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Everything posted by Realmkeeper

  1. Well worded. That's exactly what it seems like, adding a feature to the game that doesn't enrich the gameplay (in a positive manner) in any way at all. From a programmers perspective, it's a bit like all the item mods we are beginning to see around - adding in more items that have a similar or identical role to existing items, just to add to the 'variety' of things you find around you. Cool for realism, pointless for added functionality, and detrimental to program run speed.
  2. As a mod? Definitely go all-out with your advanced idea. If it's something the players can choose to have in there (like a mod), then you might as well make it the most in-depth experience they can imagine. Not over-the-top fun-breakingly annoying and difficult, but realistic enough given the circumstances the games environment places you in.
  3. I'm quite serious. Oh. Then I stick by my vote. Next time I see someone get a bag out of their pack, unfold it, climb inside, zip it up and act 'dead' in a short timespan, I'll change my mind. But til then...
  4. OMG can we add those? That would be excellent. Similar to textures maybe? RoboMat uses sounds in his Lockpicking Mod, for items, but it should work the same for weapons or similar.. That's because RoboMat is a genius Also, RegularX - have you ever been around a nailgun when someone is using it? It's usually best to wear earmuffs, especially if it's going to get a lot of use.
  5. So, I can't tell if you're just taking the piss or not. If you're serious... well, I voted Nay. If you're just joking around, amusing enough, sure. I can just imagine what's going through a zombie's empty brain - Fresh meat, chase it! Gone round corner, follow it. Whaaa.... that black bag is twitching oddly. Oh well, off to find more meat.
  6. Also OP, you don't read the Mondoids do you? (Note the clicky link to the relevant Mondoid repost, it's not even an old one!!)
  7. I think it's implemented already as 'Destruction' and is done with a sledgehammer. You even get a few resources back...
  8. Using something like Word for any kind of coding is a pretty ridiculous idea. The amount of extra markup that can end up added to files, or hidden characters that can end up in amongst the rest of your stuff pretty much makes editing code impossible. You'd be far better off using a text, or rich text editor, or as RoboMat says in his post, use an IDE like IntelliJIdea or Eclipse. I can bet that your code was not 'clean' at all (especially if you were using Word!!), and copying from the items.txt got rid of an extra carriage return, line feed, indent, or other non-visual character.
  9. Toolbelts, weapon holsters, bumbags (fannypacks), pocketed vests - all great possible items to equip to make switching/using/enabling items that much easier!! I like this more and more with each additional suggestion. AS LONG as they were not all just given to you at the start of your game (essentially just becoming items that override the default in-game mechanisms)
  10. Sounds like the beginning of a GREAT mod!
  11. I personally prefer the player health screen as it currently is - it's simple and you can determine if/where you've been bitten/scratched at a glance. There's not too much detail or colourfulness detracting from the basic information, and both the portrait and damage are not cluttered up by clothing or lots (more than you can presently use) bandages. But that's just my 2 cents. The portrait idea though, I quite like that. I guess we wait and see what/how they come up with identifying NPCs around you, or in your group once the NPC reintegration update arrives (eventually).
  12. I could see a mod being made to carry this idea, it's definitely plausible. However, having traits like this in the vanilla game might cause a bit of a stir (I can't think of many [modern] games where physical ailments imposed upon your character give anything more than a statistical disadvantage), and introduce too many potential 'disabled enablers' (or whatever the PC term for them is) - like wheelchairs, crutches, cyborg limbs, etc etc But still, a great idea for a Mod (and even the associated crafting of wheelchairs and stuff!!)
  13. Certainly a good idea, for buildings and structures at least. Seeing outlines of the zombies in the woods however, would ruin the challenge of running blindly into the woods not knowing if you're going to run into a zombie horde or not.
  14. Length isn't really a problem, I've done entire free-roam RPGs before, as long as there's a save/load feature and people can pick up where they left off. Then it's just a matter of a bit of clever optimisation so the save files don't get too big.
  15. Awesome. Being something as simple as a side-scroller, have you considered using something like HTML5 as the language (I know, it's browser-based) so that you gain the cross-platform compatibility of PC and Mac, as well iOS and android? I've easily got the skills to rustle something like that up (I've done plenty of tile-based adventure/scroller type projects for fun), but don't usually have art or storyline to finish the projects.
  16. On that note, what about sheep? Assuming the zombies don't try ripping into the sheep for a feed, their herding instincts would keep your flock relatively close together should they bust out of your enclosure. Although, like cows, they can require a lot of grazing land, but similar to goats they can graze in woodlands and other less cultivated places. Sheep would provide you with wool for weaving (or stuffing down your shirt/pants for warmth at the very least), as well as a decent feed if you need to slaughter one. They don't take too long to reach maturity, and can give birth to lambs without the intervention of humans.
  17. Mmm, I'd probably have to avoid the obvious ones like a dog, a hamster, or a horse. Maybe a Dragon. It would scare off (or toast, or tear to shreds) the Z's, and you could probably ride it round. It's a guard, transport, and a companion! Seriously though, I'd imagine the most valuable animal to have as a companion would be something that could alert you to nearby zombies, or wake you from your sleep, without attracting more of the buggers. The most valuable in post-outbreak currency terms would probably something that was a reliable source of food, without requiring too much resources to keep it alive or contained.
  18. What language/engine/platform are you looking at creating it on/with? Or are you more after someone that can whip it up in GameMaker or something similar?
  19. I have a feeling that your issue might be arising from the way the Item Swap mod chooses a replacement (and initiates that replacement), rather than the actual game mechanics themselves... (thus being a suggestion intended for the mod maker, rather than the devs)
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