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Everything posted by CaptKaspar

  1. The "Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks states: 'The living dead have no fear of fire. Waving an open flame in a ghoul's face will do nothing to slow or impede its advance. Zombies who have caught fire will neither notice nor react to the engulfing flames in any way. Too many humans have met with tragedy for failing to understand that fire is no deterrent to zombies! As a weapon, however, fire is still humanity's greatest ally. Complete incineration is the best way to destroy a zombie once and for all. Burning eliminates not only the body but all traces of Solanum. However, don't think a flamethrower and several Molotov cocktails are the solution to all your problems. In actual combat, fire can be as deadly a threat as it is a protector. Flesh-human, undead, or otherwise- takes a long time to burn. In the minutes or hours before a blazing zombie succombs, it will become a walking - or to be perfectly accurate, a shambling - torch. Several cases have been recorded in which burning ghouls have done more damage, even caused more deaths, than they would have with only their fingernails and teeth. Fire itself has no loyalty. Consider the flammable nature of your surroundings, the chance of smoke inhalation, the possibility that a blaze will act as a beacon for other zombies. All these factors must be considered before such a powerful and unpredictable weapon is unleashed. For this reason, fire is mainly considered an attack or flight weapon, and rarely used for static defense.'
  2. They have a digital wrist watch already in the vanilla game. It just needs a function. https://www.dropbox.com/s/itl9msl6zx81vcp/2015-02-13_00001.jpg?dl=0 for a pic
  3. Only if you have a looted thermometer. If so; then I'm all for it.
  4. I am an avid sporting clay shooter and I have my own press in the basement as well. I pick up every casing after every shot. For me in RL is saves a ton of money; in the Z-Apoc once the caches of ammo are looted, you gotta find/make the ammo some how, or just give up on shooting... The suggestion is realistic, plausible within the limitations of the game, and practical. So I fully support it. My guess is that something like this will one day be added. There are already whisperings of bows being added someday and I imagine there will be some sort of fletcher system associated with that. I can see a modder making this in the meantime.
  5. I think it would be important to add cloudy days where it doesn't rain if we have the risk of getting sunburned. Shadows would be nice too to get out of the sun, but I think that's an engine limitation.
  6. Some tweaking? How about a complete overhaul . I love that we have fire in the game, but the functionality surrounding it seems nearly completely broken to me. We can't put out fire no matter what we do, fire spreads in an unrealistic way (concrete, wire fences, glass railings at the mall, gravel, dirt, and even water tiles all burn. But trees do not burn!), and fire will stay burning for days/months if you leave the map area. It needs a bit more than tweaking!
  7. I love realism but there are also game limitations. The game is not full 3D FPS so aiming is hard and unrealistic. In normal life you recognize faces in game you cant. IMO sometimes we need to remember that its just a game with limitation and we need to bend the reality to get rid of annoying things You are right that there are game limitations to realism. It is not a 3D FPS game, and thus maybe shouldn't be played like one? If I want to play a team Death Match FPS game, I do not boot up PZ. If it is that you want to easily group your team together to fight a bandit incursion, well I like how on our server it takes time for us to identify that this player is actually a bandit and a threat (we have names and the PvP toggle system off). We can KoS if we like, or we can give them a chance. I also like that it is extremely difficult without radios to coordinate people to counter that threat. These things play nicely for me and the way that my friends play. I personally like the idea that it is hard for the 'average Joe' to shoot in my direction and not worry about hitting me. I like that there is a very good chance that he may hit me and not his intended target. I admit you have a good point about recognizing faces in RL better than you can in game, no argument there. However, in my server (which is not public) we feel that it is not that hard to learn to identify players by their skin tone, hair color, and hair style. On a full public server this would likely cause problems because of duplication. I am all for more character customization to help with this issue. Again, I am not against your idea. It is not a bad idea. I think a lot of people would enjoy it. But, I hope that if it is added, then it will be an option that can be toggled on/off by the server admin because I personally do not want to play that way. No hard feelings, just playing the devil's advocate
  8. I may be missing something obvious here and I apologize if I am, but why is it 'salt water'? Geographically there isn't any salt water in KY. At least nothing flows in from the sea and there isn't any major salt lakes (at least non that popped up in my Google search). There is the Salt River, but it is just named that after a salt lick in the region (that is not on the Salt River). Its actually 'fresh' water. So why are we dealing with salt water? Is that a slang term for dirty water or something that I do not know about? Maybe this is meant for the New Denver map and isn't an issue on the vanilla map? Regardless, Blindcoder this mod looks awesome! I am eager to try it out after I just read about it in the newest Mondoid! Keep up the good work; you never cease to amaze this community! Cheers!
  9. Water weighs (in RL) 8lbs/gallon or 1kg/liter. I think this should be factored into the game more accurately. The weight of our water containers should be variable based on the amount of water we have in them. This would be both realistic and add a minor bump to the difficulty of the game. Players would be forced to make a decision when looting whether or not they want to carry that weight around with them. Last night I noticed that my filled or half-filled water bottle weighed 0.8 in IWBUMS. Not a big deal obviously, but it would add to the realism/immersion aspect for me at least.
  10. I think having this as a server option would not be bad. I am all for it if a group of people want to play this way. However, I do not like the idea of ever having friendly fire off when I am playing. Plain and simple for me; its not realistic. On my server we play with the PvP system disabled so that we need to be careful not to hit each other; because that is realistic to us. I also do not like the idea where you can more easily identify who is or is not on your team (I am imagining and speculating your suggested system would color code your teammates names blue/red or something) Again; it is a realism thing for me. This is why uniforms are worn by armies and sports teams, why 'shirts and skins' is popular, and why we had sports 'pinnies' in gym class. I even dislike that it shows a player's name (but there is a server option to toggle this on/off). I am not against your idea Zorak. For many I am sure it would be fun and a welcomed feature. Just voicing my opinion that I wouldn't want to use it, not saying it shouldn't be in game (as an option).
  11. *bump* I love the idea of heading out to the farms and herding some cows/pigs together and driving them back to my 'ranch' that I have set up at my safe house. This would take a coordinated group effort to do. We have farming, we have fishing, we have trapping, and I think animal husbandry is the next logical step. I once had a lawyer tell me that the best life insurance policy is a shotgun and a pig.
  12. I love the idea of personalizing your food preferences. I personally hate seafood, so I wouldn't mind getting upset when I'm forced to eat fish over other meals. The vegetarian idea is great too (but not for me)! I do think that it shouldn't effect the stats of the food other than happiness or possibly boredom. Fish (I am going to keep using this example for me personally) is no less healthy for me just because I do not like the taste. I suppose one could argue that since you do not like the taste, you will lose your appetite sooner and thus not be as hungry from eating food you don't like. Obviously you miss out on nutrition this way though. This is a stretch to me though and probably a waste of time to bother adding. Ideally, I would like to see eating the same food over and over again leading to boredom.
  13. So I was playing around with my settings and tried out the auto-zoom. Initially, I loved it! I thought the transitions from outdoor to indoor worked beautifully and smoothly. Unfortunately, I wish I could still manually override the auto-zoom. For instance; if I scroll my mouse-wheel it manually takes over the auto-zoom. There are occasions, like running, where I often want to zoom far out and take a look at my surroundings. However, I think the majority of the time I would like the auto-zoom. Ideally I would like both, but it seems I can't have my cake and eat it too currently. Could we get that implemented? Pretty please?
  14. Cool! I am glad this is getting fixed. So our small water 'crates' will hold 160 units of water and the large barrels will hold 400 on the next patch?
  15. Hmm as an adult who used to skateboard a lot as a kid, I immediately liked the idea of riding a skateboard, but I am very aware of all of their drawbacks. Just because there are drawbacks though doesn't mean they shouldn't be added (preferably as a mod). Here are the obvious problems. The noise, the noise, the noise! They are anything but quiet. Better than a two-stroke dirtbike, but your average car or bicycle are substantially quieter. Unless you are proficient at ollieing over obstacles; the degrading, trash filled, dead body strewn Z-Apoc world would be terribly hard to navigate. They can also only be used on hard surfaces. Fighting anything while maintaining your balance on a skateboard is unrealistic. You aren't going to be able to ride through a horde of zombies swinging a baseball bat with any real force. You can't put your body into the swing and you'll just be flailing with your arms, which most likely will cause you to lose your balance and fall off the skateboard.Here are some obvious advantages. Easy to find/craft in an average American town. Faster than walking and less tiring than running. The skateboard itself is not a terrible weapon (not a great weapon, but better than a frying pan). It has the ability to keep zombies at a medium distance, is strong enough to crack skulls, quick to equip from riding to fighting, and can be used as a primitive shield against zombies or other melee attacks. Living in an urban environment like I do, I always thought to use my board if I got into a fight. Better than nothing!The disadvantages probably out-weigh the benefits, but that doesn't mean we should immediately ban a reasonable and realistic idea (even if its not a very good one). If you want to ride a skateboard and attract a horde to you while doing it, well "This is how you died".
  16. Also its important to note that the devs have never mentioned adopting any lore from TWD. TWD, while close in lore, is not the same as Romero or Brooks (which differ slightly themselves). Fact though; there is a sandbox option for 'smell'. So the dev team has some intent to do something with smell in regards to their zombies. Even though I'm pretty sure smell does nothing currently in game, or next to nothing.
  17. The OP mentioned that the feature to disable the names is already implemented, but he wanted to take it one step further by being able to take mental notes and 'memorize' features or comments about a character. I would be cool if in the future we could restyle our hair (we have scissors!) or grow a beard and that it would reset the notes we have about a character because their physical appearance is different.
  18. I think all of the ideas posted are great ideas! But, I especially like this one! I do not usually act as an admin, but as a MP player, I would love this feature! Such a great idea and would blend awesomely for RP and immersion.
  19. Dude, that looks awesome! I have wanted to see exactly what you're doing for a long time! Even though we can't drive the vehicles, it will help immensely with the immersion aspect of the game! Good work and keep it up! I am happy to see someone is taking on this issue. Cheers!
  20. Which reminds me: Why can I use either rope or sheet rope to build a log wall, but I can only lash logs together for carrying with regular rope and not some sheet rope? Good point. But, I like to think of it as the ripped sheets simply hold the logs in place while I anchor them into the ground. Then the ground is what keeps them secure. (BTW we should need a spade to build a log wall. Just saying). I guess I like the idea that we shouldn't be able to use ripped sheet, and only sheet ropes. As for carrying a set of logs. I just like to think that some ripped fabric from a skirt isn't going to have the tensile strength to support carrying multiple logs, where actual rope does. I guess I support using sheet ropes and actual rope, but not ripped sheets. Ripped sheets should have little value other than crappy bandages and making crappy tools.
  21. I actually don't have a problem with the scratches currently. I feel like it already does take a number of hours to determine if you are infected or not from it. I do not notice any immediate health loss, other than the damage from being hit by the zombie in the first place. For me it stays stable after that and I only get worried when that anxious moodle pops up a number of hours later.
  22. Ding! Woot! Gratz EnigmaGrey! Well deserved!
  23. I see what you're saying. I suppose that's the idea of the bookstores, however they don't always have what you're looking for. But, maybe the idea that other survivors got to the bookstore before you and already looted the knowledge that you're looking for might help to lend credibility to why the books aren't there? I suppose this could happen at a library too. Admittedly in all my zombie survival dreamt up scenarios, I have never thought to loot the library. But, if I had to learn how to build something, without Google, thats likely where I would go. It is frustrating trying to find that single missing skill book, BUT that also forces you to do a lot more scavenging, encounter a lot more danger, and possibly have a lot better stories to tell. The bookstore in WP or the Mall are still have great chances of having what you need.
  24. In my RP MP server we have a notebook on the bookshelf titled "SHOPPING LIST" that we reference and keep updated for items/loot that we need. That way every player on our server can check it and know what the colony needs.
  25. I am adamantly against any sort of random injury when using tools! Injuries should be avoidable by being careful and calculated with one's actions, just like in RL. I would, however, like to see injuries with tools based on reckless actions by the player. For instance: working while exhausted, drunk, or stressed, working in the rain, working at night without light, carrying heavy loads up and down stairs in the rain or at night without light, etc. Or if you ever try to climb a sheet rope overburdened. If you tried sprinting while over burdened you should have a chance for a broken ankle or injured back. While cooking if you take a burning item out of the oven, you should get burned unless you equip a dish towel (as an oven mitt). Injuries like these would be realistic and immersive. Getting randomly injured for no reason would piss me off beyond believe and I would probably rage quit the game. By being careful and only working when you are in safe conditions and in the right state of mind, you should be able to avoid injuries. Especially since we are only using hand tools.
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