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Everything posted by plekpot

  1. Cool idea, at least there's some variety already, not like in the Dead Linger where the 1 zombie model had looked exactly the same for 3 years. The devs keep adding stuff to the game, but don't deem the actual zombies important enough to work on.
  2. That was a completely different social and economic context. Germany never had a history of democracy and the Weimar republic was something new to them. Everywhere in Europe communism and facism became popular due to the inefficient and/or non-response to the Great Depression, this was a breeding ground for extremism. The NSDAP grew exponentially by trying to appeal to everyone (and not always delivering) and by forcing smaller nationalist parties to fuse with them. They pressed all the right buttons to get as many people as possible to vote for them like state provided jobs and using the Jews as a scapegoat for the loss of WWI. Many people didn't react to the agressive expansion because democracy had never done much for them and they longed for a return to power after the humilation of WWI. PS: It is easier to change something if there is a system of proportional representation
  3. Yeah, makes sense. A long sleeved leather jacket would havefer a lot more protection against scratches and bites than a thin spring sweater for example.
  4. Where will the majority of the non infected population flee? How will they survive there? Are there any special physical landmarks where in your country? (big rivers, mountain ranges, islands) Home country: Belgium The Ardennes/nowhere, Belgium is a very densly populated country (Flanders the most, with the Walloon population mostly concentrated around the old industry centres). Flanders is an almost completely flat region with some low rolling hills and good farmland. It's also the region that has a population density of 547 inhabitants/km². The major cities are so close together (relatively speaking) that most people in Flanders (and Wallonia too) would be zombified or perish. The only people that might survive for a bit of time are the ones living in the Ardennes or for example the fort of Dinant (on a high cliff). Survivability in terms of food would be next to impossible, almost all the fertile farmland is located in the north of the country, with the most zombies. Hunting is possible in the woodland areas in the south/south-east, but would not sustain a lot of people. The only places with some chance of survival are the numerous forts, but only if you have a very large amount of stockpiled food. Wood is scarce in Flanders, but abundant in Wallonia. Water would be hard to get to, maybe you have a chance to find some clean springs high up in the Ardennes, but almost all of the surface water is unfit for human consumption. Power would also fail quickly (55% of power comes from nuclear reactors, the other 45% from various other sources like windmills here and there). We're fucked
  5. Yeah, I agree with you there on a two party state, nothing would ever change. That's my main beef with majority democracy, it is a more decisive system though. I'm from Belgium and we use a system of proportional representation, parties have to work hard to get votes and most aren't afraid to proclaim strong ideas. There'll be a party you can choose to vote for that fits with your opinion. The main problem with this form of government is that it's not very decisive and coalitions have to be formed (with is not always a bad thing though). My main fear is that the Intelligence Organisations get so powerful that the directors hold the actual power in a government through blackmail of members of parliament or government. If you know every little thing there is to know about someone it's very easy to manipulate that person to do you bidding. The government can easily (if the NSA get monitored well) use all the data it has gathered to prevent any change from happening.
  6. I didn't mean it at all offensive (or poking the Flemish vs Walloon thing), just pointing it out. :cool: Although there are some differences between Flemish Dutch and Netherlands Dutch they are only minor, I'll look into it if I have the time.
  7. Hello, I'm from Belgium too (Vlaams). I'm writing in English so the other forum users can understand al well. I made a small contribution to the Netherlands Dutch translation (some corrections), but didn't see the need to create a Flemish translation because there were few words I would have used differently like "moker" instead of "voorhamer". The title is a bit misleading though, Belgian isn't a language Nice work though! (My French is not very good)
  8. plekpot

    Canning Mod

    Thanks for the input. I agree with you 100%. That is one of the reasons I decided to make the mod. I had tried the pickling mod. It's a great mod but a little to complex with its recipes. I wanted a simple way to preserve food that didn't take away from game play. Yeah, I agree with you there. I saw this program on tv once where some people were teaching people in Africa how to preserve produce. It was as simple as boiling eg chopped tomatoes and the mason jars (to disinfect them) and then pour the tomatoes into jar and close it really tight.
  9. This is really awesome. It adds so much life to the game and gives you a sense of time passing.
  10. plekpot

    Canning Mod

    Cool mod, this is really missing from the main game. Having no way to preserve your crops is kind of off putting.
  11. Yeah, it seems interesting, but the "kill everyone on sight" thing puts me off. Same thing with DayZ.
  12. Yeah, I've noticed that too. Thought that the Coca-Cola had the same recipe everywhere. The Fanta in England tastes completely different than here in Belgium.
  13. I tried Dr Pepper once, I had to force myself to finish it. Pepsi all the way.
  14. English has become the lingua franca on the internet, I don't have a problem with that. I'm not sure, but if US citizens (America is a continent) play games online, is that generally with other US citizens? If so, it would make sense to assume that everyone speaks English.
  15. The title is set up day/month/year lol Yeah, never really understood why month/day/year is used, day/month/year seems more logical.
  16. Yes, I usually destroy them all, it takes a few days though. With loot rarity on rare, I find about 250-300 nails the first time without destryoing the crates. After I destroy all the crates I find maybe a 100 nails more, worth it IMHO. You can also just skip destroying the crates and going to Mccoy if you aren't going to build an enormous safehouse.
  17. Furniture 1. You can destroy them with a sledgehammer equipped, but it wont yield planks. 2. see previous 3. I think you can destroy everything, also walls. Not too sure about stairs though. Acces 1. They can't climb sheet ropes. 2. Both. Player built walls (with 4x barricaded at level 3 carpentry) have more health than windows and doors that are 4x barricaded. There used to be an info screen when you hover your mouse over a door, window, player-made wall that told you how much health it had. I kinda miss that. i think the player made walls were: 1 health - 3 - 5 - 7, (regular) doors were 5, windows 0.75. Each barricade added 10 to the health. Home Decorating 1. You can, but you need a paint brush. Never did it myself. 2. Don't know, sorry. Only walls, don't know how many.
  18. I wouldn't want to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
  19. Cool idea! Maybe chocolate cake or something if that isn't in the game already?
  20. yeah, reminds me of 'ol 0.2.0q. I used to take a wheelie bin and just loot EVERYHTING of value (1500 pounds) and put in in the bin and tug it to the edge of the cell (you can't cross with the wheelie bin). Then I'd move everything in multiple runs to the farm far away.
  21. Pizza fo sho, only classic (flat ones) though. Burger's okay too, but pizza has more substance and taste.
  22. Sorry to hijack your thread, but where can I find a good amount of nails in West-Point? I've been to the large warehouse, but I only found about 60 nails. (safehouse at Twiggy).
  23. He was a nice kitten when he was young. Spock (his name) can sometimes be cute, but he comes with a manual on how to pet him if you don't want to get your hand destroyed by his 1 cm long claws. He has his moments .
  24. That has got to be a glitch. Even if you put the in game time to real time, then your skills would have to be a lot higher by then.
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