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Everything posted by willow512

  1. Solar power is a viable option, even if solar cells don't exist yet. Just check google images for solar powered cooking. With enough mirrors everyone can heat up a brew. A bit more advanced is a solar powered heat exchanger to collect warm water. But we shouldn't stare ourselves blind at solar power, an engineer could easily produce a windmill using an old car or bike dynamo. This could be used to charge batteries for light or radio. It'd be harder to power a fridge or oven in that manner.
  2. Can't run away if someone is holding your shield.... You'd have to let go of it first. Always nice to meet another reconstruction group member. My shield is no more than wall decoration now. But at least it has a good story.
  3. Same argument goes in real life human enemies can and will grab shields. But that's a shields job. To be hit instead of it's wielder, or grabbed instead of it's wielder. Grabby zombies are going to grab...
  4. Shields and gloves are a proven technique to protect fighters in melee combat. I think human history proves this beyond doubt. And you can probably pick up some riot shields at the local police station... I like the idea. It means your secondary arm is occupied, which means lower damage output and no secondary bags. Shields also tend to be heavy or fragile. And obviously they only work when facing an enemy. I remember a scene from the zombie fallout books by Mark Tufo where the protagonists use a few riot shields and a cage made from prison bars to escape from a police station covered in zombies. Good times
  5. Chill bro, the generator's just been included. No doubt it will receive some love. No need to get emotional over it. Can't you just power the tank station with a generator? I'd suggest a hand pump. These are available over the counter, so could be found in sheds. Fuel stations have a filling point where the trucks put the fuel in to the underground storage. If you open those points lower a hose with one of them handpumps attached. I think you should be able to fill up a few jerry can's with fuel without the station being powered. I can imagine the devs taking that idea and putting it into the game.. That'd solve the long term fuel problem. Though I personally tend not to survive long enough to get to the point where it becomes relevant.
  6. Playing sandbox: Mostly normal settings but with very slow stats decrease and fast endurance regeneration. And some settings to make farming easier as I'm a beginner with farming. Only relevant setting change for zombies is short memory. I settled in the center of westpoint above the food market. 20 days in now, most of that time spent with a broken leg. Fortunately the food market has an unsurprising amount of food in it. I like the movement behavior of zombies. They're unpredictable enough and tend to move in groups of a nice size. In a pinch and with planning I can fight those groups. So not too big not too small. I think they cluster up a bit too much though. Perhaps a behavior that lets them spread out while idle. It's okay to bunch up if they're hunting for food or chasing sounds.But idle you'd expect them to disperse a bit. Also right now my sneaky character has no problem just avoiding them. It'd be more of a challenge when the zombies are spread out over the area instead of bunched up in groups. Population density wise I think it's a good balance if a bit on the sparse side. I picked the game up again after a hiatus of almost two years. Grats on the distance covered. It's really come a long way...
  7. I like what I've seen sofar, I stopped playing over a year ago because the spawning in square block zombie conventions were just too irritating. Now if you're meticulous in cleaning them up early game you end up with regular encounters of individuals or small groups but no busloads at the same time, kind of what you'd expect. I also like that they seem to be migrating in small groups, even without sound events like planes and gunshots. It feels natural... So kudo's for the devs.
  8. I can't wrap my mind around the idea that zombies are not actually added to the map. I believe I'm seeing too many of them in ALL areas. If they move around one area would become less crowded as another area fills up, but I'm not seeing that. I'm on day 24 of a nomad game now. The entire north side of town is covered in zombies. I have a beast of a PC, and it handles framerates without a hitch everywhere else, but whenever I go to those areas the CPU just goes wild tracking all the zombies and that brings fps down with it.
  9. There are around 20 pages (+) of posts on this. Have patience -- if it's not listed currently, it might be listed later or in the next update. Yes, 20 pages of conjecture and laymen opinions (including yours truly!). We haven't had much real insight on what's happening and what's going on apart from Lemmy's very enlightening post. I asked respectfully... I'm just very interested in learning about what's really going on with this bug. You could say I'm fascinated by it. If they haven't had time to look into it then that's fine too. I understand this update will be dominated by the incredible improvements brought on by the new way of dealing with wall textures. I'm just hoping they'll eventually not just fix this horde bug but also give us some background info on it! I think there will be a lot of interested people (As demonstrated by the over 20 pages of posts on the subject ) Moved from the Upcoming thread. - RoboMat
  10. You live in the inner city EnigmaGrey? Because where I grew up almost everyone had one. First of all to manage their wood piles most houses had a fire place. Secondly to manage their gardens, because it's a usefull tool. Guess I'm just used to seeing them all over the place
  11. I'm somewhat cool with the rarity of axes, usually you find at least one in those two warehouses, a bit less rare might be better though. I do have an issue with their rate of breaking though. In my mind an axe should not break after a week of heavy use. It's a heavy duty tool. On the whole if you buy one here you'll use it for years. Right now the axe is not a viable weapon because you need to preserve it for chopping wood. And lets be realistic, Muldraugh has a gazillion backyards. Which backyard shed in the real world does not have an axe? Maybe they should add a different axe? A smaller version. The small axe being much more common, usable for chopping trees (though slow and harder work) maybe not for chopping doors. And as a weapon it's usefull but comparable to a baseball bat rather than a firemans axe. Give it the same durability as the axe has now. And then give the big axe twice or trice the durability and keep it as rare as it is now.
  12. I've seen it too. Scroll down as much as possible, then select sufficient traits so the scrollbar goes away, strength usually works. You then end up without scrollbar while the topmost traits are still outside the visible range of the window. Resetting the scroll position to 0 when the scrollbar is removed should probably do the trick. Respectfully... how's the horde bug coming along? Have you guys been able to look into that yet? Moved from the Upcoming thread. - RoboMat
  13. I doubt the zomboid axes are modern, considering they usually don't last longer than a few days of heavy use.
  14. Wrong. Where did you get that from? I'm sorry, did you miss the rest of the thread? Right. That's why it should not have challenge. Where do you come up with these rules? Why should it suddenly NOT have challenge? It should immerse you into an open world, into a story, that's a must, challenge or the absence of it is not a requirement.
  15. It isn't different from story mode. And I believe it's planned, but all those issues aside, I think it's a brilliant idea It would be nice if the solution was built in such a way that players could set up their own scenarios and share them on the forum. "Here, try my story!"
  16. I like it, right now if you click right mouse button your screen scrolls which allows for a nice distant view. If this was extended to two screens when the player has some kind of scope in primary or secundary it could be usefull to have a good look around. If you look too far away then the player character goes offscreen and you might not see when you're attacked. It's a neat extention to the currently existing mechanics. And since line of sight is still respected it wouldn't grant the player any super powers.
  17. I agree!!! Of course... But I really don't see why a game like zomboid can't cater to both play styles. It's not one or the other. Both can be true.The players choice of where to build should have a profound effect. If you like the risk and excitement of getting overrun you should hang out in the city. The sunstar motel would be prime real estate for a challenging fortress. The posibilities for that place are just tantalising, and I'm sure to give it a try one day! If you're a player who loves a calmer pace, to build and farm then perhaps an out of the way location like one of the farms is better for you? I happen to be a player who alternates between one or the other. This is only common sense and it should be a conscious choice the player makes. If no matter where I settle the same thing is going to happen then THAT would be boring, every game would be the same and the my choices become irrelevant! That's just bad design. But I think this discusion has just become academic. If you spawn a fresh game. The amount of zombies on the map is a little on the low side, but distribution is good, there are more zombies downtown than there are in the outskirts. The behavior is bugged right now. If the zombies in an area grow in size and then dissipate again in response to meta game events like Lemmy intended. I think everything would be perfect. And he told us he'd look into that. So all is well isn't it? Or rather, it will be.
  18. Impressive Congratulations. Also thanks for the nice writeup, I loved reading that stuff.
  19. The whole argument is moot as far as I am concerned. The underlying premise that for any game to be fun requires it to be challenging. Clearly this is not true. GTA is in it's basis an open world story game. You partake in the story, and that is the fun. You can also make your own story by immersing yourself in the world and just hanging out. It does not require any challenge to accomplish that. I'm not saying it does not have any challenge, I'm saying it does not require it. I've played hours and hours of previous GTA versions, most of that time I have spent lollygagging around because I enjoy seeing what's there. Following a random NPC with a telephone around just to hear what he's saying. Or riding through the city looking for spots that I haven't seen before. The best parts of GTA for me don't hold any challenge at all. In GTA 5 I'm very much looking forward to mountainbiking the outdoors or diving to some of the wrecks. I suppose I will enjoy the story line but I'd buy the game even if it didn't have any missions.
  20. What are you growing in the most southern portion of your base? With the long stick things?
  21. It all depends on your play style. Current game I made the conscious choice to not make a safe house because they're pretty much impossible right now. I have a 24 day old character that's bored most of the time because I just keep strolling from place to place, wherever the zombies go, I go someplace else. They'll follow eventually but that doesn't matter because I have no safe house or anything that keeps me tied to one place. And with a stack of over 100 berries, various caches of chocolate bars and bags of potato chips stored around the city combined with a few rainbarrels I built randomly scattered across the city I could easily go on for months. In Zomboid's current state, surviving the zombie apocalypse is much easier without a safe house... Easier... But not as much fun... I'm curious to see what kind of fix lemmy comes up with. People die because they make last stands. I think if you play to always avoid zombies and let them have whatever house or area they want to have you can survive the game almost indefinately.
  22. I'd expect different people who play the game to go look for their own level of excitement. It'd be great if players choices had an effect on how exciting things get. Mommy don't spank me: live at the western farm. Lets keep this interesting: The northeast house with the fence. Bring it on: Build your own house in the Pile-O-crepe parking lot with nothing but toothpicks for nails and teaspoons for hammers! My point is: those decisions should have an effect. I'm not saying that at the western farm all you'd need to do is farm and eat. The occasional horde and very occasional wandering swarm should still drop by giving a player just enough incentive to work on his defense. The sadistic AI manager should maybe stop being sadistic, but rather take into account the place the player picks to settle in. If a player wants to sit on his ass in a field living of berries and never seeing a zombie the entire game. And that makes him happy... Why not right? Most would move to more exciting parts in a short time. I know right now is a bug... But as analogies go. The sadistic AI manager right now sits on his throne in the clouds for 3 days, then it figures it should better do something and starts throwing buckets of zombies at the player. Usually as it turns the rain on. You could even get community challenges, where someone on the forum posts a challenge and players try to achieve it.
  23. Ah okay, that's good then, it wasn't clear to me in Lemmy's posts. Change my vote to : Just keep it as it is now, Even the beta is stable enough to play. The spawn bug is the only thing that bothers me. I'm playing the tourist untill that is resolved. I haven't seen any crashes or save game corruption.
  24. Does that make it "right" and ok? Yes, when one brother calls the other a nigga, he's saying "You're like me. We share lineage culture and creed." He's not saying "You're inferior trash." One is a compliment underlining something shared, the other an insult. A compliment if given as such and received as such is never wrong. Who are we to dictate what any group of people can or cannot call themselves?
  25. GTA can't release without a controverse can they? And it always has to do with violence sex drug use or any of the issues good citizens always go on about.
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