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Everything posted by Dr_Cox1911

  1. Test it like this: Mods=BedfordFallsThat´s the mod-id from the zip provided by EasyPickins.
  2. I think we should move the river-discussion to suggestion or general, I don´t want to see this thread locked again
  3. Hm, Viceroy has a point here. Maybe a "give"-window would be better instead of a actual trade window. So you right-click a player and select give, than a window pops up where you see all your current items. You can then select multiple items and click a button to start the transfer. The time will be the same as when putting the items in a container. Should we swap the discussion to the suggestion forum to keep this thread clean?
  4. A trade-window would be nice for the non-RP servers.Definately a nice addition, although I prefer the "normal" trade with dropping the item, it adds a nice tension to the trade.
  5. Don´t know if this is the best place for this thread, if not then please move it (maybe to PZ Multiplayer). As a server-admin I have a few gripes with the current logs. I don´t know how performance-taking it would be but a more detailled logging would be awesome. Some things I would like to see: notes written + user who wrote itspawnposition when joining (to prevent multi-saves per user)starting fire + positionThat´s all I can think of right now.
  6. This looks like a really damn nice mod! I can understand the concerns from sfy and Fryhizzle and I´m somewhat in the some boat as them. So I´ve got an idea for your mod. The firearms will be great additions when Fort Knox hits, until then I think they are a little too much, so you guys could make the mod modular. Let us somehow choose what content we want to activate and I think everybody will be happy!
  7. Check the changelog for the coming update, because RJ currently works on this.
  8. Delete the "map_meta.bin"-file located in "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Zomboid\Multiplayer\servertest" and start the server again.
  9. Could we not have both systems? So the corpses would decay over a very long timeframe, but to get rid of them quickly you have to burn them. I think after a couple of months the corpse should decay.
  10. About the loot-respawn: Will it delete everything within the unloaded cell, so custom build containers too? Really curious about the 3D-sounds
  11. That´s because you have done it wrong. You need to setup Bedford Falls as a mod, not as stated in the Bedford Falls thread. Did you read the first post here in this thread? It pretty much summed up what you have to do. So download the zip from the first post here, than put the Bedford Falls files in there, create your spawnpoints, adjust your server-config and you should be good to go. All the clients need to have the mod than to connect.
  12. 5GB for 32 players? I have a totally different experience. For me, the server event hits the 12GB mark with only 10 people on. I have to admit though, that I spawned many Zeds around the map when it hit this value. The strange thing is, that I limited the server to 6GB and it could still eat up the whole RAM (I have 16GB in my root, but ~4GB are reserved by other programms). Even a pretty fresh server eats up my RAM pretty fast (no Zed-spawning involved here). Is there something wrong on my end? Should I completely delete everything and start from scratch? Would like to hear from other server-admins. My Server: i5-345016GB RAM1TB HDD1GBit connectionUbuntu 12.04 64bit
  13. @lean: read the first post. It requires build 27.
  14. Then maybe write the usernames in a file and read the file with TS3? Just brainstorming and throwing ideas out there.
  15. Any chance to link this to Teamspeak? I don´t know if you can do anything with it, but TS3 has a LUA-interface to hook into it. So if the players in a TS3-channel are named exactly as ingame you could maybe mute them when out of range/different frequency/... Just an idea, maybe it could work like this.
  16. Would be pretty easy: if there is more than 50% weapons on the shelt than weapon filler. What if it's 50-50? What if you would like to have more item categories than just "weapons" and "food" and there's a mix of all of them on the shelf? The current system tells you "there's something there". If you start showing specifics, you will either have to produce a lot of graphics assets to cover all bases, or end up in a situation where the fillers supposedly match the content, but in reality they don't. I'm not trying to say the current filler system is perfect, I'm trying to point out why it isn't quite as "pretty easy" as you make it sound. If it´s 50-50 then random pick the filler. If more categories are stored then the filler is the one with the most percentage, if some have the same percentage then randomly pick one.
  17. Would be pretty easy: if there is more than 50% weapons on the shelt than weapon filler.
  18. Wir haben soeben unseren Server #1 neugestartet! Desweiteren planen wir eine Art Woodbury, d.h. eine große, gemeinsame Siedlung inmitten von West Point. Mehr Infos dazu gibt es für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitspieler hier.
  19. Dr_Cox1911


    I guess he lost his pride, yea i have yet to play this map.Wont work for me game hangs at black screen after intro. Shame though, would love to set up at one of the prisons How did you install the map? It works fine for me, even in MP. I PM´ed Pridelost a couple of weeks back, no answer yet
  20. As far as I understood the whole NPC-thing from TIS your idea is pretty much exactly how TIS is planning it. I don´t think that we will get a real meter on how much they like you and I´m completely against this meter-thingy. The loss/gain in "trust" should be shown through npc-actions/talk and not just a bar filling up.
  21. Not really that bizarre. You could have looked it up here, had the same problem at first.
  22. It´s no command, you just have to use "admin" as the username and the password you have set before you log in to the server (right at the "Join server"-dialog).
  23. There is this floating box with "<no name> Forest" in the zoning-pic. Does that mean a zone can be named and then addressed directly with this name? @Spensume: No ETAs! And don´t ask about them, the build is ready when it´s ready.
  24. Thanks lemmy! Added this change myself now and it works! Now get some rest after this stressful sunday
  25. Yep, restarted the whole machine (both root-server and my Windows home-machine). Just reinstalled steamcmd on the root, still no change
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