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Posts posted by -MaVerick-

  1. Seriously? Skyrim and The Witcher? Why would you pick those examples? We are talking about a modern zombie game here, aren't we?


    I'd prefer the more modern and less magical version.



  2. 2 minutes ago, EnigmaGrey said:

    There’s been no negative impact, probably because there’s always people who only do most convenient thing and no more and that most people buying a game don’t actually research it in any way. It’s no different than failing to read pins on a forum before posting — it’s just too easy to post instead.


     The second guessing is therefore rather pointless. Just because someone has an issue doesn’t mean it has to be solved, in general. Trying to do so just lead’s to chasing one’s tail.


    If you say so. You most likely got insight on data, I don't. But still I couldn't wrap my head around the fact why someone wouldn't use the things available when communicating. BI Studios made several weird decisions over the course of DayZ EA, like letting their forum folks rot and giving in to the ever screaming twitter croud. Just to name another example from personal experience. You have the option, you even used it in the past.


    Again, I'm not saying you are wrong. You will have your reasons. It's just a bit weird from my perspective.

  3. On 2/19/2021 at 4:09 PM, nasKo said:

    We used to, and the feedback we received from doing so led to us not doing so anymore.  


    Steam can be a very special place with many people thinking in special ways. Looking at the forum, your moderator staff are handling stuff very good and sometimes entertaining. So who the fork cares about negative feedback from steam? Don't move back because of such people.


    1 hour ago, nasKo said:

    There's many ways to browse news and many people use the Activity tab on Steam. People who have the game on their follow list also get a desktop notification when news were posted.

    Problem is, people don't want to do research. They want it the easy way. That's why you still got newcommers asking about why this game seems dead in steam forums every now and then. I can only advise you to use what you've been given via steam. Extend your reach, keep it up to date, get new players that way.

  4. Quote

    Because “patching” the game requires rewriting the entire rendering engine to support scene graphs instead of just patching it. It’s the only way we can then debug the openGL side of the game if we are forced to upgrade because most OpenGL tools that we relied on are now dead.

    That’s a ton of work that we simply cannot take on right now, all for something that will likely have to force upscaling anyway (eg set the game to 2560x and just double it) to be performant. Something you, futuristic person with what remains an uncommon resolution, can just do yourself right now. Or you can throw a virtual fit and make everyone’s life difficult, spending more time complaining than it’d take to do on your end.


    See also: https://steamcommunity.com/app/108600/discussions/0/2998799976100600200/


    Long story short, it's a lotta work.

  5. Everything comes at a cost. GoG got it's advantages, but for as long as i can think of, it has always took it's time when it comes to patches. I dunno if thats because GoGs verification process is taking so long or maybe it's the patch distribution with their system, who knows.


    While it's not great, I wouldn't go full double post about it. If that is your biggest gripe, come to steam. 

  6. Hello future zombiefood,


    yesterday I started a new vanilla sandbox game in Riverside, the beginning went great. Today my woodman went ahead to do things when the ground texture suddenly just went *poof*






    Returning to main menu and loading didn't fix it, restarting the game did though.


    Can I provide something to smash that bug?

  7. Not saying that google is the answer to everything and all, but according to the first thing you find 100g would be 410cal. OP has a point, though I would rather think of 1000 other things before fixing a value of some food item. Chill a bit Nativel, patience is the key ;)

  8. Found that one, too! Dunno about how the current crisis is going in your country, but here in GER people buy lots and lots of toilet paper when getting a little panicky, like right now. With that situation in mind i had a good laugh when finding a house full of toilet paper. Nice one Devs :D


    I don't think it's a bug, and even if, please keep it.

  9. How long does it take for you do regain control of your character? Sounds like more than a microstutter. Are you sure this is related to the time and not, for example, the amount of zombies nearby? My system is taking serious hits when around hotspots like the prison or military area (RIP Nr. 1) which is similar to what you are describing, effectively pausing my game for up to a second for every 5-10 seconds.



  10. For comparison, this is what my base looks like on normal days.




    I am more or less standing on the same spot on both screenshots. As you can see, its not like that every day, but on some days. Even if thats supposed to be storm weather, not even a flashlight would have helped me there.

  11. Hello community,


    while I quite enjoy some moody light effects when the weather isn't good, but this...




    ...this is a bit over the top. Correct me if some days are really THAT dark in america, but this is bug territory dark for me. Even my lights can't penetrate this sheer darkness.


    Playing vanilla sandbox, only have tinkered with zombie related stuff afaik.

  12. I noticed this too when I gained access to a carport roof. The sloped roofs don't have any collision detection, but there is a flat floor underneat as some sort of workaround so you don't just fall through it. Looks a bit silly since you are kinda clipping through the roof, but it's something I can live with. 

    Maybe that would be a way to counter your problem.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Batsphinx said:

    - Made welding mask replace hats and vice versa (can't wear at same time)

    Awww I was running this combination quite succesfully on my last 2 chars. But it does make sense since the mask is clipping through the hats pretty hard.


    Keep up the good work, the ~115hours i had with this game in the last few weeks were awesome. Can't wait for MP to hit the floor so my better half can also join the fun.

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