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Everything posted by Suomiboi

  1. Allright! I'll start testing with it. It didn't work straight as it is but I'll try and figure out the system behind it. Thanks! EDIT: I've gotten it to change the numbers but the effect doesn't seem to be working yet. Gonna continue testing
  2. Hey, I was wondering if there is a way of changing the defines.lua ZomboidGlobals with a function and without editing the file itself? For example: function KnifeTest(); local player = getPlayer(0); local weapon = player:getPrimaryHandItem(); if weapon:getType() == "KitchenKnife" then -- this would be where it would change the info in ZomboidGlobals CatchAColdIncreaseRate = 0.000, --this is normally 0.003 Events.OnPlayerUpdate.Add (KnifeTest);Now I know this code doesn't work and it's just an example to demonstrate what I'd like to do. I've tried multiple ways of getting the info from the ZomboidGlobals and change it but nothing seems to work.(Too many to list and remember. I'm in the point where I just try anything that pops to my head that would have a 1% chance of working.) This is probably either because it can't be done or because I'm stupid and don't know the code... So if anyone knows anything that might help or that it can't be done, I'd be extremely grateful!
  3. and a link has been added to the pzwiki "modding" section- java tutorials- under lemmy's other tutorial... Suomiboi, you should TOTALLY start to add/ cleanup the wiki its really fun! It's the first wiki i've ever dived into helping with but no-ones yelled at me so far and it really is more fun than you would think. a lot of stuff needs to wat till .11 to be inputted, but hey, wiki's are community projects- we're the community! but thanks for the awesome link too.... Yea I'm going to at somepoint start looking into the wiki. But I'll try some modding first as I'm slowly starting to learn how the lua stuff works.
  4. Round 1. Fight! Just kidding. A mega ultimate collaboration-sation addiction mod would be awesome Looking forward to these!
  5. I really like that idea. I don't think know if it is possible to mod it at the moment because the items, inventory, containers and bags would all need a new "space" value added to them and that would require modifying the java base... or maybe someone smarter than me could figure something to get around this... Anyone? This wouldn't still fill your hands when you carry stuff but then that is a different kind of system altogether. Maybe have container bags work only when worn, equipped or inside a larger container. Otherwise you would just have them folded neatly in a pile with the rest of the stuff. And then maybe make the inventory space alot smaller than the bags so that you wouldn't be able to carry lots of large items without a bag of somekind. This way you wouldn't be able to get lots of stuff in your inv (or if they'd represent the hands and pocets) and also you wouldn't get too easily encumbered if carrying a backpack for example. Also hand held bags wouldn't necessarily have any weight reduction benefit, but only the space so backpacks would be the thing to go for. Then maybe have something like the holsters and utility belts discussed add to your basic inventorý space a little. These would act as open containers where you would have the items by your hand in a whim so they wouldn't need their own container slots/icons, but just add to your inv space. Now again I'm thinking about this more as a mod rather than seeing it in vanilla... EDIT: offtopic I gots a member title. Yay! although I have no idea what it would mean.
  6. Found this in the old forums in which lemmy explains the javadoc class system and how it basically works. I was wowed! Somewhat more in depth stuff for me at least but very well explained! Helped me alot in understanding the reasoning behind the codes and also where all this stuff is coming from. Should be added to the wiki imo as it isn't tied to any version specifically. Not gonna do it myself yet coz I don't wanna fudge up the whole page as I've never edited a wiki...
  7. Yes! This is great I was going to do something similar myself at somepoint but I seem to be too lazy... Thank you this will go to use! There are more food items in the newitems.txt which is in the same folder. Would be nice if you could add them too.
  8. Do you guys know if the old inventory system done in lua or Java? I wasn't "in the scene" at the time . It would propably be more close to the tetris kind of system to start a never ending learning process...
  9. So you don't hear a word from the developers? What about this: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/79- Oh ... and don't forget our Mondoids. So yeah actually I hear quite a lot from the devs. i read that and i thought those are minor upgrade i was thinking something major like NPCs or different interface NPCs were discussed on the last Mondoid and it was a pretty major thing.
  10. Yea I realize that it would be a lot of work as I said earlier and I don't think it will happen(especially if the devs already made their minds), just wanted to splur this out of my system. I shall now wait and try to figure out how to mod these kind of things... who knows maybe in the very distant future someone will make this happen.
  11. The point being with this idea is it incorporates both weight and space. I think the bag thing could also be done with the current system, but the main realism point is you really can't carry 4 baseball bats without any sort of bag or container and then also be shooting a shotgun.
  12. Ok good to know, is it possible to do at the moment with lua or are there some restrictions that would require java fidling?
  13. Ok I got a bit carried away here: This is what I'd like. I have seen similar but not done like this. Basically items would have size and weight and as a counter containers would have a size limit and your body parts (or maybe just the whole body like at the moment) would have a weight limit. And you would more likely be out of room to put stuff into rather than over-encumbered. But if you would be carrying large a full hiking bag and 4 shopping bags on your hands (which is possible in real life...) you would definitely be over-encumbered. So this is what I thought of: Sorry about the image quality I suck at drawing stuff on computers... and the weights and grid sizes are just pulled from my rear end. as you start you would have space on your hands and your pockets. You would also be able to wear your shirt, pants and shoes without it filling inv space. this is the most limiting part as you would start with maybe being able to carry two bags of chips, a can of food and a knife on your one hand as a primary weapon. This would make containers a must if you're going on a loot mission. But things will get easier when you find a backpack. You would be able to put here shotguns etc. that would really fit into a backpack. Also hauling stuff wouldn't be impossible if you'd get the aforementioned hiking bag and 4 plastic bags. You would be slow, but you are slow already if you have lots of stuff. "Now what do I do when I have my hands full of shopping bags and a zombie attacks?" This has been discussed here. It also has lots of good Ideas about different containers . basically you would have a button that would drop the bags and maybe grab your primary weapon. for example you have your bags and press "1" and you would drop your bags and grab the baseball bat sticking from your backpack. Ok I know this is pretty hardcore and probably not that easy to do, but it most definitely would be realistic as you wouldn't be able to carry a shotgun in your pocket and have two hands free for swinging your bat... but this system would allow you to put your pistol in you pocket (or holster on the belt slot) and after swinging that bat, take the pistol on your primary hand to shoot and leave the bat on the other. I think lots of people wouldn't like this mainly because it really limits the start of the game and makes it a lot more harder, but if you have questions or ideas then shoot! Sorry Zainox didn't wanna try n steal your thread here EDIT: You would still be able to stack items to a degree like say 20 nails and 2 planks (as they're even so wouldn't take as much space when on top of each other) or something like that. The bags would be exactly like zainox said
  14. I'm not sure about this system. I have liked it in other games. If I'd make the inventory I'd probably make it look like the character where you would put stuff in your pockets and in your hands or containers if you had any. Maybe apply that kind of idea with the weight and then the limited amount of big stuff you'd be able to carry...
  15. I like the idea of seeing my scratches and bandages on the health screen, but the NPC avatars don't fit in the games style imo. They do have somekind of nostalgic vibe to them though... plus the amount of art they would have to do to create even a dozen of faces with lets say 10 emotions (not to say 200x20)... which are both quite low amounts in regards of the idea and therefore wouldn't necesserily be a plus thing. I also do think the inventory should still be somewhat revamped to be more realistic.
  16. Suomiboi


    I'd propably just ride around town ringing the bell (there will be a bell on the bike right? coz' there should.) and watching the dumb fuckers form a nice straight line after me. How about drunk driving then? I broke one of my front teeth in half when I went to buy cigarettes with a bike and fell on my face... not a good idea in retrospect.
  17. Been there...still somewhat there... I've never been to any forum before this so I don't know about deleting posts or whatnot, but you won't be a spammer by trying to find the corresponding threads. If something doesn't exist (or can't find it), create a new one. The mods are nice people so your not gonna get banned for creating a topic or two.
  18. Come on into my house, don't mind the bodies and the insane amount of canned food and socks in the corner. Nothing suspicious here. Ok then, see ya there. You got chips? I like chips.
  19. You mean until the next update? (wait... that didn't come out right... )
  20. I'll probably be the one playing singleplayer. But seriously I'll be the one trying to naively help everyone and get stabbed in the back.
  21. We're not even in beta yet we're in alpha... Beta would suggest that the game is somewhat feature complete which it is certainly not. as for the OP not being mean but have you read these: Commonly Suggested Suggestions [Read Before Posting] How To Write A Good Suggestion [Read Before Posting] My main point being you compiled quite a lot of info under one topic and rather than suggesting a way to be fixed you concentrated on what is wrong. That mostly results in a way that you are seen as complaining (which I'm not saying you are) rather than suggesting. And also it's very likely your thoughts will get lost in large posts because people mostly like reading coherent articles. Anyways nice to see yet a new "face" on the forums (edited a few typos )
  22. Proving myself somewhat wrong here... I did find this: http://www.theindies...?p=79283#p79283 The topic is about drugs but what Lemmy said is in conjunction with the idea that this kind of thing could be found in the game at some point. If they have the time and want to put it in... lemmy101 said
  23. Hypochondriasis: "Common symptoms include headaches; abdominal, back, joint, rectal, or urinary pain; nausea; fever and/or night sweats; itching; diarrhea; dizziness; or balance problems." according to that you should be in pain. You can die to a few of those symptoms (especially if combined with bad nutrition etc.) but I think it would and should be very unlikely.
  24. I have mixed feelings about this. I'd like to see how I could survive as a totally unstable personality in a totally unstable environment from Darwinian type survivalist point of view. But on the other hand I'm not sure mental disabilities would fit in the games atmosphere. First of all bipolar disorder is quite rare ~4% according to the all knowing Wikipedia. Phobias and temperaments aren't disabilities and something like agoraphobia would be in fact quite sensible as it isn't very safe wandering outside with the walking dead trying to gnaw your face off. Second it might insult some more sensitive people, so it could be that it isn't worth the risks involved for the devs. But hell, let's make a mod! When it'll be possible to add custom traits. In my experience bipolar is more related to depression... One of my best friends has been diagnosed with a mild bipolar and he's very rarely angry, more depressed and self-destructive at times. But one thing is that he has quite some trouble getting along with certain types of people. On the other hand you can have mild "hypomania" which can actually increase productivity. I think this would be counted as a mental health which is/was discussed here... but I could be wrong... there was some talk about disabilities if I remember correctly. Mental Health Discussion Thread
  25. I think the trust and relationship shouldn't be a meter, but made into the game (dialog/behaviour) so that you could tell there's something fishy with that person. In real life you don't know how trustworthy someone is until you get to know him and start trusting him/her, but that still doesn't mean the person IS trustworthy or that you know it. You could be a bad judge of character or he's screwing you... Breaks immersion. If an NPC acts all well and good, you know it yourself and don't need a meter for it. EDIT: yeah I like the idea of post apocalyptic euthanasia
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