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Escape key doesn't pause?



I tried using the forum search feature but it evidently doesn't know what a relevant result is. Sorry if this has already been brought up somewhere.


When you press the Escape key and bring up the menu, does that not pause the game?


I had pressed escape, alt-tabbed to check e-mail, grabbed a bite to eat, came back and my character is just lying there dead...  Needless to say I was quite upset, having spent so much time on this character. I'd have never imagined that the game would keep playing when you've brought up the menu. I could understand if it were multiplayer, but for single player that should pause the freaking game. Punishing someone for taking a break seems almost as silly as having to actually press the pause button before bringing up the escape menu.


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game. It's scratching an itch, that I've had for a long time now, that no other game can. This won't stop me from playing it for sure, but definitely means I won't be able to play for as long as I would like. Less I risk my next character's life for no reason.


Would it be too much to ask for the game to pause when it's not in focus?

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6 answers to this question

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You can quit the game, and it automatically saves your progress to return next time you load it - why not quit if you're planning to be AFK for more than a few minutes, and come back again later? (or just set yourself up in a safe location if you're just off to momentarily check your email)


I'm not saying that the game shouldn't pause when you're out of the game, but considering if it doesn't, I'm offering an alternative.

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@Realmkeeper, I didn't quit because I wasn't planning on being gone as long as I was. I just figured I'd get some food while I was already outside of the game. While I was at it I caught up on the first 15 mins of The Walking Dead since I didn't get home from work in time to catch it.


@EnigmaGrey, Build 23


I tested it further and it seems Escape does pause the game.  I've been trying to reproduce the unpause but haven't been able to yet.

Something else that is kind of interesting is that what reminded me the game was still running was the sound of a gunshot. For the sake of closure I've decided my character couldn't take the pressure anymore and put an end to it. Not very comforting, but not much else it could have been other than pure boredom, I suppose. I was indoors in a barricaded home, and no zeds were around.

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