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Everything posted by Trojan_Turps

  1. The Mondoid is dead... Long live the Thursdoid
  2. STANDOFF you spawn in a safe-house with NPC's. there is a large argument going on and guns out. Possibly wounded/dead people That could be infected. To make things worse there is a horde of zombies on the way. Can you calm down the situation in time to fight off the horde? Can you sneak out the backdoor before everyone kills each other?
  3. A couple of small unimportant things I noticed- The cars don’t have clocks in them? In car info the for engine stopped is engine stoped Control pad directions are not fixed to left and right. (triggers are cool) And thanks of letting us test out the cars
  4. Trojan_Turps

    37 n’ Next

    They have said about adding shadows later. It's hard to properly judge them without the shadows. they look so odd/out of place without a shadow. They do look amazing!
  5. Trojan_Turps

    37 n’ Next

    I like the green one
  6. Trojan_Turps

    Here In My Car

    If the devs don't want there to be lots of fuel in the gas stations. Then they could find a way of writing it into the lore. Things like people panic buying fuel and limited supplies. This way the gas stations could only have a bit of fuel left or non at all.
  7. I believe that they said 'most likely on Tuesday/Wednesday' the cunning devs didn't say what week, month or year!
  8. Trojan_Turps

    Don't dead

    How are we going to find the stash if there is a sheet over it? Are we going to be able to place sheets over things to hide them from visually impaired looters? More importantly can we hide stuff under floorboards? Or just dig a hole in the woods?
  9. The last couple of mondoids have given us lots of information about what the TIS are doing and why.
  10. It would be nice if you could make a 'Wanted' poster to pinup. Add a sketch of a face, name, crime, information and reward etc. It wouldn't even have to be a wanted dead or alive style poster. It could be a builder wanted for a construction project with a picture of a hammer.
  11. It would be nice if we could draw pictures. Well select a picture to draw from a list etc. Then pin it up. Not all the pictures would have to be dicks, Just most of them.
  12. I think the pins/tacks should already be in the board. It would be nice if you could create a tick box style list from a notebook page. (I guess you can already kind of do that) Then people can just click the box to tick things off the list.
  13. You can also build and paint anything you want while the map is up. not that you can see what your doing.
  14. Will we have the option to rotate the map to match the isometric north direction? This might help people understand which ways north etc. (Although it might seem obvious where north is?) looks awesome anyway.
  15. The genitals would naturally be pixelated due to the graphics style. But no, I'm not keen on nudity in PZ
  16. Or they could just do the logical thing and alow you to take off your underwear.
  17. Trojan_Turps


    Early Access! The cause and solution to all life's problems.
  18. There are also different types of leadership. Things like- respect = hardworking and fair fear = follow or die charisma = that sounds like a good idea.
  19. Would be cool if NPCs have positive and negative personality traits. And stuff like- having a really good builder who doesn't work when he is hungry. So you have to keep him fed to get things built. Having two different skilled NPCs that don't get on with each other. Do you try and keep them happy or get rid of one? Having a good fighter who doesn't follow the rules. You need them but they piss everyone off.
  20. This could be good for the game mode that starts 6 months in. I guess there could be some different randomness due to the time that has passed. Raiders/wild dogs higher chance of starting in a barricaded house. Higher chance of starting with equipment. (Also stuff like spiked baseball bat and other made weapons/tools etc) Maybe even start with some random longterm survival related positive/negative traits? (That could really piss some folks off!)
  21. Once we get vehicles there will be more random start possibilities. Vehicles- Out of of fuel car/low fuel car at traffic jam/blocked road car crash then even more randomness with NPCs. It it would be cool to spawn in a barricaded house with some NPCs. Some injured (infected?) zombies banging at the doors and windows. NPCs fireing shotguns out the windows. 'Welcome to the apocalypse'
  22. You can now spawn injured at the start of a survival game. It might not be fair but I think it is cool. I would like to have more random starts. Not all of these need to be bad! Spawn house- looted/empty good loot/job related loot on fire barricaded broken windows/doors Zombies- zombies in rooms of spawn house zombies banging on Windows/doors horde out side Character- injured any positive/negative moodles good/bad equipment Environment- different times of day different weather meta noises/helicopter location- house/shop warehouse/factory forest/field/tent highway/railway track hospital/fire station/police station
  23. I like the spawning with injurys. It's only on hardcore mode isn't it? If you want fair don't chose hardcore mode? I like the chalenge and feel like a zombie apocalypse wouldn't be fair. Shit happens. I want to spawn in a house that's on fire and surrounded by zombies, but some people don't so I guess this is another problem that can be solved by sandbox mode?
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