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Everything posted by silents429

  1. Okay well someone already stated how powerful the human jaw bite is. And whether or not a zombie disregards having a jaw doesn't mean they suddenly have a stronger jaw. If anything they are rotting corpses and biting down so hard could just damage the jaw further. As for armor we shouldn't push it but giving a little something for PVP isn't breaking anything and finding some vests in a police station isn't out of the ordinary.
  2. Have you tried to get a shirt ripped to make and improvised bandage in real life? I have and you would be quite surprised on how easy is to make rips of cloth. That only change with the type of fabric you are trying to tear. The problem is not if we can make rips of cloth or not to create bandages, but the fact that theres not difference between the several types of fabric that exist. Some like the ones used to make sweaters are not suitable to make bandages for example. I can't say I have gone and ripped my shirt up. My Mother would probably be pissed. But I do actually question if shirts themselves are suitable as bandages or a way to keep pressure on a wound. I don't see easy to rip shirts as very absorbing.
  3. Along with this I feel like the way vision works now should be changed. It feels really awkward and unpolished then it currently is.
  4. I beg to differ. http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/394-swords-shields-blacksmithing/page-6?hl=%2Bblacksmith#entry155830 http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/7402-smithingmetallurgy-shields-campfires/page-3?hl=%2Bblacksmith#entry98084 http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/6779-metalworking-craftablecastable-axes-and-such/?hl=%2Bblacksmith#entry88691 I am though in support for further crafting type of things.
  5. We have 2 bike threads (Many more) http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/13010-bicycles/?hl=%2Bbikes#entry164584 http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/9443-bycicles/?hl=%2Bbikes#entry121068 And here is 4 carts. (Still many more) http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/12504-shopping-cart-wheel-barrow/?hl=%2Bcart http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/10922-such-shopping-cart-much-usefull/?hl=%2Bcart#entry140606 http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/10053-couple-of-suggestions-carts-trading-etc/?hl=%2Bcart http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/8471-carts-and-ladders/?hl=%2Bcart Do remember you ARE allowed to bump one of these threads if you have something to add. But don't make a new topic about the same thing.
  6. Don't particularily disagree but a Cat claw and human teeth don't relate at all.
  7. Eh. Realistically a sweat shirt would be more then enough to block bites and scratches alright? Human teeth are flat and our jaws don't have the ability to rip cloth. Fingers nails being fugly or not from whatever aren't going to rip it either. For the case of ripping our clothes I never quite understood why we could do that without a knife. Even if the clothes were that weak we couldn't actually rip them into usable bandages of 8 lengths in the first place. So. No armor, I think Kevlar should be added since I believe police stations have those and it would be useful against players/NPCs but we don't need it doing jack against zombies.
  8. I think this is an uneeded feature. Doesn't really add that much. Plus I am 17, would bother the hell out of me if my character was older.
  9. Well post anyway then.
  10. All the more reason we don't add this feature unless guns last longer.
  11. I suppose it would be nice to carry my hobby over to the video game world.
  12. Anyway like mentioned we are gonna be able to sit, lay down, jump around and yada yada when we get the animations in future updates.
  13. From my understanding you want the game to allow you to have a form of infinite resources, a way of conservation beyond what we have currently. So with that I will go top to bottom with your post, Firstly. I am going to attempt to discredit your survival experience, I honestly think Minecrafts version of "survival" is utterly crap. No real survival aspect, yeah it has needs, well a need. But that 1 need is so easy to fulfill, and you have regenerating health, Mobs aren't difficult to fight, resources are abundant etc etc. So pardon me if I don't think Minecraft would count as survival experience :/ Now for your ideas, I do think the game needs ways of de-construction, which I have no doubt will come in time, but. We have people currently with saves that span over a year in game who haven't had issues with supplies yet, and with the fact the map is only going to get bigger from here on, well we really don't have a problem you were describing. Yes you might some how manage to scour the entire map and use every single nail, but I have no idea what you managed to waste it on. Anyway this game is about the end, and not going on forever, and I think that aspect is lost when we give ways of getting constant resources, NPC's shouldn't sell supplies that they get from nothing, Airdrops or regenerating loot or whatever shouldn't exist etc.
  14. How many shots can we get away with now before a gun breaks? Because if we are unfortunetly going soley for realism this would be a bonkers idea if guns break too easily, but if they have a reasonably high durability then this would make sense.
  15. They should add the GA-KO from Metal Gear Solid as an easter egg Make it super rare but a reusable distraction device.
  16. The normal controls for controllers on the PS4 controller feel fine so I don't think anything about bindings needs to be changed. Just seeing a glaring X and A etc throws you off and feels out of place. I mean simply letting us change the bindings if we want would be nice, can't use all the buttons on my mouse atm with the game either. I don't pretend to understand copyright but I don't think any copyright issues would arise from this http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/61181/can-i-use-playstation-controller-button-icons-in-my-game To quote a comment
  17. As of the moment, the game currently supports controllers, and when you plug in the controller and enable it in the game unfortunetly the icons all change to the typical Xbox layout. Which really isn't shocking of course, since it IS normally Xbox controllers people use for gamepads. However. A large and growing group of people are now using playstation controllers as gamepads, and even older games allow the use of these controllers, even some popular games like the Borderlands series have an Ini option to turn the PS3 icons and interface on. Games like Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim have mods to give the internet the PS3 style. So would the ability to have the option to check off a box to enable Ps3 icons be difficult? For the nice authentic experience with my precious Dual Shock 4
  18. Um. The ping on this server is massive, and it constantly has to load the map in a small area around my character, it was horribly unplayable.
  19. I wasn't in support of the suggestion but I found this comment downright rude. The creator of the thread was not being distasteful or even silly, yet you felt the need to respond like this? I bet you respond to suggestions like this a lot. And I find your response adds nothing to this discussion. Is what I said inaccurate? If I recall he wants this feature, that serves no point, and he wants them to give it a point. Whether you find it "downright rude" matters not to me. Please try to stay on topic.
  20. Pretty sure you can tell the difference between dieing and your arm hurting. While you should be anxious whenever your injured in general, considering you'd be paranoid it won't heal, or it will cause problems for you in a dire situation etc. Your initial reasoning isn't very sound >_>
  21. Like 3 years ago in Spring, I got downgraded to a joke of a laptop, and had to put Linux Mint on it, I found out about Desura and saw PZ was on the front page and saw the demo, I played that demo for hours.. Anyway found out 1.5d was out, got it through unofficial channels from the pits of hell and played that to death, tried 2.0r or whatever it was and it was too buggy for me. Weirdly enough that old laptop can't even hope to run PZ anymore since my current one barely does. I do strangely miss those Alien zombies and the old map though..
  22. Yes but who has the knowledge to keep it running single handedly? Not us.
  23. Why? So we can remove as much tension from the game as possible? A lot of ideas that people claim make sense don't seem to understand that adding an item for every situation stops making those situations tense. If you are dumb enough to go into a walled off alley, you best hope you have a fence to climb, a door or window to break, or hope you can fight off the horde following you. This here is tense, this is what the game is suppose to be like, if he had a friggin item like this then it would completely undo this tension. "Oh wrong turn? A mistake I should have a consequence for? No problem, I will just grapple to the building and climb out." One can argue if you want the tension not to build an item, lets be real. In any game if the option is their we will take it, whether we want to or not, deep down we will have that regret inside but can't help it. SO I disapprove of the idea, as he said sheetrope is in the game and that is more then enough.
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