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  1. Going to guess that because it isn't a single file but a bunch of small files ( map zone data ) it doesn't work like a normal save.
  2. Besides cosmetic - there really isn't any purpose to add so many guns \ calibers Since the weapon combat system is essentially RNG. RNG whether you hit, RNG whether you kill For example just using Rifle \ Pistol - ammo no caliber but with; AP Round -> HIgher chance of destroying limbs of zombies \ Goes through armored heads of zombies JHP Round -> HIgher chance of killing Zombie due to severe damage Normal Round -> No Bonus Shotgun has Slug -> Knockback + high damage Buckshot -> Higher chance of Limb Dismemberment Birdshot -> Plentiful \ Low damage
  3. I don't think basement assignment is random, but which basement you find is. So Building A has a basement - but it could be Versoin A \ B \ C \ D \ etc But some buildings have Fixed basement so it will always be Version A.
  4. Personally my main issue with guns is there real no sound muffling in the game. Sound travels fixed distance no matter if trees or buildings are in the way.
  5. They were working on a piping system - but I don't think it is coming in next update. It was more of a test if I remember right.
  6. I doubt they will do an official 3rd party server. Simply messy legally. ( not same as licensing official 3rd party host ) They also have their own internal server for testing
  7. No legitimate way of doing it You got to use debug mode. or Just keep shooting gun in area until they come to you.
  8. Right now Medical skill is done by constantly injuring yourself through glass because every hit by a zombie has chance of infection. This is absolutely silly and not how doctors are trained anyway. A fast solution that can be implemented relatively quickly is - Corpse Practice. Which can just use same Mechanic as cars removing parts. Such as practice tying bandages on corpses. Practice Stitching on Corpses. Practice removing organs on corpses. This would make corpses beneficial to the player. So version 1 - would just be right click on corpse -> Practice Medical -> Options listed. Organs gives the most XP but only one time per corpse. Everything else can be done multiple times per corpse but for less xp after first time. Version 2 can be involved further if necessary.
  9. My statement was correct. They don't care about injury. Caring about injury and getting injured are two seperate things. "I don't care if I lose the volleyball tournament" vs "I lost the volleyball tournament"
  10. ............ verbatim Minecraft is now officially the highest selling video game in history at 300 million copies. Mods use the framework the developers setup. The developers are the ones who have to overhaul that framework. Creating the framework everything else is built upon takes time because a single mistake in thousands of lines of code can cause crashes, leaks or worst case scenario sentient rogue Ai that tries to take over the world ( security hazards for users by opening up parts not meant to be opened ) Games like Fortnite which probably is why people are confused have rapid content is because they have essentially 3 -4 teams working at various stages of content. You have your main development team and 2 - 3 content teams this is hundreds of employees. PZ has like 20 if not less and of that some are contract employees.
  11. It would probably need a heavy rewrite of weapons to accomplish it but if done probably would provide a powerful framework for weapon customization in the long run. Which can be applied to both Meele and Ranged One possible solution; Gun base define parts ( not damage ) Parts are tagged Magazine - Mag \ Bolt ( Bolt would be all single fire including crossbow \ arrow ) Stock - 0 \ 1 ( yes or no ) if yes change model part or if blank keep default [ 0 - means no variable options ] Barrel - 0 \ 1 ( yes or no ) if yes change model part or if blank keep default Accessories - # ( number possible to be added ) Accessory tags - which tags allowed in each group Then below that each Part is defined separately Could be made as an XML sheet to make it easier to add and modify weapons
  12. Electric fences won't have much effect. Most fences are not designed to kill but stun Farm and Park electric fence is 5,000 volts Military base fence is about 10,000 volts In comparison a cop taser is 50,000 volts As zombies don't care about injury - it will stun them but they will break through. Chain link fence deternt is injury. So it will more likely tangle them up then kill them. Most effective defenses will likely be more from ancient times Pitfall traps with spikes Cheval de frise etc
  13. Another solution "Hide empty containers" checkbox on top of inventory.
  14. Its a good idea - wouldn't be surprised if it is a thing in the future. I wonder if they will ever add animated objects Instead of just something like frame state objects
  15. That would certainly be useful. I would support it I think the main issue with First Aid is grinding it is absolutely comical. Which involves repeatedly injuring your self - mostly through broken glass. There is also very little benefit from first aid. In order for First aid to be meaningful it likely would need to be overhauled
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