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Everything posted by wsensor

  1. I tend to live off of cabbage if I am farming. Never can get other plants to grow right as I get bored and just go fishing lol. I can never get radishes to grow at all.
  2. Might want to lower the max experience bonus for certain skills. IE: Give a smaller bonus to some skills. Sprinting, Lightfooted, Nimble, Sneaking. Actually it would be better if you gave an experience bonus based on shoes for these stats maybe make custom shoes and just do a check for if equipped and add an experience bonus based on that? Because other than sneaking I don't really see how bonus experience could be gained by reading lol...
  3. Last night I went into the gunshop looted some stuff took it far away put it into a crate I had made ran back to get some stuff I could not carry and repeated several times and it just kept restocking. Today I watched as a hoard of zombies was almost insta respawning even though they had all just been killed by shotgun... Might want to check what the rates are for loot restocking and zombie restocking. As if you kill a hundred zombies and then 10 minutes later you kill another hundred and rinse and repeat over and over in the same area that seems bad. Might have to do a complete map reset after checking the settings.
  4. Anyone else having trouble getting baitfish from the fishing trap? Not sure if I am just unlucky or not but everytime I check/remove it I get no bait. Guess I was really unlucky as after setting up 4 fishing traps I finally got some bait fish.
  5. I wish that mods had more options. 1: UI only/Optional. (Can be used anywhere as it does not change anything in the base game. Just changes small things no actual major change.) 2: Admin Only. (Admin tools should only be needed to be loaded by admins after all.) 3: Normal Mod. (All users required to have this.)
  6. The best part of drainable items is that you can make a recipe use 1 lid or one use of a box. Allows for multiple sizes of boxes too. It would be cool if the boxes could be generated with a random number of uses left. IE: A box of 50 lids might have 1/3rd used. But its unlikely we would get that ability. (Sort of wish I could just leave my nails/ammo in boxes and have it drain nails/ammo based on use til the box was empty lol.)
  7. You should probably tell admins to stop toggling immortal and invis to run around the map. I was looking at the cmd prompt window and saw it going on tons of times as I play in windowed mode and you see those messages. Mentioned it in /all and the one doing it all claimed to be CLEANING things up... If they are cleaning things up does that mean they are stacking corpses for removal? Probably not just sounds like it was more of running to loot everything before others can get things... (IE: Guns/AMMO which was all looted in every spot where guns/ammo should have spawned at the police station at the time when I first logged in. while the zombies were not dead in muld police office but the ammo/guns were all gone! No corpses were there when I went in killing zombies to try and get a gun and some ammo just empty lockers...) So I am guessing cleaning things up is words for going from one end of the map to another...
  8. You will have to wait for the build28 update version.
  9. I somewhat hate how books are a one time use thing. I mean I might go back and reread a book that I have not read in awhile. Obviously it would require a script to make sure your not just rereading the same book each time. Would be nice to find some comic books.
  10. It could work both ways... You could make it so you could find some unused lids out of box and then also find a box of lids. It would not cause an extra recipe because a single lid is 1 time use and a package would just drain 1 use out of the package. You could also make different sized packages of lid boxes if you wanted. Just give them a different name based on # of lids in it. The problem with this is eventually you would run out of lids unless you found enough. Example: Dynamo Lids 12count, Canning Lids 20count, Trader Joes Canning Lids 50count. Stuff like that could work. Adding in single lids findable in random drawers/laundry rooms in houses and it could all work out. Garages could be places to find lids also. If they every add in basements to houses there is another option for loot spawning.
  11. For returning zombies it seems ok depending on zombie amount based on the server options. However in multiplayer no one even tries to clean up corpses by putting them into piles and burning them. So the increase of zombie corpses can get extremely bad in some cases. Also it seems to cause some lag in the long run as the corpses grow and the blood splatters grow.
  12. Went through about a week in game with 5 box traps and cabbage and caught nothing at all... Only one trap lost any bait but no other traps were touched.
  13. Thats because currently I bet a lot of people did not bother to update to the iwbums build...
  14. So far I can set zombies corpses on fire but I don't see any fire on the ground. (Do shaders need to be on to see flames? have not checked with them on yet...) Also the write on notebook feature. (This disabled the journals option right? But I also can no longer draw doodles on empty sheets of paper. This removed doodles too...) Currently the linebreaks in the journals are bugged in the multi line editor. I was hoping to be able to at wright single page notes on empty sheets of paper or the chance to rip a notebook into extra sheets to leave lists everywhere.. Ok so there seems to be problems with seeing the fire... Also My client sometimes freezes up think it has to do with invisible fires as I see in the log a message about "UNKNOWN FIRE" deleting popping up...
  15. I somewhat think the corkscrew could work as a weapon too.
  16. I like this idea. Take 3 logs and some rope and build a log container. Give it a weight reduction to logs/planks put inside and only allow those inside. This way we could store logs and planks for use later on. I sort of hate having to leave them on the ground especially when we can only leave them in stacks of 5...
  17. The question is the respawning in real time hours or in game hours? If it is in game hours 40 hours for zombie respawns might be ok maybe a bit less to make it harder. For loot respawn it depends really. As it works in if any player keeps visiting a specific area nothing will respawn til the timer is up but the timer will get reset each time someone enters the cell so there might never be any loot respawn in some areas haha. Might want to set max respawned items to a lower amount and lower the timer but first one has to see how it works. All in all it really depends on how many people are playing and looting on the server in the long run.
  18. Question I noticed you can right on notebooks but what about sheets of paper? I had a pen and pencil and tried to make a doodle and it would not let me. I found a deck of cards and its fun but I still can't find dice anywhere lol. First round in game I found 7 propane tanks no gas cans lol thought it was funny I found so many in just one hour of playing lol. Quit looking as I had decided to quit playing for now. (Already started a pile of zombie corpses to burn XD.)
  19. What settings did you end up using? (For zombie respawn/any loot respawning over time?)
  20. I had to delete the map folders and then verify integrity... I had installed dreadwood and bedford and it seemed to cause the issue for me as when removed it fixed them.
  21. Trying to log in again... Had no problem a few days ago then magically I get the lua error. Not always on every server either its like a random error for me lol. But once I get it on a server it will stay til I delete and reverify half the games files lol. I'm betting it was a map thing this time though lol.
  22. For the light sources I hope to eventually see oil lamps (the wicker spelling? ones that you can adjust I have some sitting in my home even though we never use them as they are somewhat old and more like antiques but we do have the fuel for them as we buy some every other year or so just in case of emergencies) and/or a way to place candles into candle holders.
  23. Could always try the Wooden dowel rods mod. If you hit level 4 and 5 carpentry you don't really need nails as much. What we need is a use for them screws...
  24. This would be a cool option for people who want some randomization for zombies. Just make it a toggle-able game mode option. When turned on Perhaps an extra panel for setting up trait chances for zombies. Give a low % chance for traits as you don't want all zombies being the same. Give each trait a different effect for zombies. An obese zombie might be slow but it might take more effort to kill it. If that zombie also had stout/strong (Extra scratching/biting power) it could be a deadly combination.
  25. wsensor

    Canning Mod

    If you add a jerky recipe than all I can say is "Yum mouse/rat/rabbit/squirrel/bird jerky!" yay!
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