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Everything posted by Kirrus

  1. Honestly, just hit the edit button on the wiki, and start editing! IIRC, Connall can correct me, there's an outdated content template you can prepend to the top of any outdated page.
  2. You build most powerful super computer ever constructed. You start out by running some genetic code experiments. Unfortunately, it becomes sentient, and goes mad. Every nuclear weapon on earth detonates simultaneously. Only the cockroaches survive. I wish for sleep.
  3. I'll try to take a static, read-only copy of the tracker when we're closer to the time. Right now, we're still waiting for 33 to settle a bit more.
  4. Regarding 'saving' bugs, realistically there's too many duplicate/already fixed now. Try and save just one or two of the ones that have annoyed you the most, and post on the bug report to say that you'll repost on tracker #2.
  5. Hi all, It's coming close to the time when we'll need to upgrade the forums. When we do so, the current bugtracker will be destroyed. Connall has kindly built us a replacement from scratch, so we'll move over to that. This means that *all* bugs in the tracker will be lost. Obviously, since we've just released a stable build, we're holding this for as long as possible, for the current build to finish settling. Once it has we'll begin the upgrade process. This is mostly FYI! Any comments/questions, please let me know.
  6. I can confirm, this is already in the game!
  7. I've used headspace.com, it's helped me a bit with some of my anxiety trouble.
  8. I'm really looking forward to playing with it!
  9. Just to make it official, Ontogenesis is a confirmed trainee psychiatrist, he's still learning, but he's very knowledgeable about mental health. You can trust what he says, we'd have banned anyone pretending to be a psychiatrist by now Onto, how long are you a trainee for anyway? How many more rotations do you have? </curious> Edit: Computing has a wealth of work-remotely or self-employed possibilities, depending on which speciality you wanted. Running your own computer repair shop/service would definitely be a way to go. I would recommend also checking into repairing smartphones etc.
  10. What version of debian are you running? I can check the version of glibc it provides. If you're not sure of the release, you can run "lsb_release -c", or cat /etc/apt/sources.list You're looking for 'wheezy', 'squeeze', or 'jessie'.
  11. You can try guessing what the Secret Reasons are if you want You'll never get it though.
  12. Firstly, definitely seek professional help. Doctors can help, they can refer you to psychologists, and you're not alone. Stay within the system if you can. I don't know how easy that is in your position, sorry! Don't self-diagnose if you can, get professionals to do that. Some illnesses (like bipolar) can hide their effects from their sufferers quite effectively, and you don't know if you're thinking three issues is one, or one issue is three. Avoid drugs/alcohol except for those prescribed for you. They might seem like an easy quick fix, but they can make things worse for you down the line. If your prescribed medication is definitely causing you trouble, talk to your doctor/psychologist about it. I've a family member who is bipolar, so I kinda know what that's like. They're doing quite well, as can be, studying and working in a specialised firm relating to architecture/buildings. My mother skipped meals to keep us kids fed growing up, worked shitty jobs, you're not alone experiencing poverty in a first world country. You definitely can hold down a job, and it doesn't sound like you're unintelligent. As well, there is lots of things you can do that don't require set work times. You could think about starting your own business, working as self-employed; do you have anything you're good at, skills you can market? Just make sure you research fully, know what you're getting yourself in for. Some employers will be flexible, though not a huge amount. Just be upfront about your problems, don't hide them and dump them on your employer down the line. Depending on your state, and at-will-employment laws, your employer has a lot of power.
  13. We said in a mondoid, it's been held for 34 due to Secret Reasons.
  14. There are a number of outstanding things we think could be balanced a bit better in the game. However, they'll likely just make it a little fairer, *not* easier. Hardcore is trying to kill you. That's literally it's purpose. To Kill You.
  15. A lot of air conditioners actually have a heating circuit, so in winter, they'll heat..
  16. We can put 'more videos with devs faces please' into the suggestion pot for Mondoids, but it won't stop the NPC info blackout. The NPC information blackout will continue till they're released. We've tried everything else to say "Seriously, they're still being worked on, the code is insanely complex, they'll be done when they done" and "please stop having a go at us every time they're mentioned". If you think of some other way to stop the abuse that the devs receive every time they release information about NPCs, feel free to suggest it to me in a PM. Don't be surprised if we don't take you up on it though. Also, the last interview was from EGX, last year:
  17. I'm not sure we need to, unless you disagree with a point here? I think a consensus has been reached in this suggestion
  18. Sheet ropes are weaker? I'm just playing devils' advocate now, that's a good idea!
  19. See my final paragraph. Edit: a lot of this comes down to polishing and balancing, the game's UI is known to need a bit of TLC, but it's currently a lower priority than other tasks on the todo list. I'm not saying it's not something that doesn't need fixing, but outright removing part of a recipe isn't on the cards, since if it were we'd quickly get asked why you can't make log walls with rope
  20. Removing ropes entirely; that'll be an almost certain 'No'. You *should* be able to make log walls with ropes, removing that option to stop players from making mistakes isn't in scope of PZ. PZ's aim is to *let* players make mistakes, in fact a mistake is mostly what kills players. The game is trying very hard to kill you. Saying that, tweaking how it works to help stop it being frustrating might certainly be useful, maybe the log wall constructed with ropes having a different look to those constructed with ripped sheets, so at least you can see you're making a mistake actively, or some sort of UI hint showing rope use vs ripped sheet use.
  21. I don't think removing rope entirely from the requirements to build log walls'll be suitable, it's already fairly easy to build them, don't want to make it too easy! Maybe recovering some after destroying the wall might work better
  22. At this point, this is fairly likely to be a No, but a Maybe if time permits, and it gets covered under animation changes. I can see your point, but it's probably going to come under a papercut fix if any, and dev time might just not be worth it
  23. Sounds like the new sound system may be breaking fast-acceleration on some systems? http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/17539-the-maximun-time-aceleration-is-too-fast/
  24. At this point, the Demo is a frozen old build. We know it needs an update, it'll likely get one when we near game completion. No ETAs though!
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