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Everything posted by nickodemos

  1. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Hate to admit it but it has scared the s**t out of me on more than a few occasions when wearing headphones. It is a damn nice scream but it can be a bit much.
  2. Can not open Canned Cheese Sauce.
  3. At this point it is hard for me to remember playing vanilla. Will post it to Hydrocraft then.
  4. Can not open Canned Cheese Sauce.
  5. I have to agree that cooking is about the most boring thing to do in PZ. I don't mind grinding, otherwise I would not be playing this game, but cooking is the worst after you 100th+ play through. It would be nice if making the choice of a fruit or vegie salad that you could click on random and it just grabs what is needed. In the long run it really matters little on what you add. Some are better some worse but 99% don't care about that little extra that could be had.
  6. It just may be a glitch that might reset with a full reinstall. As it is every so often I get a zombie that I hit and it ends up in a forever falling position and it will not die. I can beat on it forever and rack up points but it will not die. This happens very rarely but I just had it happen last night. In your case maybe an alert got locked in place even after you killed the zed. It's not a matter of you reproducing something as for some reason the game keeps thinking there is a functioning zed within range. As to the invisible zeds think of it as your awesome strength and power annihilated it.
  7. I was like "What are you talking about it is on the front page." Your right, there is no other way to download.
  8. Zombie disappearing no. But with the invisible one odds are it is a zombie out of range but is looking at you so it sets off the zoink alarm.
  9. Then why repair it at all if the final result is a smaller space? Should work that you get a larger space based on your mechanics skill. And the lower you are the less overall space you can have.
  10. Not sure how they do something like this but it would be nice if they added a variable in the system on how things are done with all traits but it would be in the background and we would not know it. IE a random number gen for each trait. Say from 0-75. If you pick the trait you have 25-100. With bravery. So say if you do not pick bravery you could panic very quickly and be nervous most times if you have a low number. Maybe you get lucky and roll a 75 and in most situations you are pretty calm. If you take the Brave trait you get a 25 point bonus. At one point I asked about this and staff stated that you are supposed to become slowly desensitized to the whole thing. Less panic the longer you play/more you kill. Not sure if this is true or not as I tend to not last more than a couple months at most. Some how there is a always a zombie that sprints up to me from a dark corner and has an instant kill bite.
  11. Have you tried bringing up the option settings? The key V and changing seats?
  12. I read above that you said that you only update for the public releases. NP I can imagine that trying to update each time the beta changes something would be a PITA. So my questions. I just installed on my work machine which is very low in power so I am using a pre-vehicle build to play. When it comes out of beta vehicle build will we still have an option to be able to use Hydrocraft since once you start updating it to the new release it will change many things that would not be backwards compatible. So going forward will there be an option to use Hydrocraft on the older release or will it just be broken for the older builds. If you make separate Hydrocraft builds would you be wiling to do many of the update/bug fixes on the pre-vehicle build as well.
  13. Sux most for me is when they are behind a door and can get me and I have no idea they are there. Here is what your kinda looking for so take a version you like. Steam Workshop :: No More Hidden Zombies (x2) Steam Workshop :: No More Hidden Zombies (x3) Steam Workshop :: No More Hidden Zombies (x4)
  14. Trees growing in less than a year on pavement? Heck there are known towns that are still standing that were abandoned all through the world and no trees busting up through the streets. Even after 20-50 years. Leave the trees out of it and I can be cool with grass and bushes being grown that maybe I can remove say if I was wanting a clean looking safe house area.
  15. That I do agree with. They probably would be better at figuring that one out.
  16. This would be an interesting idea. It is basically death but kept at bay so inattention is not a good idea. It would have to spawn on zombies as well but as a super rare chance. But it might work out better if you gave out points on the severity of the condition. In the times it is not take you steadily get weaker (loose a point in strength and fitness) and start having vision issues along with nausea. 4 points for a mild condition where you take 1 pill a day. Dead in 4 days if not taken. 6 points for a worse condition where you take 2 pills a day. Dead in 3 days if not taken. 8 ................................................................... 3 pills a day. Dead in two days if not taken. 10 ................................................................. 4 pills a day. Dead in one day if not taken. You get more points for the more severe the issue yet you pay for it by constantly having to find a supply. The only thing I would say is that there should be some big scores in houses as many people get 90-180 day supplies in the 90's.
  17. Since so much has changed over the years and mods become outdated since the coders are updating and changing things all the time to fix and improve the game you think maybe that an API type for modders might be created and you can update the API without changing how mods hook in? As a layman would this simplify things for both sides? Or do the mods try to overwrite the vanilla with their calls and this is where the errors tend to come in? So far was not able to reproduce the death from overweight.
  18. It would be nice that once a car is below a certain damaged threshold you should be able to take a torch to it and remove it from the world.
  19. I will see if I can reproduce it as I am certain it has happened to me where I was overloaded and my health just kept dropping. Freaked me out so I searched the forum and found the answer about weight damage.
  20. Simplest solution is not to log out with Extremely Heavy Load. I am not saying this to be an ass. Just if you happen to know this is an issue then why not stop doing it. I have never played on a MP server so I can only imagine why this is happening. In sandbox mode if you carry to much for to long you strain your back critically and you must drop all the weight. Only way to fix this is to get someplace safe and sleep it off. Sounds like you log off and time passes on server so when you log back in it drops all that critical damage on you. Have you tried dropping everything and get some sleep?
  21. Thanks for pointing that out. Something I should have already thought of as I have been playing for a long enough time to know that the cut off by the game is firm.
  22. So does this allow you to grow things in winter?
  23. Just stood next to it with a propane torch and welding mask. I have many mods in so not sure if vanilla or not but you might need a magazine or be a certain level.
  24. Working on dismantling cars and found that if an empty torch is first it wont allow you to work. You have to move it to a bag or drop it to start.
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