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Learning from the television?


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I read that one can learn skills (or get the xp multiplier, not sure) from the "Life and Living" channel on the TV. Exactly how does this work? I've put it on, sat my character roughly in front of the TV and let time roll, but nothing seems to be happening. I don't see any right-click interaction like "watch" so I'm a little confused. Is it not implemented yet?

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There has to be a show going on telling you how to make something. I'm not sure if you have to be there from the start though.

I've only seen carpentry ones but it's basically just a guy telling you how to build stuff, like


"Okay you get four planks two nails"


"First nail"



"And there you have it, stairs done"


Or something like that.

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1 hour ago, Batsphinx said:

Can you stick it in the tracker if it isn't already there?


I'll see what I can do about recreating it because it's too late for my server, I'm not actually 100% sure it's a bug because the day length is 1-2 hours, but I still don't think the minutes of static between lines is intentional (even if it was slowed down 4x as much to make up for the length extension it still wouldn't be that long between lines).


There is still the error of seemingly only one person's voice being heard on the program

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