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Posts posted by FawkesGaming

  1. You know what happens when you talk about member titles X=

    I am the one that happens.
    And you are the one who knocks, eh hem.

    On topic, I think katanas are vastly overrated. I actually visited Pitt Rivers today and in the weapon section were plenty of substitutes for a katana; bows, crossbows, old daggers, even tiger claws if you were insane. But the thing about most of these, is that they were either in poor condition or replicas; that's what museums do nowadays. So the chance of finding a working weapon in a museum is quite low imo, and I agree wholeheartedly that it should only ever be an Easter egg.

    And now, I want to watch BB again. Thanks Enigma~

  2. I like the idea of panic increasing certain abilities or heightening senses, but I think it would have too large a knock on effect.

    For instance, my character has the claustrophobic negative trait which means she instantly becomes extremely panicked indoors. Does that mean that she would be super strong inside houses but then become increasingly weak and fatigued as that wore off? Or an agoraphobic character who is panicked all the time when outside, same question/problem.

    Not sure if its a deal breaker as I think panic should, yeah, increase your FOV not decrease, but I think with the way the game/traits are structured now, it might be hard to implement.

    This could be solved by a redefinition of panic and what those traits to, so they're more in line with the previous suggestion.
  3. any truly experienced fighter would look for a place where they are not able to be surrounded, a location where they can beat a strategic retreat if the shit gets too heavy. the middle of a field, with a big horde coming towards you, is a death trap. way too easy for the zombies to get around to your weak side.

    Like I said, I wouldn't have thought them sane if they were shouting ye olde English at you whilst robbing you. And insane people don't hold the same thought process as other, more sane people.
  4. So much this. Or watching them get decimated by the horde around the corner.

    Get six or so of those guys together and they'd probably be able to stonewall a moderately sized horde of zombies (I think about 50 or so. Any more than that and the zeds would be piling on faster than they could be killed and shaken off) if they had a defensible position where they could keep from getting attacked from all sides. Find some way to negate the zed's ability to swarm and fight them a handful at a time and a few guys in full plate mail armor would be pretty awesome. That's a bit situational, though, and relies entirely on having a good position to fight inside like a shop with only a single door and window as entrances.

    I wouldn't trust super heavy armor to save me if I was out running around salvaging supplies or if I was playing a lone wolf type of survivor, though.

    Way to ruin the fantasy I had. Still, one does question whether such a group would be sane enough to hold up somewhere and fight the reds from a defensible position. I'd imagine they'd much rather fight them all at once, in the battlefield.
  5. Who cares about restricted movement when you are invulnerable to hoards of zombies.

    Charge into a massive hoard shouting "Have at me naives!" while swinging your Zweihander.

    Right before you're pushed over and smothered to death by the thousand plus zombies who decided to give the dashing knight a hug :P

    All comments about this and that aside, bumping into a band of NPCs in replica medieval armour, no matter how horrible and loud it is, would be hilarious. Particularly if they tried to hold you up and spoke in ye olde english :P

    So much this. Or watching them get decimated by the horde around the corner.


    They picked Akanni up one morning

    Beat him soft like clay

    And stuffed him down the belly

    Of a waiting jeep.

    What business of mine is it

    So long they don’t take the yam

    From my savouring mouth?

    They came one night

    Booted the whole house awake

    And dragged Danladi out,

    Then off to a lengthy absence.

    What business of mine is it

    So long they don’t take the yam

    From my savouring mouth?

    Chinwe went to work one day

    Only to find her job was gone:

    No query, no warning, no probe -

    Just one neat sack for a stainless record.

    What business of mine is it

    So long they don’t take the yam

    From my savouring mouth?

    And then one evening

    As I sat down to eat my yam

    A knock on the door froze my hungry hand.

    The jeep was waiting on my bewildered lawn

    Waiting, waiting in its usual silence.

    You should become a rapper, my boy.



    Now let's get back on topic... starting with someone else because i don't even know what NSA is.


    Haha, it was a poem we covered in GCSE English... some 3 years ago now. It was written in a time when people were going missing in Africa for questioning the regime, and I thought it fitting considering the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" attitude seen in this topic.


    And the NSA is an American security firm who have been in the news recently for spying and keeping records on pretty much everyone over the internet. Something scary considering how the internet is supposed to be Anonymous.


    They picked Akanni up one morning

    Beat him soft like clay

    And stuffed him down the belly

    Of a waiting jeep.

    What business of mine is it

    So long they don’t take the yam

    From my savouring mouth?

    They came one night

    Booted the whole house awake

    And dragged Danladi out,

    Then off to a lengthy absence.

    What business of mine is it

    So long they don’t take the yam

    From my savouring mouth?

    Chinwe went to work one day

    Only to find her job was gone:

    No query, no warning, no probe -

    Just one neat sack for a stainless record.

    What business of mine is it

    So long they don’t take the yam

    From my savouring mouth?

    And then one evening

    As I sat down to eat my yam

    A knock on the door froze my hungry hand.

    The jeep was waiting on my bewildered lawn

    Waiting, waiting in its usual silence.

  8. Setting zombie spawn settings to urban focused, then spawning dead centre of an infested West Point neighborhood. Despite looting an axe off the first zombie he killed, and then finding a shotgun with 20+ shells Rolf Harris was overrun and made the focus of a zombie gangbang.


    Also, all three times my first character was bit. He survived the first 2, but the third had him succumb to the zombie virus.

  9. D'aaw, I was hoping to do this as my first project!

    What about Woodbury? seems simple and fun to recreate. I would defiantly do it but ill stick doing small buildings that would increase ringoD map for now.....


    That was a back up plan, but I think I'll go for Hershel's farm. Seems simple, and Woodbury is something me and some friends were planning to build in-game.

  10. Except here the monkey pulls out a knife and cuts your testicles off while your buddy holding the loot runs away screaming.

    That escalated quickly.

    This is a survival situation. You take the supplies the monkey needs to survive and you'd better expect him to fight you to the death over it.

    Completely understandable, but still that escalated rather quickly from the original statement.

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