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Everything posted by tommysticks

  1. tommysticks


    PZ is literally the only reason I pre-ordered the steam deck.
  2. tommysticks

    Ohio Orio

    Mama McFudgingtons sounds terrible
  3. tommysticks

    Loot tables

    Alternatively you could add an ItemRemover that removes an item on a random chance.
  4. tommysticks

    Loot tables

    Pretty sure you could write a new function for ItemPicker() and remove the increase in chance added by the zombies in the area.
  5. Why are Appvalley and Tweakbox linked? I recommend Death is Not The End
  6. Just had this happen again with tiles bein reset, same base, just different spot. Removed stuff I had strewn about, replaced with default tiles. This happened twice in a row. When the error indicator popped up I closed the program (didn't get that console error) and restarted the game. Loaded the world and received this error:
  7. Received these errors after loading the same save and running around: Nothing seems to be out of the oridinary.
  8. I have had a few massive hitches while playing, but usually the game snaps out of it and I can continue on. No rubberbanding involved. Just had a massive hitch that the game didn't recover from. Could still hear ambient noises, ALT+F4'd to get out of it and save my character in the event shit was going on behind the frozen screen. Here's the error from console:
  9. Take damage but your hunger stays down
  10. Ok, this shit's weird. I ran around for a short while with my newly glitched character, then decided to reload the game to see what would happen. I'm back to my last starting position where all my shit had glitched away, now with all of my stuff back on my character. All of my traits are back too. Here's the full console from the start of this playthrough:
  11. Also, just realized that I have socks, a belt, and a t-shirt in my inventory that I can't do anything with. Can't equip, can't drop, cant rip for bandages. This is the error:
  12. You gotta ask the moderators very nicely. I think it's @nasKothat handles that stuff. One of his favorite things to do, I've heard.
  13. Can do the same with reloading skill. Jam and un-jam mags for all the XP. I actually don't mind these issues, as @elislavkat stated, these skills are pretty boring to level.
  14. This is a minor issue, but it has happened with both TVs that I have tried connecting my laptop to. When starting the game in fullscreen it displays with a blue tint and skewed down to one side. This issue is resolved by making the game borderless windowed. This happens with an HDMI connection and display duplication. Haven't tried other configurations.
  15. Just a couple of issues I've noticed while playing recently with a controller. The cruise control option does not work in vehicles. When attempting to get inside vehicles, if not looking precisely in the direction where you can enter the vehicle, when you press 'A' the character turns away from the vehicle When doing vehicle mechanics and speeding up time sometimes the character gets hung up on corners of the vehicle requiring you to slow time down and redo the action Sometimes after choosing a selection from radial menus the right stick is unresponsive upon initial manipulation, requiring me to stop manipulating the stick for a brief moment before it becomes responsive again.
  16. I've read about the folks have experienced losing shit upon reload of the game, experienced it for the first time myself last night and again just now. Last night parts of my world were reset to their default. I had set up a base at the clothing store between muldraugh and westpoint with pretty much the entire building gutted and rebuilt to how I wanted it. It seems when the tiles were reset to default it was only within a limited distance from my character, because not all of the tiles in there were reset, just surrounding my character, probably about 10 square radius. Also a lot of the stuff from my inventory is gone. I don't have the console from last night. Then, with a new character, I had started collecting stuff and making my way back to my old base and had to log off for the night. Just now when I clicked continue an error was thrown, figured it had to do with one my mods, but it doesn't appear to be the case. I immediately copied the error from console and continued past the loading screen to find my new character had most his shit from his inventory deleted and the time was reset to approximately midnight - don't have a watch to confirm. Here is the error from the console: Sorry, I've forgotten how to spoiler on here.
  17. Thanks, I didn’t really know how to label it
  18. Using Blindcoder's map project, I made an in-game map. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2270363865
  19. Updated this mod. -Removed XP loss -Removed Recipe loss -Token drops on death -Fixed multiplier issue
  20. tommysticks


    That fog clip looks sick. Really badass how the tops of the trees are poking out and swaying.
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