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Everything posted by Dr_Cox1911

  1. Any other admin get the same error after the update today? I tried everything (reinstall PZ with deleted everything, reinstalling java, tested Windows and Linux, tried Stable and IWBUMS).
  2. Am Sonntag, den 18.05.2014 um 20 Uhr geht der Server 2 wieder online! Server 1 ist durchgehend online.
  3. In the class "LOSThread" they use "getViewDistance", don´t know if you can do anything with this information. Maybe is you search with this command again you will find what you need.
  4. So, hadn´t much time to code today, but I found out that "getNumActivePlayers" doesn´t return the real playercount in MP, only local players.
  5. Die deutsche PZ-Community wartet gleich mit zwei Servern auf! Doch neben den Servern bieten wir euch einen TS-Server auf dem ihr sogar eigene Channel haben könnt. Entschließt ihr euch eine Gruppe zu gründen erhaltet ihr auf Wunsch einen dauerhaften TS-Channel und einen eigenen Forenbereich, der nur für eure Gruppenmitglieder zugänglich ist (Registrierung bei uns im Forum nötig). Mehr Infos könnt ihr hier nachlesen. Um ganz normal bei uns mitspielen müsst ihr euch nicht bei projectzomboid.de registrieren, stattdessen reicht eine Nachricht an mich. Bitte dringend euren Benutzername und euer gewünschtes Passwort für die Whitelist nennen! Server 1: 24/7 online (Wartungsarbeiten ausgenommen)Sandbox-Settings angepasst: mehr und stärkere ZombiesReset nach BedarfSpielernamen deaktiviertPvP anSafetySystem anForenregistrierung freiwilligServer 2 (weitere Infos): Event-Server => nur zu vorher bekanntgegebenen Zeiten onlineBedford Falls, falls Reset nötig wird auf Dreadwood gewechselt (immer abwechselnd)Spielernamen deaktiviertPvP anSafetySystem anForenregistrierung verpflichtend[11.05.2014] Der Event-Server (Server 2) startet heute um 20 Uhr zum ersten mal! (Anmerkung: Hoffe, dass ein rein deutscher Eintrag in Ordnung ist. Falls eine englische Übersetzung notwendig ist so setze ich mich sofort dran.)
  6. Thought that "getSpecificPlayer" only works for local players (like splitscreen), but if it really works for MP as well then I could simply use "getNumActivePlayers()" and loop through it to use as int. Thanks! Will defo test that!
  7. I´m trying to implement a different chat-system for MP, I want the default one kinda expanded with wisper, yell, ...
  8. Thanks turbotutone! I just hate my bad Lua skills I´m trying to get the coords and usernames of all mp-players around the player. Obivously in a defined radius, that´s why I wanted to look at the local chat to see how it´s done there.
  9. Would like to now this as well. Curious how this could work, testing the whole day but as of now =>no success.
  10. Thanks turbotutone and JonSyn! But I ment more like how they do the rangedistribution for the local chat to decide which player sees the message. Will look into GameClient.java and see what I can dig up.
  11. Hey all! Hope you can throw me in the right direction, because I really don´t know were to look. Searched the lua-files for the local chat, but couldn´t find anything, only how the chat-window is drawn. So where do I find the code for local chat? Or is this purely done in Java and not accessible through lua?
  12. You have to place the Bedford Falls map files (lot and lotheader) within the mod provided in the first post here. You then have to create a servertest_spawnpoints.lua and a servertest_spawnregions.lua and alter your servertest.ini to link to the servertest_spwanregions.lua and to the Bedford Falls modID.
  13. How did you set it up? We need more details.
  14. If you want to force global PvP then you have to set "SafetySystem" to false.
  15. Danke für das Update nasKo! Zum angebohrten Brett/Knotted board: Ich würde es ehrlich gesagt auch mit angebohrtem Brett übersetzen. Ich versteh aber ehrlich gesagt nicht warum beim Kombinieren des Knotted boards mit einem sturdy stick kindling entsteht. Meiner Meinung ergibt das ja nen Feuerbohrer, der dann als direkt das Feuer anmacht (also als Ersatz zum Feuerzeug/Streichölzer dient).
  16. Sorry for being a di** but will this new version support MP?
  17. Is it legally OK if I use this art on YT? Hoping that Mash reads this
  18. +1 for Realmkeepers post. But I would also like a citymap to find. It should be a pretty rare item and only cover the cities/towns itself.
  19. AFAIK custom animations aren´t possible right now, so you have to live with the joggers for a little bit longer. (And yep, it looks kinda strange)
  20. I only tried zombiepopulation and strength and those worked with 25 (at least it looked like it). Awesome news from EasyPickins: Sandboxoptions for each server!
  21. It looks like the current build26 is bugged, because normally the settings will be shared to the clients (hence the foldername). The changelog for the upcoming hotfix for build26 fixes this problem, so you only have to change the settings on the serverside.
  22. Awesome EasyPickins! Now Dreadwood and Bedford Falls are working, only getting the cell-errors now, everything else works fine (at least after my 30min testperiod, was only though). Are the files changing anything else or is it relatively "safe" to use them? And is a hotfix for this planned or should my players and I just use the files? EDIT: Nevermind, just read the post from RJ. EDIT2: And take this clyde for your patience
  23. You get zero errors with Bedford? I deleted all files again (server and client) and started from scratch with Bedford. Still getting the cell-error @45, 33 and additionally a lot of missing lotpacks. I must be doing something completely wrong (the missing lotpack are from Muldraugh e.g. world_46_27.lotpack) Could you send me your setup EasyPickins? Just to make it clear, I want to run only Bedford Falls without Muldraugh/West Point.
  24. Yep, but that error doesn´t seem to do anything. The other error with ArrayOutOfBounds hinders the Zeds from spawning and is only thrown in MP. In SP only the Cell error remains. The same goes for Bedford Falls.
  25. Hm, if I understand you correct EasyPickins then I have to say nope, haven´t done anything like that. I deleted the map_meta.bin file within the Zomboid/Multiplayer/Dreadwood folder. My current steps were like this: completely deleted my PZ and reinstalled it (deleted the Zomboid folder as well)setup the files like in post #2started up the serverThen I get the cell error and on playerjoin I get the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. The ArrayException breaks the Zombiespawning as it looks like, because I ran around the server for a couple of minutes and didn´t find a single zombie.
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