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Alright. I've tried to make my suggestions as useful as possible so far. I think I've done a decent job.


This one I think will garner the least favour. Probably because it's the most obvious. It's also one I'd imagine is also the easiest to fix.


At the moment. My character on this save has managed to farm both potatoes and tomatoes in abundance. To that end, what he has left plus the food he has harvested is the sum total.


To my suggestion: Make more foods available.


It doesn't have to be complicated. Putting a potato on a campfire or in an oven gives a backed potato which, even without butter would be considerably tasiter than a raw one.

Why not add tomato to a frying pan and have fried tomatoes?


I think these would be simple to code (I would think) and would make a big difference to the game.



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[Cookable Food Item Suggestions]

Boil up a big pot of water. Take some chicken and prepare it with a knife. Take some carrots and potatoes and slice them up into small chunks. Now we've got the ingredients for a fine Chicken Stew.


Take some flour and sugar, add water and knead it until it's well mixed. Now you have some dough that can be used to make a Loaf of Bread.


Take some fruits and berries. Mash them up. Add sugar or maybe honey. Cook it and jar it. Now you have something that reasonably resembles Strawberry Jam that can be added to bread for additional happiness inducing flavor.


Take some Chicken, Flour, and Butter and boil it in a pot of water. Add milk as a bonus ingredient if you have it. Now you have Chicken Dumplings.


I had these up in my Keeping Occupied thread but they'll do better here in a thread that's actually about cooking.

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I like your suggestions and I'd love to see them in the game but the ideas I'm looking for are literally much simpler and would be much easier to implement.


Also, a lot of the recipes you've suggested require finite commodities. Flour for example. I'd think that'd be much more common. Also, for the life of me, I can't understand why you can plant strawberries but not wheat which would allow (potentially) for the making of flour. But I'm being overly critical.


Just let me bake potatoes. Let me fry tomatoes. 

I think I'm just frustrated because I want to continue my save but can't

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Flour is easily replenishable if you know where to look. Cat Tail roots are a good source of starch and, if dug up, can be crushed into flour. They're also ridiculously common, so getting more flour to bake with would be relatively easy for a skilled cook/forager.


But a little bit of baked potato with some butter sounds really nice right now...

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Oh, Cat Tails haven't been added into the game. That was just another suggestion I had from a different thread as part of a possible foraging update in the future. For right now, though, berries are the only forage item that you can get.

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Take a frying pan and add an egg. There you go. A fried egg.


Lol, either I'm too stupid to achieve this in the game or the only use of eggs is a soup ingredient ^^ Cuz that was the first I thought when I found my digital eggs and then tried to cook'em. Some obvious meals. But as I said, it could also just be my incapable egg management.


PS: You can even add some bacon for a nutritious breakfast before starting the day killing hordes of Zomboids.


Edit: Ah, and just by writing that:


Combine flour, salt and water for some pizza dough. The only thing which is moreover needed in real life is some yeast. But then you can put almost everything on top of it to get your favourite pizza. And by adding yeast to game you can also produce cakes and put all kind of fruits on top.


(I hope these are the right words, because I'm not a native english speaker)

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Combine a banana, icecream and some chocolate. There you go: A banana split!


Combine one of all fruits, an empty cup and a hammer. Voilà: A multi-vitamin-juice that helps when being sick.


You can find potato salad in the game but you can't make some by yourself? Just take your hammer or knife, some potatos, onions and/or spices and put everything into a bowl

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Slice up some potatoes and cook them in lard or cooking oil for some french fries

but to find the ideas

I don't think you'll be running out of ideas in this forum :evil:
Ask and ye shall receive. We have a ton of spare time and nothing to do with it.
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Add some old socks to your soup for a stinky stew! Can distract zombies if dropped.


@strider: Don't you like banana splits? C'mon its brainstorming and I'd be happy to have a banana split even in a zombie apocalypse. Restores happines and the illusion that everything is normal and will be fine again. (Although We all know it won't)

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Come on. I'm going from house to house and looting all there is to loot. I find a nice place to settle in for the night and wouldn't ya know it, the fridge has ice cream and bananas and the cabinet has some chocolate. Why wouldn't I make myself a banana split? I mean, seriously? Why not? I've had a hard couple days trying to escape from the jaws of certain death, I deserve a tasty treat! There's nothing stopping me from gorging like a little piggy.


One quick meal I kinda want is a boiled egg. Take a pot of water, throw some eggs in, and boil them for a bit. Peel off the shells and enjoy.

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Add some old socks to your soup for a stinky stew! Can distract zombies if dropped.


@strider: Don't you like banana splits? C'mon its brainstorming and I'd be happy to have a banana split even in a zombie apocalypse. Restores happines and the illusion that everything is normal and will be fine again. (Although We all know it won't)


It's maybe a little decedent.   :)

Come on. I'm going from house to house and looting all there is to loot. I find a nice place to settle in for the night and wouldn't ya know it, the fridge has ice cream and bananas and the cabinet has some chocolate. Why wouldn't I make myself a banana split? I mean, seriously? Why not? I've had a hard couple days trying to escape from the jaws of certain death, I deserve a tasty treat! There's nothing stopping me from gorging like a little piggy.


One quick meal I kinda want is a boiled egg. Take a pot of water, throw some eggs in, and boil them for a bit. Peel off the shells and enjoy.


If nothing else you're both making me hungry right now.


Fatheed wants to track all of the cooking suggestions, he's asked me to link here: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/3389-cooking/page-2#entry47159


So keep the suggestions coming

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Milk + Chocolate = Hot Chocolate


Would be pretty good happiness boost not to mention warming :)



Regarding Pizza........


Self-Raising Flour + Yoghurt = Flatbread (Thanks Jamie Oliver)



Dates + Oats = Energy Bars


This was something suggested online and requires dates to be blended....so can anyone suggest an alternative?


I think a blender, however luxurious, may be too noisy to own during a zombpocalypse. 

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