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Sneaking Through and Killing Enemies


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First of all, Thank you for the best zombie survival simulation to date, you guys really capture what a true zombie apocalypse should be, with that being said lets get to the topic.

Alright so, i've been playing this game for a little while now and am curently playing in the sandbox mode with a higher difficulty hahaha ( I called the preset "Nightmare") Anyways, in this sandbox preset i have currently set the number of zombies to insane and their hearing to pinpoint, I got to a point where my sneaking and lightfooted skills are really high so i can easily sneak into the massive horde of zombies in the center of town, the problem is that sometimes i need to kill 1 zombie to get through a hallway or maybe a tight alley and even with a knife, one swing of my weapon or one zombie kill is enough to get the attention of every single zombie in an enourmous radius which to me doesn't sound really realistic, so my suggestion is, change the sound made to different weapons in a sense that the smaller weapons that require a really short distance to kill like knifes for example make almost no sound at all while blunt weapons make a little more and so it goes or maybe enable a stealth kill for some of the weapons ( Maybe adding a skill for stealth kills). This should greatly improve the game for the kind of people that like to be sneaky and nimble like me :)

Thank you for your attention !
Oh and I apologize for any mistakes regarding the grammar and writing hahaha English is not my first language,

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I tend to play with pinpoint hearing as well.


one swing of my weapon or one zombie kill is enough to get the attention of every single zombie in an enourmous radius which to me doesn't sound really realistic


Keep in mind that the "proper zombie" or what is generally accepted as such, the dumb slow shambling type, isn't meant to have such senses, making them already "unrealistic" (if we consider a proper zombie to be real :P). I believe (don't quote me can't remember where I read it) I saw somewhere someone say that the devs actually want the proper zombie to move at just a plain 'ol Shambler speed, as opposed to the default Fast Shambler, but changed it because NPCs/Survivors were removed and the move was an attempt to balance difficulty.


The point however is that the devs are building the game's difficulty centered on this proper zombie load out, and allowing us to increase/decrease difficulty from that point. I assume they want most players to enjoy a challenging experience from this mode first, before experimenting with options. Not sure how working on a mechanic that would get the most use only out of a higher setting outside what the norm is. Not saying its a bad idea, but I can't see myself using it outside of some pinpoint hearing playthroughs, I've never actually thought about doing something like that, I've always just tried to move away from the straggler or trap it in a room.


Edit: I say it wouldn't get much use out of pinpoint hearing, but I can see that people could still get use out of this on a lower setting. I'm just used to how easy it is to not make much noise on anything outside of pinpoint.


There is discussion about adding stealth gameplay elements going on right now though and would be a perfect opportunity to explore this possibility.

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There's a stealth kill with the kitchen/hunting knife that can one shot zombies if you do it right. Might be worth looking into that. There's a tradeoff, though.

The one-shot-knife-stealth-kill is not stealthy at all tho. Many times I found myself in the same situation than Rezelg, switching from baseball bat to knife to get silent kill, but the kill is just as loud as the rest and you end up with 200 z following you D:

Tho, I'm pretty sure we'll see ways of silently neutralizing zombies once the stealth overhaul kicks in.

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The stealthy kill with the kitchen/hunting knife could be amazing. The thing that I like about the idea is that sneaking past enemies would finally be an option instead of either leading the whole horde away or going full Rambo on hundreads of zeds every time you expand into a new area.

The main benefit I see in making stealth kill a thing is that right now, one of the main problems PZ has is that once you get a few baseball bats/axes, you can just smash through any horde you encounter. However, if there was any other option, people may consider if they want to risk getting bit while fighting, however small the chance is.

If this seems overpowered in any way, there is always the option of turning zombie vision to max.


Oh, and about the "getting through a horde" methods-does the light from a campfire attract zombies? It could be a fun way of horde control on "insane" setting.

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Worth noting there's a big new stealth system in the works right now, so you may well get exactly what you want.

Also, there's something in the works that I think will make chopping your way through hordes into suicide instead of a viable survival technique. It's something I've been asking for for a long time, so I can't wait to see it go live.

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Also, there's something in the works that I think will make chopping your way through hordes into suicide instead of a viable survival technique. It's something I've been asking for for a long time, so I can't wait to see it go live.

Whoa-ho-ho... don't leave me on edge like this. What is it??


Also, what is your signature from?

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