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Painting Text Graffity

Konrad Knox

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The "painting signs" option is amazing!
Would it be possible to do the same to painting walls as you did to Notebooks? But, say, 30 character limit?
Painted text sign that you can read?

I mean leaving notes for people on the ground works too, but notes can be stolen.
A readable painted sign, like "Johnson Safehouse, 2 miles", and an arrow sign next to it, would be sweet!

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I definitely support that !

Walls can handle a limited amount of signs (characters and symbols), but your text can be expand on walls next to the one you are writting on :

A single wall can handle 5 signs to be readable from screen (its an exemple, i really dont know how it will be ingame) but if there is two more walls right next to the one you are writting on, you can paint a 15 signs text ! You'll need paint and a brush.

Then, for longer text, it will use the same system as notebooks. A single pen/pencil is needed here.

That's a good idea, but i think devs have a lot more to do before that !

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For that i think more about a "pinned" notebook, wich will be unmovable except for the author, and have same mechanics as regular notebooks ? (Authorize or not modifications by other players, etc...)

I really dont want to ruin your suggestion, but for me graffity should be visible without have to read it by right-clicking !

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For that i think more about a "pinned" notebook, wich will be unmovable except for the author, and have same mechanics as regular notebooks ? (Authorize or not modifications by other players, etc...)

I really dont want to ruin your suggestion, but for me graffity should be visible without have to read it by right-clicking !

i would agree but then it would be so large and take up like  1 tile for 3 letters for it to be seen. it would be too large.

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That's exactly the problem i got in head about graffity... But i really cant imagine a generic graff leading to a personalized text. The balance could be a bunch of pre-created graffs, covering as many meaning as possible?

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That's exactly the problem i got in head about graffity... But i really cant imagine a generic graff leading to a personalized text. The balance could be a bunch of pre-created graffs, covering as many meaning as possible?

i feel something like symbols and an option to make it a text would be cool so you have pre-made symbols like beware, contaminated, and things like that then there would be the graffiti art styles that can be read as notes. just an idea.

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Graffitis could use a system like the one used in Dark Souls, where you can leave a message for other players. Hilrof kind of suggested it :  you have bits of premade sentences, just select them in the right order and try to make it carry your message.


I thought it worked well in DS, where you could leave messages like "great treasure ahead" in front of a scripted ambush area for instance ^^

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Graffitis could use a system like the one used in Dark Souls, where you can leave a message for other players. Hilrof kind of suggested it :  you have bits of premade sentences, just select them in the right order and try to make it carry your message.


I thought it worked well in DS, where you could leave messages like "great treasure ahead" in front of a scripted ambush area for instance ^^

i would agree but then it is so limited. it would also be so large as i have pointed out. i feel it could possibly work but would be kind of hard to see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's already a mod out there that implements graffiti for both walls and floors, with a variety of pre-made signs and symbols like directional arrows and such.


With that in mind, I'd love to see this be implemented into the game itself, I think it has a lot of potential and can make the game a lot more immersive - even in Singleplayer.

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Clearly, marking houses and paths thanks to that mod (I forgot to mention it in my last post) with a spray paint would prove useful in SP and be interesting in MP too. Seeing tags would show someone's already been here, you could mark "territories"... it could definitely add something.


Then, to answer to my dear JJ, in Dark Souls the sentence isn't written in-game. You have a glowing "painting" on the ground that you can choose to read or not. Then, if you interact with it, the actual text is prompted. PZ could use the same feature : some kind of distinctive scribbling on a wall or on the floor taht you cant interact with to actually read the text. This, combined with the mod's features (arrows, crosses, etc), would make a nice painted text/graffs option.

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Clearly, marking houses and paths thanks to that mod (I forgot to mention it in my last post) with a spray paint would prove useful in SP and be interesting in MP too. Seeing tags would show someone's already been here, you could mark "territories"... it could definitely add something.


Then, to answer to my dear JJ, in Dark Souls the sentence isn't written in-game. You have a glowing "painting" on the ground that you can choose to read or not. Then, if you interact with it, the actual text is prompted. PZ could use the same feature : some kind of distinctive scribbling on a wall or on the floor taht you cant interact with to actually read the text. This, combined with the mod's features (arrows, crosses, etc), would make a nice painted text/graffs option.

that was pretty much what i had been saying this whole time....

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Clearly, marking houses and paths thanks to that mod (I forgot to mention it in my last post) with a spray paint would prove useful in SP and be interesting in MP too. Seeing tags would show someone's already been here, you could mark "territories"... it could definitely add something.


Then, to answer to my dear JJ, in Dark Souls the sentence isn't written in-game. You have a glowing "painting" on the ground that you can choose to read or not. Then, if you interact with it, the actual text is prompted. PZ could use the same feature : some kind of distinctive scribbling on a wall or on the floor taht you cant interact with to actually read the text. This, combined with the mod's features (arrows, crosses, etc), would make a nice painted text/graffs option.

that was pretty much what i had been saying this whole time....


Sorry, the way you wrote your last answer looked like a disagreement. My bad!

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I agree, a design creator would be an excellent idea. I only mentioned the anarchy symbol as it existed in game as graffiti, but being able to create a custom tag would be awesome, Jet Set Radio style!



I miss that game...

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