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Everything posted by ethanwdp

  1. How will they stream from a console if said console is too weak to run the game itself? For example, how can I stream GTA V to my phone from my console if the console can't run the game?
  2. Crossgaming? Google came up empty, so I don't know how to respond here. Smart TV's being as powerful as a console claim doesn't seem to hold much ground after some Google-usage. I could be wrong, but I haven't seen anything that even remotely matches the power of the PS4. If I'm wrong, which I probably am, please correct me. Not sure what you mean by there will be no need for extra devices since everything will "build in." Exclusives are the reason why people buy multiple consoles. When I wanted to buy a new console, I chose the PS4 because I liked the exclusives more than the ones on the Xbox One. I have a gaming PC for most games, and a PS4 for comfortable casual gaming. It's like buying a truck for hauling things and a sedan for comfort. If there was a practical sedan-truck I'd buy it, but there isn't one right now or if there is it's either absurdly expensive or I'm unaware of it.
  3. Consoles are a dying market? That's news to me.
  4. I can understand them adding console SUPPORT, as in controllers and optimizations. But releasing it on consoles when the game is barely even finished? That's just... Why? Seeing as they're rushing it out to consoles and already selling out third-party skins for money, I'm very concerned as to the future of the game's development. The same thing happened to the Escapist, it was rushed out of early access, rushed onto consoles and then made a terrible spin-off based on a third-party property. Oddly enough, the Escapist spin-off was Escapists: The Walking Dead. Not even kidding.
  5. I'm unsure if this is a new bug with the game, or if something related to mouse coordinates were changed in the game (and thus breaking my mod), but ever since Build 34 the mouse coordinates returned from getMouseYScaled() and getMouseXScaled() are off. CheatCoreCM.DoFireNow = function() if CheatCoreCM.FireBrushEnabled == true then local mx = getMouseXScaled(); local my = getMouseYScaled(); local player = getPlayer(); local wz = math.floor(player:getZ()); local wx, wy = ISCoordConversion.ToWorld(mx, my, wz); wx = math.floor(wx); wy = math.floor(wy); local cell = getWorld():getCell(); local GridToBurn = cell:getGridSquare(wx, wy, wz) GridToBurn:StartFire(); end end I hook a function to OnMouseDown. The function runs a simple variable check, gets the mouse coordinates with getMouseYScaled() and getMouseXScaled() , and assigns two variables with the results returned from ISCoordConversion.ToWorld(). It then gets the cell, and gets the grid square with said coordinates, and lights it the hell up. It's simple, and it worked for ages. However, it stopped working correctly on B34. It now creates a fire several tiles away. It's like playing Russian roulette, but you're god and you just accidentally lit Smokey the Bear on fire. I am running this on a school laptop running on 32bit. The resolution is 1366x760. Changing the in-game resolution does not affect where the fire lands at all. This happens on fullscreen, fullscreen borderless, and windowed. This issue stretches to all of the mouse-related square-editing functions I use in Cheat Menu. At first I thought it was just this laptop, but a user of my Cheat Menu mod reported the same issue - all mouse-related functions are editing a square a dozen or so tiles from the target. We both tried turning off all map mods, all mods other than Cheat Menu, and making a new save. None of these worked. I'm posting this in Help first since I'm not certain this is a bug with B34. My question is this: what went wrong and how can I fix it?
  6. Well, it's definitely following the flat colors trend. I like it more than the old one, but it's a little too flat for my tastes. It feels a bit squished like a phone app, would be nice if it stretched across the screen. Still have no clue what the "Dribbble" button does, though.
  7. The radio XML file really does hold all of the radio and tv dialogue - it's over 9,000 lines long. As far as I know, BatSphinx asked the team to encrypt the radio XML file as he put in over 6 months of work and he didn't want some guy to open it up in notepad and spoil everything. It's relatively simple to decrypt, but that is against the EULA and TIS wouldn't look kindly on it. I recommend just waiting for TIS to release wordzed, there's no real way to do it right now without breaking a few rules.
  8. Wish granted. You only get a single fish back, and he has a new blond hairdue. He talks non-stop about how he wants to deport all anchovies, and to build a great, great wall around the Pacific Ocean to keep out sardines. He eventually becomes President of the United Seas and starts an anchovy massacre. Futurama partially predicted the future! I wish I had 4 arms.
  9. this does not work for me... Did you install manually or via Steam?
  10. Granted. Every person you know is replaced by Bernie Sanders. You wake up and your significant other is now a wrinkly, old man who won't stop talking to you about trickle-down economics. You enter a Starbucks, the smell of $1000 perfume ripe in the air, with a loud atmosphere of normal people talking. You sigh in relief, only to turn around and see that your barista is now Bernie Sanders. He gives you a "#feelTheBern" mug with extra-extra-extra-extra-extra-steeped tea and hands you a "Vote for Bernie 2016" pamphlet. The Bernening has started. You look over your shoulder and you see a group of Bernies viciously tackling and turning survivors. The sound of police sirens fills the air and floods the store with pulsating red and blue. Not sure whether to be relieved or afraid, you avidly watch the police cruiser. After a tense ten seconds, a Bernie Sanders opens the door and steps out. The customers of the restaurant you are in turn to look at you with hunger in their eyes - they have all felt the Bern. You yell in disbelief and fright before bolting off in the other direction, only to find that the doors have been sealed shut with "#SandersForPresident2016" stickers. Suddenly, the horde starts dissipating in two opposite directions as a holy light permeates through the room. It's Bernie Sanders. He bellows in a deep, deep voice; "Embrace the light." Your vision fades to black. You have felt the Bern. (Sorry, got a bit carried off there) I wish that Windows 10 isn't a trap.
  11. They are already in the game and called 'Banana'. No, seriously, where are you surfing? I used to see them all the time on servers, normally a hacker would go in and change the names. "Banana" would become "Yellow dildo," oranges would become "Ghetto Buttplug," etc.
  12. I'm impressed. From a little iOS and Android game to a game on the Wii U, Ouya, and PC, I'm looking forwards to what is next in the future.
  13. I've noticed that fire bug too, I'll work on it soon. And yes, correct, all people will need the mod to join. HOWEVER, it will not show up for non-admins, so it won't be abused by random cheaters. I'd recommend http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/8149-server-admin-toolsv2/ instead for your server, since Cheat Menu is intended for singleplayer use.
  14. Granted. They were so complex that nobody could understand it and scholars tried to figure it out for thousands of years before it was lost to the sands of time. I wish that I had a supercomputer.
  15. It is, the game does that already with traits like Athletic/Obese and Strong xpUpdate.levelPerk = function(owner, perk, level, addBuffer) -- first Strength skill, grant you some traits that gonna help you to carry more stuff, hitting harder, etc. if perk == Perks.Strength then -- we start to remove all previous Strength related traits owner:getTraits():remove("Weak"); owner:getTraits():remove("Feeble"); owner:getTraits():remove("Stout"); owner:getTraits():remove("Strong"); -- now we add trait depending on your current lvl if level >= 0 and level <= 1 then owner:getTraits():add("Weak"); elseif level >= 2 and level <= 4 then owner:getTraits():add("Feeble"); elseif level >= 6 and level <= 8 then owner:getTraits():add("Stout"); elseif level >= 9 then owner:getTraits():add("Strong"); end end -- then Fitness skill, grant you some traits that gonna help you to run faster, recovery faster, etc.. if perk == Perks.Fitness then -- we start to remove all previous Fitness related traits owner:getTraits():remove("Obese"); owner:getTraits():remove("Overweight"); owner:getTraits():remove("Fit"); owner:getTraits():remove("Athletic"); -- now we add trait depending on your current lvl if level >= 0 and level <= 1 then owner:getTraits():add("Obese"); elseif level >= 2 and level <= 4 then owner:getTraits():add("Overweight"); elseif level >= 6 and level <= 8 then owner:getTraits():add("Fit"); elseif level >= 9 then owner:getTraits():add("Athletic"); end end -- we reset the xp multiplier for this perk-- owner:getXp():getMultiplierMap():remove(perk); -- we add a "buffer" xp, so if you just get your lvl but you're still losing xp (if you've been lazy for a moment), you won't lose your lvl at the next tick if addBuffer then-- owner:getXp():AddXP(perk, 5, false); endendAh, didn't see that one. Nice find! ...Time to immediately abuse this with Cheat Menu
  16. Instead of having a modified vanilla file that will conflict if the game ever updates it, why not just add a book item? I'd imagine that the game has an event that fires once a book is read - if a book has been read and the book name is (for example) "Illiterate_To_Slowreader" and the player has the Illiterate trait, then it calls a function that removes the illiterate trait and adds the Slowreader trait. I'm not sure if it's possible to remove traits, I'll look into it.
  17. Hi mr Ethan i actually used your cheat Menu mod but this mod was for tweaking base game to make playing this game more enjoyable (personal preference) i was reducing all ammo weight to 0 and also all seed packets too. I also to plan to modify the item chance of condition drop for certain items like shotgun, shovel, axe, hand gun, rifles to really high level so that i wont need to find new ones (all metal based item basically are almost indestructible). Planks and baseball bats still fragile tho. I am also modding some of the delta of items to be a lot more. But i do not want to overwrite the stuff, instead i just want to set the value weight (or any other value that i want to change) and keep all other perimeters unchanged. Hmm... AFAIK the game reloads item values on load, so I don't think that the code section would work. I'll do some more testing alongside developing Cheat Menu V2.3. in this example the modification of weight applies to items that i carry. i was thinking along the line of: Loop all items from module base if the said item category = Ammo then set weight to 0 if not then continue loop till end. something like that (sorry my programming level is very low Lol ) btw thx mr Ethan for taking the time to give a solution. That could definitely work, but the problem is that if you drop a weight modified item on the ground the mod can't detect it and reset the weight. If you don't mind the drawback, I'll scribble something up for you once I'm out of school.
  18. Sorry for the very late reply, I just seen this thread. Coincidentally I have experience with setting things on fire via my work on Cheat Menu, so I might be able to scribble something out quickly... local function startFire() local player = getPlayer(); player():getSquare():StartFire();end
  19. Well, in the games storyline , so this could be a possibility.
  20. Mind posting the code when you are able to?
  21. I'm very glad I most likely don't have bipolar disorder, but it's still a slight possibility. Misophonia is apparently very hard to treat. I've tried every coping measure I could find, but none work. Some sounds trigger the anger and fight/flight reactions when being processed, and there's no way around it. I have $120 headphones with noise cancelling capability and they still barely help. I haven't been investigated for Asperger's before but I'll definitely ask. I've taken a self test and scored 19, but it's (again) just an automatic suggestion generator and is still worth investigating for me. I'm not sure of my care plan, the group home agency I'm in handles all of that stuff.
  22. I take self diagnosis with a grain of salt, and I wait until they're confirmed. I have confirmed extreme anxiety, depression, and misophonia already, so I'm waiting until I can see my psychiatrist again to confirm if I have bipolar or no. The test I took online boasts an 80% accuracy rating - I'm hoping I'm one of the 20%. I hate taking medication. I only accept my doctors advice if I'm absolutely sure it'll do more good than bad. As for drugs and alcohol, I'm a little young for that, so that's not an issue regardless. The only marketable skills I have for me right now is my interest in computers. Whether it be building them, programming for them, or fixing them, it interests me. Starting up a company is extremely difficult and I'd rather wait further down the line until I get more experience. Working from home in a development or software/hardware engineer job wouldn't really be possible for me, but a small computer repair service would work for me.
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