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Everything posted by Asparagus

  1. ... Now I do... O__O So, you're saying that: Is a thing? Alright... my issue is not the scratch itself but what happened afterwards... I got a scratch from a window, not a zombie and yet I got sick and died... no "infected" tag on the scratch and kept myself healthy. not saying anything like that. rather, i'm pointing out that you can avoid the scratches altogether by clearing the broken glass out of the window frame first Well, all you mentioned was the clearing the glass, and left out my outlandish (...or is it? O__O) theory of getting infected sick from the broken glass... But yeah, I did get what you meant, I was just messing around :3 (or was I? O__O I usually overthink things and read between the invisible lines...)
  2. I prefer them in sepia. Do you like the rain? Why/why not?
  3. But how did I get sick in the first place? O__O Even with the Lucky and Resilient Traits, I got sick then a fever from a non-zed scratch :T *i cri evrtym*
  4. *walks around the block* OK, it's clear... I guess I can hole up in here now... *slept* *sound of glass breaking* *woke up* *bungalow surrounded by zed by daybreak* ... ... BANZAI!!
  5. Anyway, planes crashing would have happened within the initial 24-48 hours (maybe even 3-4 days) after the spread, when people were still trying to "evacuate" somewhere safer and would have crashed from them not knowing if some of their passengers are infected or not or if some stowed away and then got out after they turned. After that, airports would have become dead zones (like... full of dead people), and if there are any military installations out there (or government), they would/could soon become overrun. Well based on the game, helicopters are still present and fly over you from time to time so, there might be airports or military somewhere... or a surviving news crew? O__O I just sniffed some cleaning solution I found under the sink while looting so I don't know what I'm talking about... EDIT: Some stuff...
  6. Well, now that I read them, disregarding the the long story, you could misinterpret them... somehow... O__O
  7. LOGS!! Now... if only we could do this with corpses... O__O
  8. I did O__O and I know that... I did not get a zombie related injury, only my own idiocy from and I am not talking about zombification... It's the illness from seemingly nowhere which killed me that's the issue... :T ... Did you... did you read the whole thing though? O__O
  9. Nope, not a scratch from the zed... I try to be SUUUUUUUUUPER careful and if I want to take a group apart, I get in one of the zeds' line of sight and lure them away from the rest in a safe place... repeat until all are dead... but if I had to I could take 5 at a time... make them come at me at the same time then swing large with a bat or ax and hopefully they fall in a fan shape and you just "whack a mole" them, hitting them one at a time so they don't get up and eventually they all die XD So no, no scratches or bites from zeds... just the windows this time... :T
  10. ... Now I do... O__O So, you're saying that: Is a thing? Alright... my issue is not the scratch itself but what happened afterwards... I got a scratch from a window, not a zombie and yet I got sick and died... no "infected" tag on the scratch and kept myself healthy.
  11. Occupation: Fire Officer (female) Traits: Hard of Hearing, Over-weight, Lucky, Resilient, Stout. I was happily clearing out Cortman Medical and about a 1-block radius with my trusty kitchen knives, but the place had broken windows galore. The ones near the front door were completely smashed. Of course, lazy me, pressed "E" near the door and ended up climbing up on the broken window. I got a scratch and patched myself up with a sterilized rag. I slept upstairs. The next day, zeds were downstairs and I had to lure them out and dispatch them. Went smoothly. Not a scratch. But again, "E"-ing on the door and, yes, climbed again, and got another scratch... like the odds of getting a scratch from windows were against me. I patched it up... about 3 days passed, I ate fresh food, clean water, changed the bandages with sterile sheets, going well. then one day, I got sick... I still had scratches though they weren't bleeding anymore... I ate fresh food and water, no white berries, didn't stay in the rain for more than a few seconds and I dry off quickly. Yet the illness persisted. And added to it, I became "terrified". I kept up a regimen of sleep, food, water, and tried to avoid conflict. I also reduced the weight I carried to just a few items per run. But I got sicker and sicker and eventually got a fever. Food nor rest didn't help. I woke up one day, fever in motion... I grabbed all my knives and axes, went downstairs and outside and found a small group of zeds. I fought them in the rain... the knives went under their heads and found their way to their brains. Moving away and shoving most of them until they were almost in a line... one by one they came... one by one they fell... After the carnage, I was left empty, save for the heat in my head, and body and a triumphant, yet saddening warmth in my soul... I fell to my illness and joined the undead ranks... shuffling around aimlessly... all I have accomplished, all I have done... gone... *end scene, exit stage left* tr;dl: Basically, I died from scratches (that I got from windows) and no, the scratches had never had the "infected" tag on them so I was kinda bummed when I watched Ellie Bishop (that's her name... give a shout out if you know where it's from :3) waste away (from getting sick/fever)... from window scratches... Questions: Is this intended or a bug?Could the windows have been infected when a zed went through them and some skin, blood, fluid was left behind and I got infected when I went through the window and got a scratch? (but the scratches never got an "infected" tag)Other than the god-like antibiotics, what other effective ways are there to get well from illnesses? (Aside from being well-fed, resting, and drinking bleach?)O__O Also, can't we "open" windows that are already broken? All that's broken is the glass anyway, can't we simply have them open the windows to bypass the glass? Like when a burglar breaks the window/door to get to the latch/door knob. EDIT: added clarifications in bold and parenthesis in the tr;dl.
  12. You know you've played too much PZ when you ask your friends and relatives for all of their canned goods... you know, just in case...
  13. The Luckiest, most Resilient Overweight Nurse can't find a water bottle O__O

    1. Asparagus



      She dieded O__O

  14. Terminus. Sanctuary for all, community for all. Those who arrive survive... You could get the highest form of unhappiness from eating human flesh for the first time. But the more you eat, the easier it becomes(?)... Certainly a "goal" for PvP if I ever did see one... although, the moment you die, you become a zombie... most of the time... so the opportunities you get would be... bah, who cares?! LONG PIG!! O__O Interesting!!
  15. Maybe, but who knows, I think that should be implemented sometime later, as we can't see where they will drop ! I wish the helicopter paparazzi would at least drop a crate of chips or something. It's the least they can do for bringing hordes of zeds to your location. Which will be promptly surrounded by hordes of zombies :T
  16. Questions: Would you catch hypothermia when you forage in the water in winter?Will it cool you down in summer?Would you get infections (like leptospirosis or something) when you have an open wound and are foraging in the water?... Do you wade in the shallows to forage or can you swim/dive? O__OWould you have a (very) small chance to "forage/catch" a fish from foraging if you have a high enough fishing skill? (just a suggestion)I'm curious O__O
  17. Cologne has other things in it though... oils, scents, extracts etc... still, can we distill the thing? or like put it through a Centrifugal Separator or something XD ... Now I want to find centrifuges in medical facilities, could be used to make bio-fuel too O__O
  18. The auto shop in WP... it's pretty devoid of tools you'd usually find in a place like that... how about placing those equipment there? ... Or how about solar energy? ... This should really fall under the "engineering" occupation though... :T
  19. ... How about an auto-aiming system? not necessarily for every occupation and every level... probably as an expensive trait, or comes with a high aiming skill? Can we also, while in melee, could we auto-target zeds nearest us? O__O what could be the repercussions?
  20. Drink Bleach in moderation with a side of rat... now go violently into that goodnight

  21. ... I ran out of likes for mass burning ^ O__O I raise I question... are zeds more "burnable" then humans?
  22. A shoving match!! One man falls, the other stands tall... until the guy who fell down cries and everything becomes awkward...
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