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Retinal adaptation!


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Hey guys! so I was running away from zombies through the night, barely able to see a thing, and I thought to myself: It'd be cool to have some sort of subtle mechanic that would simulate the eye's retinal adaptation to light!


It would bascally 'lighten' the darkness by a bit (we're certainly not felines, so no fullbright or anything) if you've been in the dark for a while (or maybe grow up with time). As soon as you get back to the light, you'd see it brighter for a brief time, but you'd quickly adjust back. If you were to go -back- into the dark, it would take you longer, as it usually happens.


The same way, when you get out of your home in the morning, you might even be blinded for a few seconds because of the over-exposure.


It might be suitable inside a trait or even as a separate skill that could partially aid the lack of lightsources when later in game, or even earlier when you're not completely settled.


This would obviously be subtle, but substantial enough to make a difference when leveled. I think it could definitely add some more depth to it and it's not necessarily a monumental change. What do you guys think?




EDIT: Pain (or even panic) could also cause your retinae to expand and overexpose your vision, maybe a subtle red tint could be added to clarify it's because of the pain.


This would make even more difficult to go rambo while you're hurt and would add emphasis on getting to safety quickly before doing anything else.

Here is a link to a rough do-over concept.

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Looks good... but it would be a brief flash of like half a second, so that would just be annoying, (Dark to light I mean)

That's kinda the point! :P Enough to be a subtle nuisance but not enough to be annoying. It is kinda annoying IRL after all...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the bump, but I just had another use for this! (I will edit it onto the original post)


With the upcoming medical overhaul, pain could also cause your retinae to expand and make everything overexposed (with a slight red tint too, maybe?) 
This would add even more difficulty to go rambo while you're hurt and emphasize getting to safety quickly before doing anything else.

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