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Sock comfort


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a simple idea i had while wearing shoes without socks in RL (specifically heeled boots, but we don't have heels in the game - #pleaseaddheels): as far as i understand it, wearing any shoes without socks in the game has no effect on the player's character. i think it'd be interesting to give the player a small level of discomfort the more the character walks around without socks but while wearing footwear. the more they walk, the greater the discomfort, even turning into pain eventually (but after a loooong time of walking around). -- the condition of the socks would also have an effect on the discomfort gain.


... also, being able to rip socks into basic materials would be interesting too.


just like RL.


more socks-related ideas i like from comments:

"on top of this make it so socks that are in good condition are more rare. ive noticed that they are the easiest bandages to make now and it would be great if they either were dirty/bloody on zombies, or are worn out at least."


"We could also add in different types of socks as i know some socks do feel better then others, they could also be made of other mats too for warm comfort etc. like wool socks in the winter and cotton in summer"


Edited by eksynn
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My only criticism would be that any discomfort/pain should also be tied into the type of footwear.


Wearing boots, combat or otherwise, should have a bigger penalty than, say, shoes. But flip flops, and sneakers? I'd nix any penalty from them.


Perhaps tie the footwear foot strain to their overall combat effectiveness. Stomping zeds with sneakers can cause foot injury, but not so much with shoes, and even less so with boots(if any at all).


The more stomping power a piece of footwear has without getting damaged and injuring the player, the larger the penalty to foot discomfort. Shoes a little less so, and sneakers at say, none at all.


The human foot evolved to be barefoot anyway, it's only modern shoes that are wrenching them out of their proper shape, and I feel this penalty should only apply to heavier footwear.


The inclusion of sock variety sounds good too. Where are the wool ones at?

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On 26.09.2021 at 10:20, fleshy man creature said:

Например, шерстяные носки зимой и хлопковые летом.


On 26.09.2021 at 10:00, OxManZomboid said:

сделайте так, чтобы носки в хорошем состоянии встречались реже.


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