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Posts posted by bumblemore

  1. Don't woooorrrrryyyy Leeeeemmmyyy! I can't even begin to express how little our community shares with that awful post on Steam!

    You guys provide us with a weekly update on the game, and do a hell of a lot more than other indie developers in that time.


    Take a break if you feel you need to, I know I never get anything done from being upset.

  2. So essentially a system where large areas of the map run out of power before others? And hold individual power/water consumption?


    I really like your idea of having districts of power and water shut off at different times, giving raiders and survivors more desirable places to set up shop. I'm afraid, however; to say that I don't really like the idea of giving a whole lot of focus to this one mechanic of the game. I feel like having the different levels of each district variating on who's using whichever fire hydrant or generator isn't really a valuable use of my runtime.


    This is just my opinion, however. And as I said, a simplistic district-style shut off system sounds like a grand idea.


    - B


    I just make a Campfire, place all the corpses on it, light it and bodies turn to ash, nothing around it ever burned and I disposed of hundreds of zeds this way. It's a pain to carry them to it but it's safer then just making a big o'l pile of rotting corpses and set it ablaze with gasoline.

    Burying ever single body would be a real pain in the arse but I'd like to have that mechanic, when NPCs come in so I can properly bury them if I liked them. With the option of carving their name into a plank and placing it on the grave.

    I second this.


    Maybe even have a graveyard put in game?

    And you can go grave robbing if you wish to do so.


    - Implement burying corpses

    - Have infected recently deceased break up from their shallow grave

  4. Urgh, that's awful news. I was only playing for a few minutes to test it out so I didn't get to see a lot. I don't know if we're the minority here struggling with this problem, but it needs to be fixed now. I don't want to have to make another one of these threads in three months time because nobody picked up on it this time.


    And it really doesn't help that people keep coming along and opposing the threads, just for the sake of doing so. If somebody isn't struggling with our problem or don't see functionless zombies as a problem, we don't need their input!


    I'll add you, Geras & Svarog. We can bring this up again if it gets ignored (again).

  5. I disagree with adding this to zomboid, however it is a proven to work concept. If you want, try:

    Rogue survivor

    It's a roguelike zombie survival game where you have a limited amount of "reincarnations" into either zombies or other survivors, it's almost impossible to indefinitely survive as a zombie or a human, and it's great fun if you want to try it.

  6. Even though I disagree with ^^ as in films like Night of the living dead, the zombies don't give up because they can't see you, lol. Especially not straight away.


    I've been testing the open beta of build 32 and the problem seems to be fixed, as the zombies followed me into a house and were even knocking on the door that they last saw me go through, I'm very pleased to say that I'll continue playing this build instead of the current one.

  7. I could printscreen/record it happening to me if that'd help? Because I literally tested them again after I made the post, roughly around six times to make sure I wasn't mislead. In two of the cases I got them to follow me through the window, all the other times they failed, and that was on the first floor.


    9/10 They give up unless I actively try to get them inside the house, maybe it's a bug only I'm experiencing? But I definitely don't have problems getting them giving up on sieges, I have problems getting them to siege me in the first place (which they never do).


    I don't know what game you're playing, Enigma, but in the current build of PZ zombies:

    The same game I've played since 2011, Bumble.

    Conclusion: Zombies had better navigation in the tech demo.

    Not much of one. The map was tiny and entirely in RAM, meaning no virtualization or streaming of zombies was necessary. That's outright impossible now.


    I'm not talking about the offmap zombies, or the ones in the next town. I'm talking about the ones that are behind the door I just closed that have suddenly forgotten that they were chasing me a moment ago.

    And yeah, I'm also a 2011 player, which is why I brought up the tech demo.

  9. I don't know what game you're playing, Enigma, but in the current build of PZ zombies:


    -Give up following you if you leave their line of sight/go into a house.

    -Do not open doors when that setting is enabled in sandbox.


    I agree that they are more dangerous than they used to be, but as Svarog said, I've never seen any lore where zombies just give up like they do in PZ.


    Conclusion: Zombies had better navigation in the tech demo.

  10. Rumor has it, there is one NPC in the game, out to get you. When you think the coast is clear... he's watching. When you move to clear an upper floor, he's there, waiting, and gone too soon. Some players have reported seeing this mythical NPC wandering the streets, unaware of the player's presence - but any noise or attempt at interaction causes him to run off-screen. 


    Someone tried to shoot him, once. 

    He wouldn't die.


    His name is 

    If he's out to get me then why does he run away when he hears or sees me?

  11. Way I see it, killing is fine on a post-apocalyptic set game. Even if you don't have a reason. If you're tired of being shot on sight then create your own little server which doesn't allow Pvp, if you're better spirited than that then you can create a character entirely set on policing the new apocalyptic world.


    With the docile zombies that leave you alone as soon as you leave their line of sight that we have at the moment, humans are the only real threat. Take that away and you get a building and farming simulator.

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