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Fuzzy Wolfy

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Posts posted by Fuzzy Wolfy

  1. I don't believe tents protect you from rain... At least, that's how it was back in 31, and I've yet to test it out again.


    I would love to see an additional tent-like kit made of tarps, like a makeshift roofing that can easily be put up and brought down which would otherwise protect you - and anything under it - from rain.



  2. As usual, just because something doesn't currently work as intended or needs some attention doesn't mean it must then be removed.

    Thanks for the suggestion, Legion.


    Removed? No! Not at all! I don't think anyone wants Skill Points or Skills in general to be removed.


    I think what he suggested was for their value and use to be altered in a minor way, so as to make achieving them more challenging.

  3. There's already a mod out there that implements graffiti for both walls and floors, with a variety of pre-made signs and symbols like directional arrows and such.


    With that in mind, I'd love to see this be implemented into the game itself, I think it has a lot of potential and can make the game a lot more immersive - even in Singleplayer.

  4. I'm sure its been said before but they should just get rid of them and have it automatically level up when you get enough points :)

    It would also feel more natural that way.


    I completely agree with you. As much fun as it might be, I don't enjoy the idea of being able to level up my cooking skill after beating a zombie's head in.


    On that note, Carpentry is highly, and I mean highly overpowered in terms of giving skill points. Sawing logs into planks is an insanely easy and ungodly fast way of gaining XP, and with how many trees there are out there, you'll hardly ever run out.


    My own character is a Carpenter, and I swear that most of my Skills and points have come from doing just that.

  5. While I don't want to judge your play style, I will say this based off of a lot of threads I've seen in the past;


    Combat is not forced onto you. In fact, it's discouraged. Survival is often granted to people who avoid conflict - which, granted, isn't always an option, but I've seen a lot of players whine about not being able to confront a hoard on their own.


    That aside, melee combat with zombies can be very risky, and I don't think that impending threat should be taken away.

  6. The reason for such is because panic from zombies is additive, I think. Meanwhile, panic induced by phobias continuously pile up, meaning that taking beta-blockers is essentially dwarfed by how much panic is building.


    If this is true - and I'm not saying it is, then I believe beta-blockers should be reworked to prevent the build up of panic. But I'd also love to see a side effect, or something to prevent people from just  popping 16 tablets and being completely fine.

  7. Most traits are all-encompassing, I believe. They're meant to be very broad and provide simple changes to the way the game would be played. Claustrophobia can range from being deathly afraid of small spaces like being inside a coffin, to generally not enjoying being indoors. That in mind, I don't think it'd be a good idea to divide and specify how badly the trait affects you.

  8. This may sound like a lot of really useless things to add to the current build, but I actually love it.


    So far, the clothing and temperature system is pretty... Basic. Not bad, but boring.


    I would love to see a variety of clothing with actual uses being brought in, it would make packing spare clothes useful under certain circumstances. I already do that, but it's just for the sake of my own immersion, and it often times just ends up with me tearing them into bandages or crafting them into ropes.


    On a slightly different note... Maybe update the way towels dry off.

  9. The only problems I've heard of stems from when people suggested that age affect your character in any significant way, like say, death.


    There was a thread about this topic suggesting that the player should eventually die of old age, if they survive for long enough, and I honestly think that's a terrible idea. To a lesser extent, I also think that age shouldn't really offer any changes... There are too many variables and potential balancing issues to keep in mind.


    If the devs do want to add in an 'age' customization factor, I've got no problem with it, but it's when I'm forced to accept certain traits due to it that it becomes a problem to me.

  10. I'm glad you guys like it, I plan on adding to the list very soon.


    If you guys have any ideas, detailed or not, I'd love to hear them - and I'm sure the Devs would enjoy it, as well. I'll even create/add whatever moodles fit best for them. (For fun, the Devs get final say in everything, of course)



    On a scale from no to yes.


    yes. All of my yes.

    Especially the diet one, it could also add/subtrack for experience regarding fitness/strength (Which is in, I hear)


    I'm a big fan of long-term goals and effects like that, it gives me something to be wary of even when zombies are not an immediate threat... Especially during the end-game where sickness and weather become your one and only danger.



    Jesus Christ how i never seen this list before.


    I would literally pay money to see the diet stuff get in, making me have to cook food instead of eating 1/4 of cheese the first week and then 1/4 of chips for the rest of the game.


    This is the best suggestion post i seen, great stuff


    Thanks, that means a lot to hear. If you've got ideas for other diet / food related stuff, pitch it in!

  11. I'm almost tempted to suggest that if a profession/hobby is made for bee keeping, that only they could build an artificial bee hive. Those without it would need to depend on real hives and naturally occuring spawns. It'd certainly give the 'bee keepers' a lot of long term value, just like how 'engineers' might better produce generators.

    As for noise, I dont think animals would really bother zombies that much. A single hive does not create that much sound unless opened up, I know this from experience... However, having a literal bee farm with a dozen hives can produce some seriously annoying buzzing when in close proximity. That being said, I don't think they'd attract zombies from the next cell over, but those who wander by it might reasonably be attracted to it and try to destroy it.

    Don't even get me started on it possibly attracting Bears.

  12. Doors outlast them be sheer hitpoint value and due to it cutting off vision. If a zombie cant see or hear you, they slowly lose interest and eventually stop.

    Windows are weaker and provide vision, meaning they're memory is constantly being refreshed if you are within their sights -and- they outlast the window's health by default.

  13. Most arrow heads meant for hunting are designed to make a decent sized puncture wound and cause the animal to bleed to death. Most, not all.

    I'm not sure if bleeding to death is something Zomboid Zeds care about, but it'd be a safe bet that they don't and so I think I agree with the idea of bolts being used for animals instead.

  14. Problem is we don't have combat or military grade rifles. We have run of the mill varmint rifles and .308 which is a common hunting rifle. There are other genres with a railed body but that isn't whats in the game.

    Edit: -and let's be honest, the varmint rifle is akin to an adult's version of a BB gun.

  15. I've mentioned in the past that I personally preferred the idea of a person becoming accustomed to the everyday dangers of the apocalypse through time instead of their kill count. It's a matter of perspective, so my opinion is not really factual in any way, but I think it's a lot more sensical that someone's 'bravery' increases as they're more prominently exposed to their fears.

    See; I've tried an extreme pacifist playthrough once or twice to see how I'd fare... Turns out, I did pretty good, though defending a base wasn't an option so I was largely nomadic. Point being, I could still see myself growing used to the zombie threat despite having no kills - especially after an in-game year of doing the Two-Step around zeds in the street.

    ... Then again, time would not be a perfect notion to base this off of either due to people possibly rushing to an isolated spot... Meh.

  16. Doors are the best way to lose them. I agree with that, but windows - sorry, I've had zeds break through my windows by CHANCE due to their weird wandering paths... Let alone if they see me. Windows stand no chance against one, let alone several zeds. Doors, however, I've rarely ever seen get broken down. They last far longer than the Zombies' memory, which I'm admit, is a bit disappointing.

    I've also had zombies follow me for ridiculous lengths... And I mean, I'm traveling across the city - partially running, partially not, but the area was cleared, and the bastards still manage to keep up until I literally need to juke them by looping them through some trees or through a house.

    I do agree that they should be more persistent, though. Not insanely good at tracking you down, but at the very least stubborn enough to reach your last known location.

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