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Posts posted by Blake81

  1. Excuse me, I speak Spanish , I have a problem when I start the game all is well , but when playing walk into a container such as a refrigerator or something and not the items shown me , everything appears empty and I do not know why I wish someone could help me




    and as I can do to make me the items reappear ?



    Dice EnigmaGrey que si tienes algun Mod instalado. Y si ese es el caso, que lo desactives, Con eso posiblemente todo te trabaje bien ya.


    EnigmaGrey says that if you have any Mods installed. And if that's the case, you better disable it. That might make everything work well.

  2. I agree with the OP; the fire's spread is beyond ridicule, to the point I find it less risky to start shooting around with a shotgun near a few big hordes before even considering a molotov; at the very least the shotgun won't destroy my loot.


    I've more than once made a couple experiments on fire, mostly to see what it does (and to sate my own pyromaniac impulses, hehe) and I've found a few ''rules'' that seem to apply to fire.


    - Zeds always burn the same


    Which means, real slow, it matters not if you have Super-Zeds (custom stats set to strongest) or Puny-Zeds (or weakest), they always take the same time to fall down and burn to death, which is about 1-2 hours. And they all come with the so-called ''Fireball Effect'', which means that if you throw a molotov or similar bomb at a horde, not only they won't die, but they'll turn into one giant mass of flame that'll burn down everything it touches.


    I once saw the entirely of WP wiped out like this on a server because some guys thought it'd be funny to leave flame bombs with sensor inside of the GIGA Mart. Server Admin had to reset the place...



    - Kitchen fires are WAY TOO OVERPOWERED compared to started fires (with Gas Can and Lighter).


    One day I was bored, so I decided to do a big springtime corpse cleaning. I gathered all the dead Zed on the parking lot next to the Large Warehouse in Mul (My Safehouse), all piled real close to each others and though ''Now, with just this lit match, everything will burn... hopefully not my base.'' and man, I couldn't have been more wrong. It took me SIX WHOLE GAS CANS and setting fire to the pile on 9 different places to keep it burning long enough to at least destroy the corpses....


    I tried the same thing later on, but this time gathering the dead inside of one of the houses of the walled condo. I must say it was easier here; the house burnt to the ground with only one Gas Can, but the fire didn't spread to other houses. All good here.


    One other day however.... I tried the same thing by burning some rotten food on a microwave..... good god. Not only the entire house burnt down in a matter of seconds, but the fire spread so far and fast that by the time it was over, all of Mul north of the Sunstar Motel had been reduced to cinders, even McCoy and the forest between them and the highway was reduced to ashes. And this was a fire that started on the Kate and Baldspot's Safehouse, so do the math of how far it reached.


    Currently, Kitchen fires have the potential of ruining a map, and why they're so overpowered obeys no rhyme or reason...



    - Fires only burn and advance when you're looking at them.


    I once tried to set fire to the whole forest between Dixie and the highway Spiffo just for fun, so I made a campfire, headed deep into the forest and set some rotten food on it to burn, headed out and waited.... waited.... and waited. Nothing was happening. So I went back to where the fire was and I noticed that, despite the food being long burnt, it hadn't set the place on fire, so I decided to wait there until it did. Once it did, I dashed away and waited once again... except that this time I forgot about it. Almost a week of in-game time later, I remembered about that fire, so I went to check on it. Surely enough, it was still burning.... AND EXACTLY HOW I HAD LEFT IT.


    I haven't had the chance to try this on MP, but on SP, it seems like fire won't advance unless you're, at the very least, within sight of it.



    - The Extinguishing Mechanic is a joke, and rain doesn't put fires out


    I was really excited about the Extinguish Fire mechanic when it first came out, but this was only until that incident that scorched Mul and I futilely tried to prevent my safehouse from burning.


    First of all, you can't do it alone; fire spreads WAY, WAY FASTER than what you can put it down, and since you EMPTY A WHOLE BUCKET OF WATER per try, unless you have at least 12-15 ppl working as a perfectly coordinated fire brigade divided in two teams, one that puts out the fire while the other fills their buckets again, it's simply impossible to even prevent the fire from spreading. And let's not forget that the Zeds won't precisely sit down and watch you work while you do this, so maybe have a third team of ppl putting the Zeds down, and more importantly, stopping them from spreading the fire.


    And finally, rain doesn't seem to put fire out; during this big all-scorching fire, it rained TWO TIMES, and the fires were unaffected. I'm no firefighter myself, but if movies are to be believed, a good rain outmatch a good team of firefighters in putting a fire down, specially if it's in an open area.



    - Everything burns the same


    Asphalt or bare dirt, wooded or brick walls, grass or sand, it doesn't matter, fire spreads thru them all in the very same fashion. Starting a fire on a parking lot isn't much more safer than doing so in a forest. Specially if there are lots of corpses around.



    So, to sum up, until fire receives some serious re-balance, I'll continue to fear kitchen fires more than the infection and never ever use any weapon that might start a fire.

  3. Yeah, I tend to fix map bugs in bulk, and I haven't been in the bug tracker in ages... when will the new tracker be implemented?



    I second that question. Whenever it happens, it'd be great if it gets announced at least 3 days before the Big Wipe goes. That way all us Tracker regular can take our time to see which bug we bring along and which ones we don't. Plus, I don't think that ppl will stop posting stuff in the tracker yet, so there'll probably be quite a bit of fresh bugs by those last days.


    It'd also be a good idea if the staff took away the possibility to post new bugs when the time's at hand.  

  4. ''Let's Rock 'n Roll!'' - Using any weapon with a 8X Scope, kill 10 Zombies with only one shot each and never missing any of your shots.


    ''It doesn't work like in anime...'' - Get knocked off your Bicycle/Motorcycle by a Zombie. (When and IF this gets added)


    ''From now on, the nights will be truly dark.'' - The power failed as you were fighting a horde (more than 12 Zed) inside of a room that had the lights on.


    ''Chicks dig guys with scars.'' - Get one of your wounds sutured.


    ''Don't come in driving like an idiot.'' - Use a car to drag a horde towards you.


    ''Wait for Official Instructions.'' - Listen to all the emergency radio transmissions after the first month (If mind serves, there are a few)


    ''They're not... allowed to be so fast!'' - Kill a Sprinter.


    ''This sucker wobbles, but he won't fall down.'' - Deliver 15 hits to a Slow-Walking Zed without ever knocking it down.


    ''Back-fired'' - Get burned by a Zombie you set on fire.


    ''Down of the Zed'' - Knock down a zombie from a 2nd floor or higher with a knock back. (Could be barehanded)


    I'll try to keep thinking of more.

  5. I finally found this classified frequency, yay! Still, I'm not gonna tell you guys how to find it, hehe. All I'll say is that you don't need Army radios to find it.


    Also, it seems it stops transmitting at some point. I wonder why...


    But also, while I was going thru the frequencies, I spotted what I believe may be a Police Frequency in the future. Unlike all of the other ''Unknown Channels'' this one is easier to identify as it's called ''Unknown Frequency'' instead, and also, you sometimes find it Preset on Tactical Radios, which are mostly found on Police Stations. Which is why I am assuming this is gonna be a Police Frequency at some point.


    Still, nothing ever comes on this one, which is why I said ''In the future''. It's probably a placeholder for something the Devs haven't added yet.


    Build 33.14 released:

    • Fixed tiny campfire inventory icon.


    While the campfire was fixed, the icons of all those objects with ''Device Options'' show in said window are still small.


    And btw, while the main problem with the moving sinks and toilets was fixed, Water Fountains still stop working if you  move them...


    Build 33.12 released (mostly to fix 32-bit Linux + Java issues)

    • Added a context-menu item to show the remaining water in a Rain Collector Barrel.  The info is shown by a tooltip.  The menu item is displayed only when the player is close to the barrel.
    • Zombies that fall from a height fall over and take some damage.



    Yay for those two! Specially the second; no longer I'll be ambushed by 2nd Floor Drop-ins!

  8. The siren seems pretty gamey. Why not just make it dangerous by filling it with zombies?


    Because just filling it with Zed would make it no different from other places, which can be fully cleared (with some effort) and then fully cleaned of loot. The main idea of the siren is to make it impossible for single well-equipped survivor or a team of such to fully clear the place and take all of the loot. And more importantly, to avoid people from turning it into a safehouse, as it would be rather OP.

  9. As I've been spending more time listening to the radio in the current IWBUMS, I've noticed that a lot of stuff happened near Louiseville; stuff that SHOULD appear on said map once it's added.


    If you kept listening to the LBMW and Knox talk, you know that the military had one big perimeter base near Louiseville, which served as refugee camp as well as an evacuation point. This is where General McScrotum was, which eventually ended up being overrun by Zed, and the military pulled out.



    I think that these places should appear on the map, and often contain loot that cannot be found anywhere else. I know that Military Aid is up there at the BIG NO! list, but these places should show up just because they're now canon, and we don't expect for the military to be armed with just pistols and hunting rifles. It should be one of the very few places where one may be able to find military-grade stuff, be it assault rifles, grenades (the Pipe Bomb is pretty much a grenade, so why not?), US COMM HAM Radios, Army Walkie-Talkie, Military Backpacks, stashes of medicine, MRE Rations, etc. And by the time vehicles are added, we could even find Army Jeeps (The good ol' and mighty Willy M151, with its great reliability, decent speed and low fuel consumption.) and maybe Military Ambulances (as the place was, after all, a medical station to threat the sick and wounded).


    In fact, I even have a pretty solid image of this place in my mind....


    Surrounded by a pre-built concrete wall topped by barbed wire, with a few blockades with maybe a guard tower on the road leading to it, half a dozen of army-green trailers (some barracks, one COMM station, one Medical Station, a few armories and one Command Center) surrounded by tarp tents, some big like open-air medical stations, with beds, IV stands and cardiac monitors (bonus if many are full of bloodstains, covered in quarantine yellow tape and with corpses strewn around), and some small and containing bunk beds and the like. And of course, carnage; the whole place would be strewn with corpses, specially near the barricades and medical stations, bloodstains covering the walls and evidence of gunfire and explosions. Also, a Heli-Pad with a destroyed army helicopter on it would be a nice touch (to show that no Evac is coming).


    Of course, such a loot-filled place would become a more obvious target to survivors than the GIGA Mart and Cortman Medical. So, in order to make things balanced, this place would come with the deadliest contraption ever seen; an always-active military grade siren (think of an air raid alarm) that would go off whenever someone entered the camp. It would NOT STOP after a while unlike house alarms, and it would have a radius far bigger, dragging Zed from even more faraway places. There would be also no way to disable it, and it would keep working even after power fails. It would only turn itself off after a while since the survivors left the place.


    This would make the place a sort of ''Loot and run'' place. Grab all you can, and get away before the Zeds the siren's drawing trap you with no escape. This would make the risk of going into such a place something that every survivor would think twice.


    Wadda ya guys think of this? I'd love to hear a Dev's opinion on such idea...

  10. I fully agree with this, and surprises me it hasn't been implemented yet, as much of the clutter needed for it is already in game.


    For instance, we have CDs, CD players, and earbuds. Why can't we listen to some music and relax? It would require batteries and would probably make you unable to listen incoming Zeds, but heck, it would at least prevent you from the constant boredom you're always getting whenever you spend a couple hours indoors doing something other than sleeping, reading and cracking the heads of Zeds.


    Also, we have the Videogames, whose only current purpose is to render some electronic scrap. Why can't we play games on them to chillax?


    Plus, this game takes place in the late 80s and early 90s doesn't it? This was the golden era of console gaming; shouldn't there be Game Consoles and Cartridges laying around living rooms and some bedrooms? They could give a good use to all those now-useless TVs once the signals die down.

  11. Considering this feature already exists on NEO Scavenger (and works damn well), I'd say that yes, it's a great idea.


    This could serve as the thing we need to start moving around those beds, couches, shelves, large tables and desks we can't yet move because they take two squares.


    Another disadvantage of it, however, would be that you wouldn't be able to run while pulling them.

  12. I've grown real fond of the radios in this IWBUMS; whenever I have a moment of peace, I like to listen to whatever news is going on.


    Still, it's a bit awkward to having to go through the inventory every time you want to equip it. So, I was wondering if it'd be possible to have a hotkey for the Radio, just like we have for the Light or gun.

  13. I'm sure we're all familiar with those; found in garages, warehouses, self-storages and the like, and that cannot be opened unless you have a sledge. IMHO, there SHOULD be a way to open them. I mean, they ARE doors, and there are storages where there's stuff locked inside and no other entrances but sledging one of these doors (or a wall).


    So, I was thinking that maybe we could have them as doors, but with certain characteristics:



    -Almost Indestructible


    No amount of head thumping would be enough to breach one of them, and neither can Axes or Crowbars. However, you COULD blow them up with a pipe bomb or similar explosive. Also, once driving cars is added, ramming it with a car could destroy it. (and of course, there's the Sledge, which is kind of a cheat.).



    -Slow and Noisy to open and close.


    If you still have power, they could come with a small engine that opens them for you, but makes as much noise as a generator. But, if power's out, you'd had to crank them open and closed, which would make for a rather slow process and still be quite noisy.



    -Can only be locked with a Padlock.


    Whenever you wanna lock one of these, you'll need a padlock to do it. And since those aren't exactly common, this would make them very secure against Zed, but easily opened by a Survivor.



    Overall, the main idea is to make them balanced enough that they make certain places easier or harder to settle in, depending on what you're dealing with.

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