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About SaltfuricACid

  • Birthday December 29

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    Coding, Zomboid

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  1. I'm sure this has been suggested before, but still, support. The ability to rehang things as curtains in some form would be great!
  2. I don't believe the issue is one of difficulty. The devs can do it, yes. However, that takes time. First, in PZ, if there's really a group of players attacking you, you're not going to be "Oh, I'll kill this one, and then this one"... because you'll be dead. That being said, I think that the existing system, as we believe it works, works fine. As I seem to understand it, it targets the closest enemy in the direction you're aiming, and that aiming becomes more accurate as you level up. To me, that makes most of the functionality we really need. You point at the thing you want to shoot. You shoot. If you're bad at aiming, you might accidentally hit something else. If you're really good at aiming, then you're more likely to hit what you aimed at. Now, if this isn't the case, then maybe some sort of backend tweak to how aiming works would be good. But to me I think part of the immersion of the game is the fact that there isn't an aiming ridicule or a target indicator; You're you, aiming at zombies. To me, at least, I would prefer the game without the aiming indicator as it adds more hud which is always immersion-limiting for me. But if it really is a helpful thing to PvP, then I suppose it may be an eventual inclusion with the new clan / faction update that seems to be on it's way down the pipeline towards release.
  3. Hmm... Ethanwdp: 10 / 10 for being a coder 9/ 10; Minus 1 for logical error in code. 9.9 / 10; Plus .9 for fixing it.
  4. This isn't a bad idea. I have no idea how hard it is to implement, but I too have occasionally experienced a moment of... Not necessarily nausea, but what I might describe as "virtual vertigo"; That moment when the screen moves, you get momentarily a tiny bit discombobulated, and you lose mental track of where your character is on the screen.
  5. First of all, cool! Second, is this "todolist" an official document somewhere?
  6. I do like the idea of expanding the roles of underused classes like electrician and engineer. In this case, I'd say that the alarm should always be right by the front door of the house, and perhaps have an alarm panel at the back door too, if there is one. House alarms are rare enough that, for the ability to disable house alarms to be useful, the alarm panel should always be in the same place from house to house. Having to run and find it would be a bit taxing, not to mention dangerous if the house was inhabited.
  7. While this may be true, it's also helpful that sleep isn't hugely impacted by exertion. That way, you can get on a sleep schedule of your liking rather than being dependent on what you did that day and having your sleep pattern all over the place. Just personal preference I guess.
  8. Looking at the wiki, cabbages are indeed listed as stale within 2 days and rotten in 4. This, however, I think is a balancing decision. Look at hunger and thirst value of other farmed goods vs their growing times. You'll note cabbage is unarguably the best raw growable food in terms of hunger, and it gives thirst to boot. It also grows very rapidly. If cabbage didn't spoil so quickly, I'd say it was an overpowered food source compared to the others. The fact that it spoils so quickly is what makes it balanced. If you design your farm schedule and crops well enough, cabbage can provide large amounts of food with short farm turnover times, it just has to be consumed quickly if you don't want it rotten.
  9. Cool idea! Although they should definitely be able to be disabled / destroyed by the player if they want to.
  10. Honestly, while this would be useful in most settings, I don't think it holds that much use in PZ. I mean, in the end, which zombie you're shooting in the horde isn't really that important. Sure, you may want to shoot the closest zombie and the game may not be "targeting" it, but honestly I'm not sure whether the game truly targets an enemy at all, or if it just looks at stuff in that direction and applies some sort of distance and direction based modifier to the chance of hitting it. Cool idea, but a lot more effort and potentially immersion breaking (not to mention jarring for players used to the "point character in right direction and fire" method) than it's worth in my opinion.
  11. At a certain point, yes, the computer becomes irrelevant to performance when the game's optimization, such as is the case with tons of zombies, is the limiting factor.
  12. Hello everybody, First, this is *not* a thread suggesting for the umpteenth time that you add exploding zombies or acid spitting zombies or anything like that. What I would like to suggest, and I'm sure this has been brought up elsewhere, but in scattered ways, is that zombies be given a bit more logical variety, in terms of clothing and gear. Allow me to give an example that illustrates my point. One thing that I always do is take my shirt off all of my characters. This isn't because I want to look cool, or even just because of the heat that can occasionally pop up while wearing a shirt, but it's because it makes my character easy to find if I get zombified. On some worlds I do spawn new characters because I'm experimenting with things or because, now that I've died and therefore lost in standard survival, I feel like burning just about everything down on that world. When I do so, I often need to get my character's loot. So in that sea of zombies, it's easy to pick out the one shirtless one. Why? Because zombies always spawn with shoes, a shirt, and pants. Isn't that a bit unrealistic? Not every single zombie is going to have shoes, pants, and a shirt. At the very least, with the dragging feet and tripping over fences, they should be able to lose shoes, and if survivors regularly die without clothes in their worlds, then shouldn't there be zombies without some clothes? Additionally, zombie loot. Now, I get it. Zombies shouldn't be walking loot crates. However, zombies are survivors who died, and realistically those survivors would be carrying more than just lipstick, cologne, combs, walkie talkies, pens, pencils, 10 rounds of ammo, and the occasional axe if you're "lucky" (forgive me if I missed a "standard" loot item). My point is that, just like houses can occasionally be full of canned food, or full of trap components (This isn't mentioned on the wiki, but I have twice come across a kitchen stuffed full of ~20+ trap components (triggers, motion sensors, etc) on single player.), I think it makes sense for zombies to have the ability to spawn basically all types of loot, just very rarely. Think about how often you ignore corpses, especially when not playing with "lucky", simply because you know that the loot possibilities don't include just about anything you're looting buildings for. Now, some more things that I assume may be considered with / after the animation update and that I know have been suggested and given "maybe's" or "eventually's", are things like zombies missing limbs or zombies that are already crawlers. That would be cool too, but I get that that should wait until with or after the animation update. If any of these changes have been done in the IWBUMS builds, please let me know, as I play on the standard Steam versions and am out of touch with the IWBUMS builds (really need to play those, especially with Rosewood and the like out!).
  13. Indestructible wouldn't make sense, otherwise if the player can't break it then neither should the zombies be able to. However, heavily increasing HP so that you'll bring every zombie around to you by smashing on it for a while would have a similar effect without the absolute of "can't be broken down".
  14. Personally, I like the name being there. It may be very small, but it helps with immersion. That being said, if it impedes GUI functionality then some tweaking to button layouts and the like may need to be done.
  15. I've wanted this for a while. In no zombie movie, ever, do you see a character throw the blinds or curtains wide open just to take a peak out, unless they're trying to get noticed. You peek out, and that minimizes your chances of being seen. A few possibilities for implementation, as mentioned above: Decreased view range out the window, but decreased or no chance of being seen by zombies; Another option is that you have to stay "peaking" for a while while your sight range slowly expands. However it's implemented, this would add not only to the gameplay but also to the immersion of the game.
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