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Posts posted by Strider

  1. I like the idea of cars and I think they should be common but I just think there should be obstacles in place to stop them from easy to repair or use.

    If you have to work to obtain something you appreciate it more. I certainly feel that's a lesson I'd learnt from the DayZ mod.

  2. Why would a surge in spoilt food cause a surge in rat population? Do they not eat unspoilt food too? :P



    Yeah that's fair. I wouldn't have thought that refuse being in bins would be easier to get to than general domestic food in cupboards but I'm not sure if that's entirely the case. For a rat it should be just as easy.

  3. Rats would boom after power goes out and with more food spoiling. That might make it a good idea to make things harder later in the game. While rats wouldn't affect zombies (Except that zombies might go after rats they see, causing migrations) they could 'loot' food items and replace them with disease causing rat poop (or even replacing food items with dead rats). How irritating it would be to go looking for that stash of chips and dried ramen to find one dead rat and a handful of rat poo!


    Keeping your place free of rats would be a pretty important survival test - making bite proof containers with Advanced Carpentry and killing/trapping the little buggers would keep the game interesting when zombie threats seem less. You could fortify all you want, but rats - they'll just move right in. Of course, if you're completely out of food - you could take your chances eating the rats. So, life, lemons, lemonade kind of situation. Only with more disease.


    I could even picture the rats being a pain to people's farms.


    On the subject of that, I think that birds - if implemented - should be more of a threat to crops rather than noiseboxes, with players given several different options with varying levels of effectiveness to keep the winged pests out. Keeping pests out of farms could be the difference between life and death in late game.


    I like all the ideas here. I'd not considered birds in a farming context but that's exactly right. I like what you have to say about rats too. They'd boom shortly after but then there would be a mass starvation due to a lack of refuse being created.


    I wonder what sort of behaviour that would cause. I think the rats (we already) find in cupboards are an indication from devs that this will be a problem in the future.


    Oh, I should point out that I can connect to my own server so it is running ok it would seem. It'd seem to suggest a port forwarding problem. I've made the change. I'm going to leave the server up, hopefully somebody will be able to test it for me.



    UN: guest

    PW: guest

    Can't test from here but it's normal that you can connect to your own server (because there's no port forwarding required for it). Good indicator, though.

    If other people cannot connect, it's likely a network issue, not a server issue. :)



    That's what I was pretty much getting at. I'll wait until someone is able to test. 

  5. I don't get why animals would avoid zombies in the lore... Zombies cannot infect animals and zombies have no interest in eating animals... They probably stink but only humans would have to learn to associate that smell with fear and danger. Other animals over time would learn to associate that smell with safety. <- This is just a logical deduction and is not based on any lore at all.


    Don't forget that Brooks zombies are not Romero zombies!! They are just based on Romero zombies and he wrote a well thought out book with many original ideas and many original lore elements.


    First, let's clarify what I personally mean by animals. I mean wildlife that you can hunt. As an example, let's start with something pretty generic, pigs or wild boar.


    A lot of wild creatures are quite skittish and would become fearful or aggressive if a human approached. A pig/boar has no concept of what a zombie is so it would treat it like any other threat and act exactly the same.

  6. Oh, I should point out that I can connect to my own server so it is running ok it would seem. It'd seem to suggest a port forwarding problem. I've made the change. I'm going to leave the server up, hopefully somebody will be able to test it for me.


    UN: guest
    PW: guest

  7. Port 16261 is a UDP port.

    The others are TCP ports.


    You can check if your system is accepting connections on the UDP port 16261 by starting the server and then opening a cmd and entering

    netstat -an

    Now check the output for the UDP port 16261.

    In some cases it's normal that port testers might show TCP ports as closed because they are not in use when players are not connected and playing.

    Most online port checkers are not able to check for UDP ports.

    The FAQ will be updated in that regard, soon.


    I'm having the same problem. Pretty much identical to the OP. Connection failed for those that try to connect. I've my ports set up as follows




    Any advice in this regard would be helpful nasKo. 


    Also, netstat shows :


      UDP          *:*


    Interesting. I'm using a combination of the old Romero movies, the TWD series (TV not comic) and what I've read of ZSG.

    It's interesting though. For hunting it'd mean you would have to travel quite far, potentially.

    I think so aswell. I guess you'd have to leave the City and travel deep into the woods to meet some animals. On the other hand, deep in the woods should be your desired place in the zombocalypse in the first place. Hundreds of animals can't be that wrong ;D



    At the moment, yeah. However when NPC's come back they'll be where the fun are regardless of whether you play as bandit or hero. Personally I'd love to setup a safehouse on the outskirts, somewhere with availability to town and the wilderness for food.


    I could then make forays into town to find NPC's and bring them back to my safehouse so they can cook the deer I just shot :)

  9. Hey,


    I was considering how it takes a long time/never for the zombies to find your warehouse and when they do it's never in sufficient number to cause problems. To this end I wanted to suggest some other tools that might be useful to the developers in bring down the wrath of god upon your little avatar.


    Birds, rats and refuse


    1. Birds could rest and/or nest on the building in which you live. They could be startled by you causing them to utter an 'alarm call' as most birds do. This is quite loud and could carry quite far.

    2. I'm not really going to touch on rats very much as judging from the search it's been discussed at length. I've not read all of the posts I just want to add that they could be used to lure Z's to your safe house because of the rubbish you've left lying around

    3. Even in the apocalypse you're still going to have rubbish. There will be cooked food which will go uneaten and incorrectly stored will lead to rats.


    • Is it somewhat realistic?

    I don't feel this is in anyway outside of the standard lore or realms of believability.

    • Does it fit with the spirit of PZ?

    I think so yeah.

    • Would it make the game too easy?

    I'm hoping it does the opposite.

    • Would it require rewriting the entire game (like changing the camera view, for instance)

    I don't believe so but I'm no coder so I wouldn't like to say.

    • Would it add enough to the gameplay that it would be worth taking the time to add?

    At the moment, I can survive indefinitely with little trouble. I think the key here is to make the characters death inevitable again. I think this might help that.

    • Would it be found in Muldraugh, Kentucky common enough to be added?


    • For zombies: Does it fit at least somewhat into Romero/Brooks zombie lore (the basis for 'proper' zombies)?

    Yes, I think it does.

  10. Well my 2p is this.


    If there were enough Z's it's quite likely they could cause a fence or a door to be forced open just by the pressure of numerous zombies behind them. That is if we're talking hundreds.


    So let's work on that. Let's talk numbers. Let's say there are 3000 Z's and they all know you're inside a building. You've knocked out the stairs and locked all the doors downstairs.


    Now the Z's would either beat the door down or it'd be forced upon by the weight of the numerous Z's behind it.

    For those outside that are still aware that there is food inside might get to the wall and try hitting that. Now if I've understood the previous posts correctly it's not unreasonable to suggest one of the Z's becomes unbalanced or is knocked over by the others.


    It's then possible a another Z would come along and stand upon him. The question is, how high would this become before the 'structure became unstable. It certainly would be anywhere as high as something from the movie.


    But as I try to visualize this, it would depend on the amount of zombies. If you had many thousands, like a city worth and they were all hungry and agitaited enough to come to one location I can't see why not.

    They can't form structures but they'd not have to. They'd eventually fall over and others would pile on top. If the numbers were large enough I think they might even manage to scale larger (2 or 3 story buildings) if there were enough.


    These are just my opinions. I mean no harm!

  11. I've just done a quick 'medical condition' search and didn't find anything. My lukewarm apologies to those applicable if this has already been suggested.


    The Idea


    Some players/or NPC's could start with a medical condition. This could require specialist medicine or equipment to prevent them from behaving irrationally/violently or from plain old fashioned dying.




    For those that have played the excellent The Walking Dead by TellTale games will know exactly what I mean.

    The character 'Larry' suffers from vagina angina. I'll leave you to research the condition yourself. I'd recommend the game and it would also give you a good idea as to how it effects the group.


    The Mechanic


    With players it could lead to you having to foray outside of your comfort zone in order to acquire the medicine you or an NPC require. The medicine may be finite allowing for other tensions to develop within the group of players or NPC's.

  12. I recognise this has already been started. You have the zombies that are asleep, my idea is to suggest ideas furthering this - already started - train of thought.




    To create those cinematic moments when you think you're completely safe in a house only for a Z to sneak down while you're looting and bite you in the face.



    Sleeping - due to lack of activity.

    Sleeping - due to a full stomach.

    Deep sleep - due to long-term inactivity




    The Z would stay asleep even after the player has broken in, because they didn't hear him. They'd wake when he comes closer or after another variable.




     - All of the doors in the houses shouldn't be shut by default. In fact, many of them would have been left open following the panic that would have ensued.

  13. Hopefully this will be useful to others.


     - A Google account (and thus a Google Drive account)
     - Google Drive desktop application
     - A full copy of WinRAR
    What follows is a simple guide for backing up the server save files. For anyone hosting a dedicated server, I would hope you'd not need this. To everyone else you can use this (or not) as you please.
    The batch file will collect and compress the files and then move them to a folder which Gdrive (Google Drive) will upload.
     - Create an empty batch file. Howto: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+create+a+batch+file
     - Change where it reads <username> to the Windows account username under which you have Project Zomboid installed.
     - Paste the contents below into the newly created batch file
    cd C:\Progra~1\WinRAR 
    rar a -r PZ-Backup.rar *.bin C:\Users\<username>\Zomboid\Sandbox\servertest
    move /Y PZ-Backup.rar C:\Users\<username>\Google~1
    pause > nul

    I should also point out that this batch file automates much of the required actions whilst Google Drive does much of the other duties. However if you wish this process to be fully automated then you would need to use Windows Task Scheduling to fully automate this backup
  14. I think it's not out of keeping with the general lore of the game to imagine that in later game zombies group into mega-groups.


    I'd think it would be a great game mechanic to be able to spawn a huge number of zombies at the players front doorstep in later game because hungry zombies wander.


    Just a thought.

  15. Well I mean you could already make it your name in singleplayer.


    Yeah. I know. When I start a new game it hit generate until it comes up with the first white male or a male who has a name that I like. It'd be nice to see my name generate randomly.


    If you mean with NPC's, I'm sure it's not outside the realm of possibilities that someone could mod it into a game and maybe have a community list of names?


    That's another option that I hadn't considered. That's work too although I'd find it odd meeting, what is ostensibly, myself.

  16. As an idea, possibly to garner a little more revenue you could follow one of the ideas that FTL used when on kickstarter.


    If you backed the game with a set amount you could have one of the aliens on your ship spawn with your name. Kickstarter aside, you could still set something up so those (with money to spare) could pay a token amount and have their name added to the list of names that game picks from when it generates player names.


    Just an idea.

  17. i keep the first one i found on this toon.  just on the off chance that rumors are true and it does increase your luck.


    ever since i found it down town west point has very few zombies.


    coiniceadink  i think not.


    Ha, this makes me smile


    I'd love to know the truth on the Spiffos. I don't think they do anything, yet. It reminds me of this.




    My point is the paranoia that the AI director bringss



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