game be absolute realistic to the T, would quickly get boring and frustrating. plants do in fact grow much faster in game than in real life. simple fact is that 98% of the players would not live long enough to take care of and harvest their crops if we had to follow real life growing times. that being said, there is still a ton of work to be done on the game, and the future is unknown as to what the Devs have in mind, and what will actually work when applied in the game. give it time, it's a work in progress.
  9. dogs will be along, but no animals will be zombified in the game. period.
  10. Family Guy, South Park and once a month i go on a Happy Tree Friends marathon. do you think Footmuffin spends too much time in this subsection of the forum (forum games and activities)?
  11. sometimes it helps to read the previous posts. this mod seems to outdated.
  12. rarity of parts, ok. but as we have a construction worker as one of the traits, it would not be uncommon for a construction worker to know how to work with materials like aluminum siding. most of my friends do or have done siding, soffit and facia/crown moulding work. get hold of one of the big rolls of aluminum coil they use to wrap garage doors, pillars and to place under eaves (soffit) and you could make a couple dozen arm and shin guards, out of aluminum which is obviously fairly light and easy to work with. weight would really not be an issue, an entire roll of aluminum coil, at 24 inches wide and 150 feet long is 76 pounds (the biggest roll they have) http://www.alscometals.com/products/coil2.php just a matter fine tuning it really.
  13. syfy

    Pillow Fort

    boy would i like to be in a server and watch a player run down the road, zombie chasing him, while he's dragging a mattress back to home base. could be an interesting sight.
  14. ah, but see that's when we do the things we need to do.....drinks, bathroom, so on and so on. just make sure to have at least one person in game to guard the bodies
  15. reminds me of Sir Twiggy and his Polite Canadian Invasion
  16. Would you make it longer or shorter? i would set it for 4 or 5 hour days, just as i do in sandbox. frees me up to do a bit more looting/scouting before i head home.
  17. right you are, Elliohow. they are different games. and leaving some of the more trollish/griefer stuff in the other game sounds like a good idea. we already have plenty of the spawn spot serial killers, lets not give them another way to get their jollies.
  18. gotta admit, i would like to see the option when setting up a server to adjust the length your days are. just as it is when you start a sandbox game.
  19. equip the sledgehammer in your primary slot, walk to a section of the door or wall, and right click. the option to destroy wall, destroy furniture or destroy industry should come up. if not move around and keep trying.
  20. must agree. we have enough games with such behavior. no need to turn PZ into a clone of them. sharing loot is already easy enough, just find a shelf or crate and place or take the objects. if in the wild, just drop it on the ground.
  21. never thought i would write a post like that, but it's really odd how often my characters get scratched down there. kinda think some of the zombies may have been street walkers before they converted to Zombieism
  22. you guys are forgetting an area of the body that the zombies seem to like, the groin. if any type of armor was to be considered, some type of groin protection must be considered.
  23. syfy

    Large Asylum Complex

    so wait, being Danish gets him in for free? my mom was born in Danmark, still have lots of family there. what kind of deal do i get being half Danish?
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