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Everything posted by Insanehuman

  1. 1. Watch the nutrition bar once it goes up its cooked, make sure the oven is on and it should work 2. I believe light switches aren't working, someone else will be able to tell you this one 3. If you click the small arrow at the right side it should pop down and show you a bar that is green 4. Yup, you need a sledgehammer then you can rightclick and the option destroy comes up 5. And yes but not large fences, only small ones and by pressing E
  2. You can make a campfire that allow you to cook once the power turns off , it also allows you to keep warm during the winter, but zombies are drawn closer to the light and usual stuff
  3. I do like the idea of proof reading but couldnt it all be done on the one thread so the whole general discussion isnt taken up by translation threads?
  4. I made a rookie mistake and set up audio recording and thought i also started the game recording, I didnt until the end when i went to stop recording and noticed nothing was recorded, so next video will be an update on the character and continuing, It will be a few days, i checked the audio i was going to use and this mic is rubbish so ill be waiting a few days Also Alexander claimed the humble bundle
  5. I like the idea of the wooden latch, i'd use that haha
  6. No new episodes for a few days due to a broken mic and this all happens as soon as i stop pre-recording episodes
  7. Bottom of the first post http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/192-commonly-suggested-suggestions-read-before-posting/ Im sure they will require you too maintain and refill all the time, but not much is known at this time.
  8. It's just for fun/testing, you'll get no fun at all by doing it in a classic run I've tried the item spawn mod in build 15, to get some nails after I lost a massive bag of them somewhere and couldn't find any more, but it kind of killed the fun so I removed it. I'd rather chop all the wood and gather all the nails I need (which became a lot easier with the introduction of crate-smashing). Here is v2.0 of my farmhouse project (cross-post from bug report, hence the captions): It's far from finished, but I have 500+ nails left and can now carpent at level 5 :cool: Doesnt there need to be a ground tile for it to be dry underneath that bit?
  9. Latest episode is up Audio quality is poor though
  10. Wooo Also alexander check your PM for the codes
  11. It would have been nice for a picture Seems like a good idea, why though?
  12. I dislike the whole blaming games for crimes, espically when its all like "Do violent games influenece children" there is an age rateing on them for a reason, i've played voilent video games for years and i've never once thought "oh ill go steal a car and shoot some people" and im sure the same goes for most of the people in this forum. for this new story i blame who ever owned the gun for leaving the gun around in the reach of a child, but people are always looking to wiggle there way out of problems and blame it all on someone else.
  13. Unfourtantly not I only done $4, ill pm you the code when I'm on pc
  14. I only pirate games that im not sure if i can run yet, or games than i intend to buy but don't have the money yet For example borderlands 2 i bought it on xbox also wanted it on pc, wasnt sure if i could run it and i could afford it at the time, a week later i bought it. Don't starve i knew i could run it but couldnt afford it (Never had the money in my card) but knew i was going to pay for it anyway, i also pirate stuff that i have bought but either lost/damaged, i lost my fallout 3 install disc since my first computer couldnt run it so i put it away, i then pirated it on my new computer and then eventually found the disc and the serial key IMHO Pirating helps with sales to an extent, but i hate people who pirate games from big companys cause they don't like them (for example EA) and refuse to pay money but go on to complete the game, but if you are going to pay for it or there is no demo as others have said then i think piracy is okay to an extent (The only thing i really torrent still is music, but the music industry makes out pirating to be a bigger issue than it is. (Example i recently torrented Kendrick lamars album but he also recently just went platnium), i do pay for my music after a while, just when it comes out i torrent it)
  15. This? http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/620-29916-toomanyitems-v15a/
  16. Anyone wanting a humble bundle since no one has posted in the comments?
  17. To go with the OP My taste is all over the place Pink floyd Arctic monkeys Nirvana A Day to Remember Kendrick lamar slipknot Mode step Netsky Pierce the Veil and a bunch of other rappers and metal bands haha
  18. I'd rather have the streaming than the map having to load each cell when you come to it and have separate zombies on each cell Im also loving spiffos guide
  19. I went to research (Find out how easy it is to make it work and how most of them look) but i couldnt find it i got part of a foot when i searched chevilles or i got the thing you put a screw in haha anyway while i was looking it makes me think of the types of wooden joints i made in school and i found this It would be more complex and take more time, having to saw it and make it exact and to make it fit with other pieces and maybe glue but oh well only posting this to ask if it's the same kinda idea haha Edit: just re-read the picture and noticed it was Cheville en bois, i searched that now i feel a bit like an idiot but ahwell, i do like the idea and i should stop skim reading stuff
  20. This episode is diffrent, It's last stand instead
  21. New episode is up Tomorrow/Next Episode ill explain how you can get a humble bundle pack
  22. I like and dislike it Reason i like it is that it is a creative way of using the zombies My reason for not liking it is i don't see how it'd work, hands are flesh muscle and bones, remove the bone to insert your hand but the flesh and muscle is already started to rot and without the bone it would just collapse, imo you'd be better finding boxing gloves and wrapping them up with steel
  23. Newest episode is up ill be uploaidng another one today to make up for yesterday Also ill be giving away an EA humble bundle once i finish this character (Cause thats where i've filmed up to so far haha)
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