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Everything posted by Aprch

  1. Packwheels... They are called panniers man. 30kg in panniers and something fluffy on the rack is doable even with the crappier ones people usually own. Hahah excuse me! English is not my first language and although I speak it fluently there are still some things I don't know how they're called... I kinda just googled it Anyhow, in that case I do think it'd break the balance if you just get a free 30kg container on the bike. I'd say 10kg tops, and maybe you could exceed to 20 with overweight penalties. Lightning edit: I just googled panniers, they're not the same. Gotcha. Hahahah
  2. Hahahah yeah, I haven't thought about the falling part, going full tryhard avoiding zombies at near-max speed would sure be a blast! I too thought of having a complicated thrusting system but I'm not really sure how it would pull off, maybe just tapping w to gain momentum and then hold it... direction keys would work the same. And the flat tire thing is a really good idea too! Bound to make it hardcore. You could even have a sandbox option to set how prone bikes would be to get them. Oh and as far as for the cart, I don't think a small 2 wheeled cart would be overpowered (kinda like a bike attachment), as long as you balance it. Maybe just 10kg container space for the cart would be enough to make it worthwhile and still enough to keep it balanced.
  3. Yeah, I was thinking about this the other day. I think bicycles would do really good as a cheap alternative to transportation. It wouldn't be as fast as a car, and it wouldn't have any storage capacity (unless you find some which have those kind of packwheels, which in that case it wouldn't be more than inventory weight). It really occured to me since I was thinking about how you could get around the log-carrying problem, so I first thought of the one wheeled cart, which is also good to add, but then... why not a bicycle cart!? That'd be super awesome, and it could use the same method of punishing its overweight as the inventory does, you'd get slower and slower, and get exhausted faster. Because think about it, you wanna go across cities. You don't have gas, or a working car, and going on foot is already a pain. The bicycle trip would still take time, but it wouldn't compare to the time you'd spend running. So... what do you think?
  4. This sounds like a cool idea! It occurs to me, maybe it could only fade out when you're within 4 walls in a set ammout of distance around you (for indoors and such) or if you're near a specific wall, highlight the character instead of fading out the wall... Last night I fell for the same reason and the lovely AI director decided to spawn a helicopter nearby...
  5. Sorry for the bump, but I just had another use for this! (I will edit it onto the original post) With the upcoming medical overhaul, pain could also cause your retinae to expand and make everything overexposed (with a slight red tint too, maybe?) This would add even more difficulty to go rambo while you're hurt and emphasize getting to safety quickly before doing anything else.
  6. That's kinda the point! Enough to be a subtle nuisance but not enough to be annoying. It is kinda annoying IRL after all...
  7. Hey guys! so I was running away from zombies through the night, barely able to see a thing, and I thought to myself: It'd be cool to have some sort of subtle mechanic that would simulate the eye's retinal adaptation to light! It would bascally 'lighten' the darkness by a bit (we're certainly not felines, so no fullbright or anything) if you've been in the dark for a while (or maybe grow up with time). As soon as you get back to the light, you'd see it brighter for a brief time, but you'd quickly adjust back. If you were to go -back- into the dark, it would take you longer, as it usually happens. The same way, when you get out of your home in the morning, you might even be blinded for a few seconds because of the over-exposure. It might be suitable inside a trait or even as a separate skill that could partially aid the lack of lightsources when later in game, or even earlier when you're not completely settled. This would obviously be subtle, but substantial enough to make a difference when leveled. I think it could definitely add some more depth to it and it's not necessarily a monumental change. What do you guys think? EDIT: Pain (or even panic) could also cause your retinae to expand and overexpose your vision, maybe a subtle red tint could be added to clarify it's because of the pain. This would make even more difficult to go rambo while you're hurt and would add emphasis on getting to safety quickly before doing anything else. Here is a link to a rough do-over concept.
  8. Yes, that did the trick. Thanks a lot! I'll definitely check your mod out, lots of useful stuff I can learn from that for sure. Edit: I'm not entirely sure, but apparently it only displays 2 of the 3 alternatives... might be an extremely random case, but perhaps it is something else?
  9. Hello everyone. I'm new around here! I started fiddling around with LUA recently. While I don't know much of specific programming languages, I do know how they work... somewhat. So my question here is this, I was hoping you'd point me out in the right direction. Take for example the Your first PZ LUA script mod guide function: function sayGoodbye() getPlayer():Say("Hasta la vista zombie!");endWhat I wanted to do here basically was to add more than one option of dialogue for everytime the function would execute, so I made an array with the different options, and told the function to call a random number from the array. Some experimenting led me to this: function sayGoodbye () local arraySpeech = {"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"} getPlayer () :Say (arraySpeech[math.random(#arraySpeech )]);It didn't worked. I'm not -entirely- familiar with LUA yet so maybe I'm missing something here, so that's why I wanted to ask about the shouting mechanics. How is it exactly that the event gets more than one dialogue variation when it's triggered? And if I wanted to change what they say, where exactly is that located? I would have learned it from the shouting code itself but I can't seem to find it. I don't really know where to look though. Oh well, I hope I wasn't being too confusing with this, sometimes it can get tricky to explain this kind of stuff when english is not your first language so yeah, thanks in advance. Cheers!
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