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Tripwires as Traps/Defenses


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Was just thinking now that, as a gameplay feature, it'd be great if we could tie ropes (sheet or otherwise) around certain solid objects (lamp post, tree, car fender, park bench, telephone cabin, even a chain link fence) at a low height to trip the Zed.


Now, tripping won't kill them, but it'll DELAY them; force them to go thru the "get up" animation. Even a horde could be somewhat delayed by a well-placed tripwire, at least long enough for you to run away or finish boarding up those doors and windows. They could also trip other players, but only if they're running.


Of course, just like all defenses, these tripwires would have a durability; they'd either come loose and fall or snap due to the pressure of many a Zed in that horde pushing. Sheet ropes would be weaker than actual ropes, but given their ubiquity, much easier to craft.


I seriously think this could work...

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It would be great especially since it seems that killing zombies will be a lot harder now, so we need more ways to protect us and deal with us.


Like spikes barricades, I know it has been suggested a thousand times but it becomes more necessary now, stop 4 zombies for example and if more come it breaks

Bear traps, hard to find and craftable with metalwork to stop one zombie and of course reusable.


Something not too OP but still very useful and making the game more interesting by dealing with zombies in smart ways instead of walls and walls and walls again




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On 9/26/2019 at 5:14 AM, Axezombie said:

Like spikes barricades, I know it has been suggested a thousand times but it becomes more necessary now, stop 4 zombies for example and if more come it breaks

Bear traps, hard to find and craftable with metalwork to stop one zombie and of course reusable.


Maybe the spikes could be used not just by themselves but as an "upgrade" to existing barricades- something you could add to say, a window or door barricade to kill the first 2-3 Zeds that thump it.


Again, that wouldn't exactly make your base an indestructible tank, but it could help avoiding what I call the "Lone Wrecker"; a lone Zed thumping on a specific thing all the time, if you don't kill it, it'll eventually break thru, but even if you kill it, another will take its place. This would be more of a "quality of life" thing...

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