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Jatta Pake

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Posts posted by Jatta Pake

  1. I like this. It adds more fun without unbalancing the game at all. Paint and plaster are not survival necessities, and I do not think they should be so limited.

  2. Treoni - thank you for the advice, I think it is great. I think after this "experiment" we should launch a more formal Legacy Queue game with your suggestions. I could see it growing really big.

    I'm perfectly happy with this game turning into utter chaos. In one sense, it does solve the problem of troublemakers burning down the town as subsequent players will just opt to play an earlier save. Or not. It's like a crazy virtual representation of survival of the fittest. Unpopular "timelines" will die off. Or not! The sheer madness of it has a certain charm.

    To others using mods - might be a good idea to note what mods you have loaded when posting a save. Map mods probably won't cause any issues as new games always start in West Point but I'm not an expert. I'd say try to remember turning off your mods if you intend to ever have anyone else play your save. If your save doesn't work in vanilla, you will have fewer people willing to give it a shot.

    That said, I'm down with timelines erupting with popular mods. Why not?!?!?

  3. Personal opinion, play until you die or get bored. If you hit late game boredom, go with your suicide plan. Since we are seeing how far into the future we can push a game, the next players will either move to greener pastures or die. If someone doesn't like a timeline, they can load up an older save and start a new timeline as Marinus suggests.

    I think a world ravaged by successful plays is a neat concept. It will be more difficult! That is part of the fun.

    Zombies do respawn after an area has been inactive. So a suicide run to a far corner of the map might make the safe house area dangerous again.

  4. I just saw Cthonic's update that he can't play anytime soon. Someone else can jump in and play. 


    Perhaps we set a time limit on how long one has to play before someone else can jump in? Like 3 or 4 days? 24 hours? One week?


    Alternatively, we could just start spawning Multiverses. If several people play the same save at the same time, we would have different save game time lines going. That could get really fun and crazy. I love time travel and multiverses so I vote let's just get crazy and get as many people playing saves as possible.

  5. I found a bug in the recent build of Zomboid. This bug prevents modders from changing base game items.  I will post a bug report (assuming this is a bug and not a new intended behavior).


    Be aware that this may be why some item mods are not working properly. FYI.

  6. Replying to this topic because I determined the bug is item #1. The game seems to reload newitems.txt script after loading mod files.


    It comes smack dab in the middle of the loading NPC scripts so I'm certain a recent change that causes those scripts to load is the problem. I don't know that I can fix this myself. I will note it in the bug reports.


    Later update: It looks like the Spiffo item was moved to the newitems.txt file which caused the bug to start showing up. It wasn't caused by the NPC script loading.

  7. I spent some time investigating the "no gift box icon" bug with the current build 30.12.  It's turning into a real head-scratcher.


    Just to be clear, the mod works with build 30.12. You can "Unwrap" a Spiffo to spawn one of over 100 variant Spiffos.


    I will continue to work on fixing the "no gift box icon" bug. I suspect a recent build change did one of two things, 1) loads the base item script after all mods loads (effectively overwriting any mod changes to base items), 2) some part of the core game was modified preventing any modification to base items, or 3) modders need to do something new to mod base items.


    I seriously doubt option 2 as it goes against TIS mod philosophy. I ran out of time reviewing the log file to rule out option 1. If it is option 3, I suspect other modders will encounter and solve this issue. I will continue to investigate!

  8. I should add that although some of these skills seem to violate the Everyman average joe perspective at face value. However, all are skills humans have used for thousands of years. There are plenty of books on these topics in the library as well as a growing movement of survivalists and preppers who are practicing basic versions of these skills. So it would make sense for people surviving the zombie apocalypse to start learning these skills.

  9. If the flurry of new skills added in the recent builds prove anything, it's that more skill options are just plain awesome. Some of the suggestions below are ones already made, but I'll repeat them anyway so RJ has a single post to review for all the new skills.   :P


    Foraging (Upgrade) - At the higher levels, Foraging should spawn medicinal plants and roots that are native to Kentucky. This would justify a Foraging Skill Book. These medicinal plants could be Cooked for use in First Aid.

    • Spiked Blazing Star - painkiller. Perhaps made like tea.
    • Goldenseal - antibiotic if eaten or antiseptic if made like a tea.
    • American Ginseng - exhaustion/fatigue cure. Perhaps made like a tea.
    • Witch Hazel - anti inflammation, anti bleeding and burns. Rub directly on skin.

    Scavenging - Requires a tool. Functions like a reverse carpentry skill. Non-player made items like furniture, tables, cabinets, can be "Scavenged" to produce things like nails and planks.


    Animal Husbandry - Needs animals to be added to the game but would allow for the breeding and caring for farm animals. Part of the fun of this skill would be the animal noises continually attracting zombies.

    • Chickens - Need to build Chicken Coop. Spawns eggs. Must be fed Worms and Maggots.
    • Rabbits - Need to build Rabbit Hutch. Spawns more Rabbits. Must be fed Weeds.
    • Goats - Need a fenced in area to keep them from wandering off. Can be milked for Goat Milk. Just needs a large enough area of grass.
    • Bees - Need to build a Top-Bar Hive. Spawns Honey.
    • Pigs - Need to build a Sty. Spawns more Pigs. Must be fed food but can use Rotten food.

    Masonry - This would be the skill used to construct things with cement and brick/mortar. In addition to sturdier fortifications, the higher Masonry skill would allow construction of the following:

    • Brick Oven - Required for baking and higher skilled Cooking. A grill can only do so much. Also allows baking of earthenware bowls etc with low level of Pottery. 
    • Kiln - Required for making items at higher Pottery Skill like make Bricks, Charcoal and Cement. Also used to Dry foods.
    • Forge - Required for Blacksmithing. Requires Charcoal to operate. Smelting nails.

    Pottery - Seems like a useless survival skill, right? First, the Pottery skill would allow the Player to find dig up Clay.  After constructing or finding a Brick Oven to bake foods that last longer, Pottery skill would use that oven for other items:

    • Bowls, Plates, Knives
    • Jars and Pots for Food Preservation

    With a Kiln you could add a range of other items:

    • Water Filtration Components
    • Charcoal (for Forge and Water Filtration)
    • Bricks
    • Cement
    • Casts for cast iron mechanical components

    Mechanics - At lower levels, allows the construction of lifting tools. At higher levels, can repair cars and gas generators. Allows makeshift:

    • Wheelbarrow
    • Pulley
    • Can Opener
    • Hand Operated Water Pump (requires cast iron mechanical components)

    Blacksmithing - Requires a forge to make nails. Can be used to melt stuff to make cast iron mechanical components.


    Get to work, RJ!

  10. Updated Post (Jan 23, 2015):


    Welcome! This thread hosts previously saved games from a single game I started called a "Legacy Game".  All players are welcome to join in the fun!


    How this works: A player (anyone) downloads the latest save game (usually found towards the end of the most recent string of posts in this thread). The game is played until the character dies. Then the save is made available for the next player in this thread. (You can sign up for a free Dropbox account and put your save there, then post a link to download it in this thread). Installing save games is detailed at the bottom of this post.



    1. Does the previous world and items carry over when the save is played by the next player? YES! For this reason, most players are keeping a journal in game to record their character's experiences. Later players will be able to find these journals.
    2. How long can I play my character in game? You can survive in game as long as you want. Live one day or eleven months.
    3. How long can I play my character in real life? Try to be aware that other players may be waiting for you to finish before playing your save. Most people play for a few days maximum but there is no rule. Keep in mind that if you are "bogarting" the save with a long play, someone may come along and start a new timeline.
    4. What happens if two people start playing the same save? Won't this get confusing? Yes it can be done, and yes it will get confusing. What will happen is that additional timelines will start to appear from the rip in the fabric of PZ space-time. Nothing wrong with that! We will call it the multiverse and probably start giving names to all the different timelines, like Legacy-616 and Legacy-911. The more the merrier.
    5. Can I use mods? Yes. But be courteous and let players know when you offer your save. Keep in mind some (most?) people may not want to play with mods activated so your timeline might die off. But I'm ok with timelines appearing that use mods. Legacy-Raincoat? Legacy-420?
    6. What if some jerk plays a save, goes around burning down the entire town, and uses up all the loot? Won't that ruin the game for the next guy? I think it will be survival of the fittest for timelines. Personally, I wouldn't want to play a save after someone did that. I would just play an earlier save and then post that save when I'm done. So if you want your save to become part of a continuing timeline, I'd suggest being lovely to your successors. Otherwise natural selection will cull your character from the lengthening multiverse.
    7. Final thoughts: Most people are role playing their characters rather than power gaming a long survival time. Focus tends to be on leaving journals over massive bases. Just a general guideline, not a rule.



    Original Post:

    Awhile back I suggested a type of play (in a thread I can no longer find) where one plays until death, then passes the game on to the next person, who plays until death. Keep repeating and see how far into the zombie apocalypse we can crowd source a single game.


    A Legacy Game remains a single player game but adds time shifted multiplayer. You see evidence of other survivors but you will never encounter another survivor. So without further ado is the first Legacy Game. Unzip the download into your Zomboid Survival folder.


    C:\Users\<your name here>\Zomboid\Survival



    Survivor Mode

    IWBUMS 30

    (I made it only 9 days! Holy undead is build 30 bad ass now!!!!)




    When you die, drop your save game into this thread. Keep all discussions about your game in this thread in Spoiler tags.


    Tip: Fill out a Journal for the next player to potentially find.





  11. I don't think PZ needs product placement that badly :P

    I think they'd rather take 20 seconds to swap a file name to something generic than have to pay a lawyer to draft a legal agreement for a brand name use :P

    From my imperfect research of the issue, it appears some companies have boilerplate agreements for these things.

    The only brand name products I could think of which would make sense would be Kentucky specific brands. But yes, swapping of fiction-izing makes most sense.

  12. Alternatively, Indie Stone could make a trademark permission request with the selected entity(s). Big entities process these regularly and have a formal process with forms etc.

    My gut tells me that most would likely deny but who knows? More and more companies are finding video games a great marketing opportunity for a prized demographic. Maybe an upstart gun maker would love to see their products fighting the zombie apocalypse in a video game? Zombies are main stream now with The Walking Dead being the #1 show on American TV.

    I think the key would be identifying a product that brand name inclusion would enhance gameplay immersion without distracting by seeming to be a lame marketing ploy. Including a single brand of gun might seem too ploy-ish but getting three different gun brands would be less so.

    I also think you'd probably want several different name brands for a variety of items if you went down this route. Finding a Crest Toothbrush doesn't stick out as much if you also find Monster Energy Drinks and Bic pens.

  13. Yep, I've advocated going back to just migrating the zombies across an area, at a flat rate of speed, and spawning them near the player, before. It's a shame there were several 20 page threads when that was tried by the developer, but there's something charming about being able to do, say, this: AuRXdZv.png

    (Mind, they're not rounded off on the edges), that's just the line of sight.

    But you definitely wouldn't be able to "handle," this. It'd be more of a "get the fuck out of there" thing. ;)

    It's just a shame there was so much outrage when the meta-game was in full swing . . . :(


    This looks like something out of the Day by Day trilogy. It had a intriguing spin on the zombie horde - the more zombies that massed the louder the moans and noise which attracts yet even more zombies. The horde would just continue to grow and grow and grow. Eventually it becomes this almost hurricane like force that rolls over entire towns and cities with its sheer size.

  14. Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, I've been too crazy busy to investigate why the gift box isn't spawning the correct icon. If I can tease out some free time, I'll try to figure it out. I would like to mark this Mod as Build 30 compatible, so if anyone else encounters this issue, let me know. The right icon should load if you restart the game after loading the mod.


    This mod does not change spawn rates, so I can only assume the base game drastically reduced the spawn rate of Spiffo in one of the recent builds. I feel like I saw a post by RJ saying they reduced Spiffos in one of the recent builds. That would make sense from the perspective of the base game (why not have it be ultra rare) but it does lessen the impact of this mod.


    If anyone else has any feedback on the mod, feel free to chime in. I haven't been doing much PZ modding lately (I've recently created a board game!) but feedback always fuels my creative fire. Thank you!!!

  15. Refusing to fight would be seen as cowardice, and your commanding officer would have pulled his pistol and given you a verbal lashing for being a coward. You would have tremendous peer pressure to leap out of the trench because all of your buddies are scared but doing it.  If you still refused, he would threaten to shoot you. If you still refused, he probably would have shot you to make an example out of you.


    I haven't Civ 5 much since my infamous Early Game Fail thread.  http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=502359


    Question still stands: Would you charge headlong into machine gun fire from the trenches on the Western Front?

  16. Waaaaay back in my high school days I played Epic WH40K. I made my own battalion of Aqua colored Space Marines. I never finished painting them all nor did I give them a name. So I'd be Space Marines. Empire all the way!

    If you were a soldier in WW1 (Great War) on Western Front and your commanding officer ordered you out of the trench to charge enemy machine guns, would you?

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