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  1. some people destroy cabinets on the server is I wanted to know how to restore them
  2. Hi all, I have the below for my server with the explanations I know, Please can someone fill in the blanks?; SandboxVars = { Zombies = 4, (1 is insane amount, 5 is none) Distribution = 1, (1 is urban, 2 is uniform) DayLength = 3, (1 is 15 minutes, 2 is 30 minutes, 3 is 1 hour, 4 is 2 hours, 5 is 3 hours, 6 is 4 hours, 7 is 5 hours, 8 is 12 hours, 9 is real-time) StartYear = 1, (1 is the 1st year etc) StartMonth = 4, (1 is Jan, 12 is Dec) StartDay = 1, (1 is the 1st of the month etc) StartTime = 2, (1 is 7AM, 2 is 9AM, 3 is 12PM, 4 is 2PM, 5 is 5PM, 6 is 9PM, 7 is 12AM, 8 is 2AM, 9 is 5AM) WaterShut = 2, ElecShut = 2, WaterShutModifier = 500, (the number of days before water is shut off -1 mean instant) ElecShutModifier = 480, (the number of days before electricity is shut off -1 mean instant) FoodLoot = 4, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) WeaponLoot = 2, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) OtherLoot = 3, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) Temperature = 3, (1 is very cold, 5 is very hot) Rain = 3, (1 is very dry, 5 is is very rainy) ErosionSpeed = 5, (1 is very fast (20 days), 5 is very slow (500 days)) XpMultiplier = 15.0, (Obvious) Farming = 1, (1 is vey fast, 5 is very slow) StatsDecrease = 4, (1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) NatureAbundance = 3, (1 is very poor, 5 is very abundant) Alarm = 6, (1 is never, 6 is very often) LockedHouses = 6, (1 is never, 6 is very often) StarterKit = false, Nutrition = false, FoodRotSpeed = 5, (1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) FridgeFactor = 5, (1 is very low, 5 is very high) LootRespawn = 2, (1 is none, 2 is every day, 3 is every week, 4 is every month, 5 is every two months) TimeSinceApo = 1, PlantResilience = 3, (Plants resilience against disease/weather. 1 is very low, 5 is very high) PlantAbundance = 3, (How much farm plants produce. 1 is very poor, 5 is very abundant) EndRegen = 3, (Endurance regeneration (how fast you regain endurance). 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) ZombieLore = { Speed = 3, (1 is sprinters (fastest), 2 is fast shamblers, 3 is shamblers (slowest)) Strength = 3, (1 is superhuman, 2 is normal, 3 is weak) Toughness = 3, (1 is tough, 2 is normal, 3 is fragile) Transmission = 1, (1 is blood/saliva, 2 is everyone is infected, 3 is no transmission) Mortality = 6, (This governs how deadly infection is. 1 is instant, 6 is 1 to 2 weeks) Reanimate = 1, (How fast zombies come back to life...again. 1 is instant, 6 is 1 to 2 weeks) Cognition = 3, (How smart zombies are. 1 is Navigate/Use Doors, 3 is basic navigation only) Memory = 2, (How much zombies will remember. 1 is long, 4 is none) Decomp = 1, (1 is slows/weakens them, 4 is no effect) Sight = 2, (How well zombies can see. 1 is eagle-eyed, 3 is poor) Hearing = 2, (How well zombies can hear. 1 is pinpoint, 3 is poor) Smell = 2, (How well zombies can smell. 1 is bloodhound, 3 is poor) ThumpNoChasing = true, }, ZombieConfig = { PopulationMultiplier = 0.5, PopulationStartMultiplier = 1.0, PopulationPeakMultiplier = 2.0, PopulationPeakDay = 100, RespawnHours = 50.0, RespawnUnseenHours = 15.0, RespawnMultiplier = 0.1, RedistributeHours = 12.0, FollowSoundDistance = 200, RallyGroupSize = 20, RallyTravelDistance = 30, RallyGroupSeparation = 15, RallyGroupRadius = 3, }, } This I am sure will help a lot of people out who are starting to run their own servers. Cheers all, M700N
  3. Hi all, Has anyone got all the explanations of the Sandboxvars file? I have the below for my server with the explanations I know, Please can someone fill in the blanks?; SandboxVars = { VERSION = 3, Zombies = 4, (How many zombies when the server starts, 1 is insane amount, 5 is none) Distribution = 1, (Where the zombies gravitate to, 1 is urban (in cities), 2 is uniform (everywhere)) DayLength = 3, (1 is 15 minutes, 2 is 30 minutes, 3 is 1 hour, 4 is 2 hours, 5 is 3 hours, 6 is 4 hours, 7 is 5 hours, 8 is 12 hours, 9 is real-time) StartYear = 1, (1 is the 1st year etc) StartMonth = 4, (1 is Jan, 12 is Dec) StartDay = 1, (1 is the 1st of the month etc) StartTime = 2, (1 is 7AM, 2 is 9AM, 3 is 12PM, 4 is 2PM, 5 is 5PM, 6 is 9PM, 7 is 12AM, 8 is 2AM, 9 is 5AM) WaterShut = 7, (1=instant, 2=0-30days, 3=0-2month, 4=0-6month, 5=0-1years, 6=0-5years, 7=2-6month, 7=6-12month) ElecShut = 7, (1=instant, 2=0-30days, 3=0-2month, 4=0-6month, 5=0-1years, 6=0-5years, 7=2-6month, 7=6-12month) WaterShutModifier = 500, (the number of days before water is shut off -1 mean instant) ElecShutModifier = 480, (the number of days before electricity is shut off -1 mean instant) FoodLoot = 4, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) WeaponLoot = 2, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) OtherLoot = 3, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) Temperature = 3, (1 is very cold, 5 is very hot) Rain = 3, (How often it rains, 1 is very dry, 5 is is very rainy) ErosionSpeed = 5, (How fast erosion occurs, 1 is very fast (20 days), 5 is very slow (500 days)) XpMultiplier = 15.0, (Obvious) Farming = 1, (How fast crops grow, 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) CompostTime = 1 Determines how long it will take for food to decay in a composter. (1Week=1 2Weeks=2 3Weeks=3 4Weeks=4 6Weeks=5 8Weeks=6 10Weeks=7 12Weeks=8) StatsDecrease = 4, (How fast Stats Decrease when not being used, 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) NatureAbundance = 3, (1 is very poor, 5 is very abundant) Alarm = 6, (How often houses are alarmed, 1 is never, 6 is very often) LockedHouses = 6, (How often houses are locked, 1 is never, 6 is very often) StarterKit = false, (To start with some basic essentials) Nutrition = false, (To enable the Nutrition system, calorie intake etc) FoodRotSpeed = 5, (How fast food rots, 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) FridgeFactor = 5, (How effective refrigeration is, 1 is very low, 5 is very high) LootRespawn = 3, (How often loot respawns, 1 is none, 2 is every day, 3 is every week, 4 is every month, 5 is every two months) SeenHoursPreventLootRespawn = 0 This value is an integer defining the number of hours. When >0, loot will not respawn in zones that have been visited within this number of hours. [Default=0] TimeSinceApo = 1, (How many days since the start of the Apocalypse) PlantResilience = 3, (Plants resilience against disease/weather. 1 is very low, 5 is very high) PlantAbundance = 3, (How much farm plants produce. 1 is very poor, 5 is very abundant) EndRegen = 3, (Endurance regeneration (how fast you regain endurance). 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) Helicopter = 3, (how regularly helicopters pass over the event zone. 1=never, 2 =once, 3=sometimes, 4=often) MetaEvent = 2, (how often zombie attacking meta-game events like distant gunshots will occur. 1=never, 2=sometimes, 3=often) SleepingEvent = 2, (governs night-time meta-game events during the player's sleep. 1=never, 2=sometimes, 3=often) GeneratorSpawning = 3, (increase/decrease the chance of electrical generators spawning on the map. 1=very low, 2=low, 3=normal, 4=high, 5=very high) GeneratorFuelConsumption = 1.0, (impacts how much fuel is consumed by generators. No fuel required= 0 . Minimum = 0, Maximum=100) SurvivorHouseChance = 3, (increase/decrease probability of discovering randomized safe houses on the map: either burnt out, containing loot stashes, dead survivor bodies etc. 1=never, 2=extremly rare, 3=rare, 4=sometimes, 5=often, 6=very often) AnnotatedMapChance = 4, (impacts on how often a looted map will have annotations marked on it by deceased survivors. 1=never, 2=extremely rare, 3=rare, 4=sometimes, 5=often, 6=very often) CharacterFreePoints = 10, (adds free traits points during character creation) ConstructionBonusPoints = 3, (Player-built construction strength. 1=very low, 2=low, 3=normal, 4=high, 5=very high) NightDarkness = 2, (Darkness during night. 1=pitch black, 2=dark, 3=normal, 4=bright) InjurySeverity = 2, (increases and decreases the impact injuries on your body, and their healing time. 1=low, 2=normal, 3=high) BoneFracture = true, (False=no fractures, true=bones can break) HoursForCorpseRemoval = 72, (number of in-game hours before zombies corpses are automatically removed from the map) DecayingCorpseHealthImpact = 3, (governs impact that nearby decaying bodies has on the player's health and emotions. 1=none 2=low, 3=normal, 4=high) BloodLevel = 4, (how much blood spatter when getting injured or killing zombies. will 1=none 2=low, 3=normal, 4=high, 5=ultra gore) ClothingDegradation = 2, (governs how quickly clothing degrades, becomes dirty and bloodied. 1=disabled, 2=slow, 3=normal, 4=fast) FireSpread = false, (fire can spread or not. false=off, true=on) DaysForRottenFoodRemoval = 4, (number of in game days before rotten food is removed from the map. -1 means that rotten food is never removed.) AllowExteriorGenerator = true This allows generators to power exterior tiles, and for example can get gas pumps working after the electricity has turned off. (True or False) ZombieAttractionMultiplier = 1 Use this to multiply or reduce engine general loudness. [Minimum=0] [Maximum=100] [Default=1] CarSpawnRate = 2 (Low=1 Normal=2 High=3) ChanceHasGas = 1 Governs the chances of finding vehicles with gas in the tank. (Low=1 Normal=2 High=3) InitialGas = 2 Governs how full gas tanks will be in discovered cars. (VeryLow=1 Low=2 Normal=3 High=4 VeryHigh=5 Full=6) CarGasConsumption = 1.0 The rate in which vehicles will consume fuel. [Minimum=0.0] [Maximum=100] [Default=1.0]. LockedCar = 4 How frequent the doors of a vehicle will be locked. (Never=1 ExtremelyRare=2 Rare=3 Sometimes=4 Often=5 VeryOften=6) CarGeneralCondition = 2 In what condition new cars will spawn. (VeryLow=1 Low=2 Normal=3 High=4 VeryHigh=5) CarDamageOnImpact = 3 Governs how much damage a vehicle will take after collisions. (VeryLow=1 Low=2 Normal=3 High=4 VeryHigh=5) TrafficJam = true Enable or disable traffic jams that spawn on the main roads of the map. (True or False) CarAlarm = 4 The frequency in which a car alarm will be triggered when opening a door. This will attract zombies to the vehicle's position. (Never=1 ExtremelyRare=2 Rare=3 Sometimes=4 Often=5 VeryOften=6) PlayerDamageFromCrash = true Enable or disable player getting damage from being in a car accident. (True or False) SirenShutoffHours = 1 Number of hours before the siren sound of a car alarm will stop playing. 0.0 means it will play until the car battery is dead. [Minimum=0] [Maximum=168] [Default=0] RecentlySurvivorVehicles = 1 Governs whether the player can discover a car that has been maintained and cared for after the infection struck, i.e. is still in working order. (Low=1 Normal=2 High=3) EnableVehicles = true Enable or disable vehicles from spawning into the game. (True or False) VehicleEasyUse = false If true, cars will all be unlocked with a full gas tank and low engine loudness. (True or False) ZombieLore = { Speed = 3, (1 is sprinters (fastest), 2 is fast shamblers, 3 is shamblers (slowest)) Strength = 3, (1 is superhuman, 2 is normal, 3 is weak) Toughness = 3, (1 is tough, 2 is normal, 3 is fragile) Transmission = 1, (1 is blood/saliva, 2 is everyone is infected, 3 is no transmission) Mortality = 6, (This governs how deadly infection is. 1 is instant, 6 is 1 to 2 weeks) Reanimate = 1, (How fast zombies come back to life...again. 1 is instant, 6 is 1 to 2 weeks) Cognition = 3, (How smart zombies are. 1 is Navigate/Use Doors, 3 is basic navigation only) Memory = 2, (How much zombies will remember. 1 is long, 4 is none) Decomp = 1, (1 is slows/weakens them, 4 is no effect) Sight = 2, (How well zombies can see. 1 is eagle-eyed, 3 is poor) Hearing = 2, (How well zombies can hear. 1 is pinpoint, 3 is poor) Smell = 2, (How well zombies can smell. 1 is bloodhound, 3 is poor) ThumpNoChasing = false, (environmental attacks. zombies that have not seen/heard a player can attack doors and constructions while roaming. true=on, false=off) ThumpOnConstruction = true, (damage construction. governs whether or not zombies can destroy player constructions and defences. true=on, false=off) ActiveOnly = 1, (governs whether zombies are more active during the day, or whether they act more nocturnally. Inactive zombies will be slower and tend not to give a chase. 1=both, 2=night, 3=day) TriggerHouseAlarm = true Allows zombies to trigger house alarms when breaking through windows and doors. Enabling this option will cause zombies to constantly be movie around populated areas, making the early game much more difficult. (True or False) }, ZombieConfig = { PopulationMultiplier = 0.5, (Depends on "Zombies" in the SandboxVars. population multiplier: (old var. "zombie intensity") set how many zombies you want to begin with) Minimum=0,Maximum=4,Default=1) PopulationStartMultiplier = 1.0, (Adjusts the desired population at the start of the game. it's a start multiplier: how much of the "population multiplier" you want at game start (it will slowly increase) Minimum=0,Maximum=4,Default=1) PopulationPeakMultiplier = 2.0, (Adjusts the desired population on the peak day. Set how many zombies you want at X days (and forever after) Minimum=0,Maximum=4,Default=1) PopulationPeakDay = 100, (The day when the population reaches it's peak. Minimum=1, Maximum=365, Default=28) RespawnHours = 96, (The number of in-game hours that must pass before zombies may respawn in a cell. If zero spawning is disabled. Minimum=0, Maximum=8760, Default=72) RespawnUnseenHours = 10, (The number of in-game hours that a chunk must be unseen before zombies may re-spawn in it. Minimum=0, Maximum=8760, Default=16) RespawnMultiplier = 0.1, (The fraction of a cells desired population that may re-spawn every RespawnHours. Minimum=0, Maximum=1, Default=0.1) RedistributeHours = 12.0, (The number of in-game hours that must pass before zombies migrate to empty parts of the same cell. If zero, migration is disabled. Minimum=0, Maximum=8760, Default=12) FollowSoundDistance = 200, (The distance a virtual zombie will try to walk towards the last sound it heard. Minimum=10, Maximum=1000, Default=100) RallyGroupSize = 20, (The size of groups real zombies form when idle. Zero means zombies don't form groups. Groups don't form inside buildings or forest zones. Minimum=5, Maximum=1000, Default=20) RallyTravelDistance = 30, (The distance real zombies travel to from groups when idle. Minimum=5, Maximum=50, Default=20) RallyGroupSeparation = 15, (The distance between zombie groups. Minimum=5, Maximum=25, Default=15) RallyGroupRadius = 4, (How close members of a group stay to the group's leader. Minimum=1, Maximum=10, Default=3) }, } This I am sure will help a lot of people out too. I also have the settings for the servertest.ini file with the explinations that I know... nightlengthmodifier=1.0 (Length of the night, 0.5 would make the night go twice as fast) PVP=false (False is PvE, True is PvP) PauseEmpty=true (time in game pauses when the server is empty) GlobalChat=true (Enables in game chat) Open=true (Allows anyone to join) ServerWelcomeMessage= <RGB:0,0,0> To chat locally press 't', to global chat press 'y' or add '/all' before chatting <LINE> Type '/help' to have a list of available commands <LINE> <RGB:0,0,0> (Message that is displayed when joining the server) LogLocalChat=true (Logs all local chat for server admins to view) AutoCreateUserInWhiteList=true (Adds user to Whitelist when they join the server) DisplayUserName=true (Displays player’s usernames in game) SpawnPoint=0,0,0 (Use this to define a custom spawn point instead of the random one from character creation) SafetySystem=true (Allow the user to change their safety (if false and if PVP=true, then the safety will always be off) ShowSafety=true (Allow the players to see if someone have his safety off with the skull icon) SafetyToggleTimer=100 (When the player disable safety it take some times before HE enable it (tho the other players see it instantly), define it here) SafetyCooldownTimer=120 (Every time you hit someone in safety off, add this timer to the cool down before you can actually toggle safety off) SpawnItems= (Define specific items for everyone to spawn with) DefaultPort=16261 (Your server game port) ResetID= (Leave alone) Mods=Hydrocraft (Mods added to server) Map=Muldraugh, KY (Maps added to server) DoLuaChecksum=true (Do the lua checksum. Players with modified Lua files that differ from the server files will not be able to connect. true=Lua check, false=no lua check) Public=true (Everyone can see the server in the server list) PublicName= (Name of the server) PublicDescription= (Description of the server that is displayed in the server list) MaxPlayers=64 (Max number of players for the server) PingFrequency=10 (How often to ping clients in seconds) PingLimit=400 (Max ping in ms, if client exceeds this amount they will be kicked) HoursForLootRespawn=2 (How many in-game hours for loot to re-spawn) MaxItemsForLootRespawn=6 (Max items to spawn in each container) ConstructionPreventsLootRespawn=true (If you start building on a house for example, loot will stop respawning in that house) DropOffWhiteListAfterDeath=false (Takes you off the Whitelist if you die) NoFireSpread=true (Fire doesn’t spread) NoFire=true (No Fire) AnnounceDeath=true (Death is announced to all players) MinutesPerPage=1.0 (How long books take to read. Lower number faster, higher number slower) HoursForCorpseRemoval=2.0 (How many in-game hours before corpses disappear) SaveWorldEveryMinutes=10 (How often to save the server in minutes) PlayerSafehouse=true (Allows players and Admins to claim houses etc as safehouses) AdminSafehouse=false (Allows only Admins to claim safehouses) SafehouseAllowTrepass=false (Allow players to trespass through other players safehouses) SafehouseAllowFire=false (Allow fire in safehouses) SafehouseAllowLoot=false (Allow players to loot other players safehouses) SafehouseAllowRespawn=true (Allow owner of safehouse to respawn in their safehouse) SafehouseDaySurvivedToClaim=1 (How many days you need to survive before you can claim a safehouse) SafeHouseRemovalTime=144 (If you do not visit your safehouse in this many game days it will be released) AllowDestructionBySledgehammer=true (Allow walls to be knocked down with the Sledgehammer) KickFastPlayers=false (Kick players that appear to be moving faster than is possible. May be buggy -- use with caution) ServerPlayerID= (Leave alone) RCONPort=27015 (Port for RCON) RCONPassword= (Password for RCON) Password= (Password for server. Leave blank if you want anyone to join your server) MaxAccountsPerUser=0 (Limits the number of different accounts a single Steam unser may create on this server. Ignored when using the hosts button) SleepAllowed=false (Enable sleep) SleepNeeded=false (If true you will need to sleep when exhausted) SteamPort1=8766 (Leave alone) SteamPort2=8767 (Leave alone) WorkshopItems= (MOD IDs - When you run the server with these ID's in the Mods will auto update) SteamScoreboard=true (show steam usernames and avatars in the player list. true=visible to everyone, false=visible to no one, admin=visible to admins) SteamVAC=true (Steam anti cheat) UPnP=true (attempt to configure a UPnP-enabled internet gateway to automatically setup port forwarding rules. The server will fall back to default ports if this fails) UPnPLeaseTime=86400 (port lease time in seconds (86400 == 24 hours). This should not be changed) UPnPZeroLeaseTimeFallback=true (retry with zero lease time if port-mapping fails (helps with some routers). This should not be changed.) UPnPForce=true (remove existing port mappings. This should not be changed) CoopServerLaunchTimeout=20 CoopMasterPingTimeout=60 VoiceEnable=true (In game Voip) VoiceComplexity=5 VoicePeriod=20 VoiceSampleRate=24000 VoiceBuffering=8000 VoiceMinDistance=1.0 VoiceMaxDistance=50.0 Voice3D=true server_browser_announced_ip= UseTCPForMapDownloads=false PlayerRespawnWithSelf=false PlayerRespawnWithOther=false FastForwardMultiplier=40.0 PlayerSaveOnDamage=true SaveTransactionID=false DisableSafehouseWhenPlayerConnected=false Faction=true (enable Factions) FactionDaySurvivedToCreate=2 (How many days you must survive to create a Faction) FactionPlayersRequiredForTag=1 AllowTradeUI=true (Allows you to trade among players) HoursForWorldItemRemoval=0.0 WorldItemRemovalList=Base.Vest,Base.Shirt,Base.Blouse,Base.Skirt,Base.Shoes ItemRemovalListBlacklistToggle=false DisableRadioStaff=false DisableRadioAdmin=true DisableRadioGM=true DisableRadioOverseer=false DisableRadioModerator=false DisableRadioInvisible=true ClientCommandFilter=-vehicle.*;+vehicle.damageWindow;+vehicle.fixPart;+vehicle.installPart;+vehicle.uninstallPart ItemNumbersLimitPerContainer=0 If anyone can fill in the gaps, I and i'm sure the whole community would be very thankful. Cheers all, M700N
  4. What every server browser has today in games 1.Filter to make full or empty server invincible 2.Filter that makes server with an specific ping invincible 3.Filter that make password protected servers invincible 4.Filter that shows how many days has past ingame (wish for Zomboid) 5.Filter anything from the server specific modes/options 6.Filter to show how many time an Server was Online/Offline to filter out unstable ones
  5. I'm trying to host a server with Hamachi, it worked previously after i changed from 1gb to .75gb, but now it just wont work? Any ideas on how to fix this? Here are the .txt files: coop-stdherr http://pastebin.com/5hEs6hqV coop-stdout http://pastebin.com/Dgen9cr8 console http://pastebin.com/zyq16N6u
  6. Hi all, Yet another new server just gone live today. Server name; M700N PvE Server UK (Created 16/Aug/16) IMPORTANT INFO; To keep your saves. I have not got a static IP but I have set up Dynamic DNS. When you select the server change the IP to m700n.ddns.net and save it to favourites. This is so when the IP changes on the server it does not affect your save. When saved to favourites it will say that it is offline but you will still be able to connect. Server settings; nightlengthmodifier=1.0 PVP=false PauseEmpty=true GlobalChat=true Open=true ServerWelcomeMessage= <RGB:255,106,255> Welcome to M700N's PZ Server. IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR SAVES. I have not got a static IP but I have set up Dynamic DNS. When you select the server change the IP to m700n.ddns.net and save it to favourites. This is so when the IP changes on the server it does not affect your save. You can claim safehouses after 1 successful day of survival (1 hour real time). ! to chat locally press "t", to global chat press "y" or add "/all" before chatting. <LINE> Press /help to have a list of server commands <LINE> <RGB:1,1,1> AutoCreateUserInWhiteList=true DisplayUserName=true SpawnPoint=0,0,0 SafetySystem=true ShowSafety=true SafetyToggleTimer=100 SafetyCooldownTimer=120 Mods=Hydrocraft Map=Muldraugh, KY DoLuaChecksum=true Public=true PublicName=M700N PvE Server UK (Created 16/Aug/16) PublicDescription=IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR SAVES. I have not got a static IP but I have set up Dynamic DNS. When you select the server change the IP to m700n.ddns.net and save it to favourites. This is so when the IP changes on the server it does not affect your save. When saved to favourites it will say that it is offline but you will still be able to connect. You can claim safehouses after 1 successful day of survival (1 hour real time). The current mod version installed is; Hydrocraft 7.8 MaxPlayers=200 PingFrequency=10 PingLimit=400 HoursForLootRespawn=2 MaxItemsForLootRespawn=10 ConstructionPreventsLootRespawn=false DropOffWhiteListAfterDeath=false NoFireSpread=true NoFire=true AnnounceDeath=true MinutesPerPage=0.1 HoursForCorpseRemoval=4.0 SaveWorldEveryMinutes=10 PlayerSafehouse=true AdminSafehouse=false SafehouseAllowTrepass=true SafehouseAllowFire=false SafehouseAllowLoot=false SafehouseAllowRespawn=true SafehouseDaySurvivedToClaim=1 SafeHouseRemovalTime=60 AllowDestructionBySledgehammer=true KickFastPlayers=false SleepAllowed=false SleepNeeded=false Zombies = 4, Distribution = 1, DayLength = 3, StartYear = 1, StartMonth = 6, StartDay = 1, StartTime = 2, WaterShut = 2, ElecShut = 2, WaterShutModifier = 400, ElecShutModifier = 380, FoodLoot = 4, WeaponLoot = 2, OtherLoot = 3, Temperature = 3, Rain = 3, ErosionSpeed = 5, XpMultiplier = 9.0, Farming = 1, StatsDecrease = 4, NatureAbundance = 3, Alarm = 6, LockedHouses = 6, StarterKit = false, Nutrition = false, FoodRotSpeed = 5, FridgeFactor = 5, LootRespawn = 2, TimeSinceApo = 1, PlantResilience = 3, PlantAbundance = 3, EndRegen = 3, ZombieLore = Speed = 3, Strength = 3, Toughness = 3, Transmission = 1, Mortality = 6, Reanimate = 1, Cognition = 3, Memory = 2, Decomp = 1, Sight = 2, Hearing = 2, Smell = 2, ThumpNoChasing = true, ZombieConfig = PopulationMultiplier = 0.5, PopulationStartMultiplier = 1.0, PopulationPeakMultiplier = 1.5, PopulationPeakDay = 28, RespawnHours = 50.0, RespawnUnseenHours = 15.0, RespawnMultiplier = 0.1, RedistributeHours = 12.0, FollowSoundDistance = 200, RallyGroupSize = 20, RallyTravelDistance = 30, RallyGroupSeparation = 15, RallyGroupRadius = 3, Hope to see you all on there soon. Cheers, M700N
  7. Was going to play project zomboid with my friends today, found that all server files were gone, and my 3 backups. All that is left is the default "servertest" thing. I am the only one who uses this computer, and I don't remember deleted all of my save files for my server. Dunno what to do.
  8. Just like the title says. Fresh install of the game [version 34.28 (Steam)]. 64 bit client, on Windows 7. I click Host, server name is 'servertest', server memory doesn't seem to matter. 0.75 is the lowest option I have. I've tried each increment up to 2GB. I hit Start. It reads 'initialising', then 'initialising server systems', then 'loading world', then kicks back to the first menu and says 'Server has stopped during launch (NormalTermination).' When my friend tries to host a server the entire game just crashes to desktop for him.
  9. Alright so I tried asking for help with this back on your steam forums about 1-3 weeks ago, never got a single reply. I requested a server from Pickle Hosting, they have others who also wanted it as well. After I requested it, they decided to start working on trying to get a console or such set up for TCAdmin, they were having major issues with it from what I was told. They couldn't get the settings "printed" to TCAdmin making it hard to try to run the server from there. They were going to try to get in contact with you, but I offered to do that myself to help the process along. I've been busy past few weeks waiting for a reply from both you and them. If you can get in contact with them to help them out that would be great, because The Indie Stone combined with Pickle Hosting being able to host could bring even more to PZ. So in all truth if you can reply to this and possibly provide some input on helping with this whole set up, it would be very much appreciated, since I am rolling with a group who has been waiting for us to get a new server back up, since our last one got torn apart by a couple of people.
  10. I've been attempting to get a basic server running for about 5 hours now. I've tried using the in game hosting option and inviting another player to join me (I've also had the player in question try to click on my username and join me that way). However, they are unable to do so even after I send an invitation. The server, among other things, kicked her out due to "files not matching the server's [settings/files/something]" So there's that faint glimmer of hope right before being kicked in the balls. So here's my question guys. Can you guys end my nightmare? Can you show me how to use the Project Zomboid game through the Host option to actually start a server where other players can join. The Host option in game, I would imagine, was put there to make things easier and not horribly frustrating. To add insult to injury, the player trying to join my server is connected to my Wi-Fi which should in theory make the process easier as we're on the exact same network. If I had hair to pull out, I would have been pulling it out the past 4 hours. No tutorials or guides have worked and most content I find is from 2014 or 2015 which does not help me in 2016 running version 34.28 I've tried making it public, removing passwords, everything. My firewall indicates that the 16261 port is in fact open. While my Xfinity account is actually preventing me from opening that port because... screw my life I guess. So can anyone, please, please, please, tell me how to simply Host a server using the Project Zomboid game's Host option. I imagine it was put there to make things easy but it's been nothing but four hour headache and a waste of money for the other player who purchased the game exclusively to play with me Co-Op/Server. Thank you so much in advance. I love this game and it kills me that I can't enjoy it with my friends. Warmest Regards Sean / Flaros
  11. Hello, created this account to get some help with an issue with being disconnected on a server about 5-15 minutes in every time. One line I saw in the log was: znet: connection closed: reason=2 port=1 I can supply more info by logging into the server and waiting till it kicks me off. I'm just not familiar with what to use to copy the log text to here.
  12. Hey Folks, i tried the last hours to set up a linux server for Project Zomboid and it was very difficult to find some usefull informations, because all of it was very old. So i want to share my short solution of setting up the server successfull at the end. The instruction is for users with basic to advanced knowledge about linux. 1. Open the ports of you Router for UDP/TCP: 16261 bis 162XX (XX = 61+<number of players>) 8766 bis 8767 27015 (TCP should be enough) 2. install steamcmd and login (for login: "login <username> <password>") Follow this instructions: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Linux 3. after login insert: "app_update 380870 validate" 4. go to the PZ folder in Steam/steamapps/common/... or where you forced the installation to. 5. "./start-server.sh" (give it some time, the process is not ready in a few seconds) 6. insert and confirm an admin password and wait until the process shows "Server Started" (or something like this) 7. shut it down and go to the folder: /home/<user>/Zomboid/Server/ 8. edit servertest.ini (more or less important stats: MaxPlayers / RCONPassword / Password / server_browser_announced_ip; If you want to host a public Server, you need to edit the PUBLIC stats) 9. start the server with "./start-server.sh" again. You should be able to connect now 10. optional: start/stop Script to start the server, create a new file with a name like "startZomboid.sh" and insert (Maybe you need to create the "output" folder in you user-space first): #!/bin/bash nohup ./start-server.sh &>/home/<user>/output/zomboid & disown and to stop the server create "startZomboid.sh" and insert: #!/bin/bash TEST=`ps -e | grep ProjectZomboid6 2>&1` kill $TEST | cut -d' ' -f1 If you have any questions, hints or improvements, tell me
  13. So I booted up the game today after months and months of waiting. There is a host option now in the main menu (34.27 Version) Steam. Can I now just host from the game instead of running my own server? I can invite friends from the hosted game? Do my friends need to have anything set in particular on their side (Ports, etc? ) TCO
  14. Hi Spiffo's Community, I have a problem when I tried to open the server settings at the build 33 of Project zomboid, when I opened the pz server settings from the folder "PZServerSettings", I opened the .bat and this problem appeared "to could not load the class zombie.PZServerSettings.MainWindow" I want an aswer as early as possible Thanks for you interesting on this topic.
  15. Hello, Today, a hacker named "rag" joined my server while i wasn't there but my friend was here. My friend wanted to meet him so he set a rendez-vous point and the hacker said he was in west point, our base was at north farm (you can check where it is from pzmap). The spawn points were set as default so we knew where he could have spawned but he didn't take 10 minutes from west point to our base (that is impossible, even if you run all the way) without knowing it first and waited my friend there and killed him with a shotgun once my friend returned to the base (he discovered first the burnt house and then got killed). It was at the moment my friend got killed that he told me the story so i quickly banned him and closed the server. I did that because i didn't wanted him to do more damage to the server and i closed the server because i set a save every 3 minutes so i hoped that he burnt the house before the save but i was too late. I regret at that time that, instead of banning him, i should have joined the server as a player and tried to see by my own eyes and caught him cheating. When i checked the logs later, i saw that the "sony" guy who tried to join got kicked because of the lua/script checksums but is also the friend of the "rag" hacker. This is "rag" : http://steamcommunity.com/id/tasfasg1254125125/ and this is "sony" : http://steamcommunity.com/id/PlayerSonyxxx/ And so, that's why i'm reporting him for hacking (Teleporting at least) in PZ. (Spawn points : default Server in public list and unknown players may join VAC activated Steam clients only) Here's some extracts from my log : user log - [22-04-16 23:03:18] 76561198096434118 "rag" ip= (from TCP port test). [22-04-16 23:03:34] added connection index=2 76561198272942190. [22-04-16 23:10:35] 76561198272942190 "sony" ip= (from TCP port test). [22-04-16 23:16:48] added connection index=0 76561198096434118. item log - [22-04-16 23:22:29] 76561198096434118 "rag" container -0 10803,9129,0 [Base.AlcoholRippedSheets]. [22-04-16 23:22:31] 76561198096434118 "rag" container -0 10803,9129,0 [Base.ShotgunShells]. [22-04-16 23:22:35] 76561198096434118 "rag" container -0 10803,9129,0 [Base.Hinge]. [22-04-16 23:22:41] 76561198096434118 "rag" container -0 10803,9129,0 [Base.BigHikingBag]. chat log - (attached) admin log - [22-04-16 23:04:50] user sony kicked because Lua/script checksums do not match. [22-04-16 23:11:15] user sony kicked because Lua/script checksums do not match. [22-04-16 23:21:17] user sony kicked because Lua/script checksums do not match. [22-04-16 23:22:56][IMPORTANT] admin banned user rag. [22-04-16 23:22:56][IMPORTANT] admin banned steamid 76561198096434118(rag). pvp log - (attached) Because of him, we wasted two weeks of labour and now, how can we even trust random players joining our servers ? For your information, they were some random players that joined our servers and either helped us building our base, either they tried to kill us (but be killed instead). But if there is hackers that can bypass VAC, nowhere is safe. (private only) Thanks for reading my complaint and i hope something can be done against this player. 22-04-16_20-31_chat.txt 22-04-16_23-22_pvp.txt
  16. So my friends and I are playing on a server hosted by another friend. Long story short I left the oven on and burned down our farmhouse and crops and killed 2 of my friends. Accidents. We decided to restart completely, change some settings and load up a new map. First we loaded up and the map didn't change so we deleted everything in C:\Users\*****\Zomboid\Saves\Multiplayer and the hoster deleted some things including the servertest.db in the C:\Users\*****\Zomboid\db When we try to join server we all got errors, even the host. I attached the console.txt where it said more information was located. I glanced through it and it was saying that we didnt select spawn location and location xyz 0,0,0 doesn't exist. We just want to play a fresh server with a fresh beginning. console.txt
  17. Hey guys, I have some expirience running GMod and Rust servers, but have never messed with PZ. I just bought a server that I'm managing through FTP. I have my mods installed into my Zomboid/server/mods directory on the FTP server, and I have the maps installed into media/maps. I am wanting to use Muldraugh, West Point, and Bedford Falls. I want the user to be able to pick their spawn before they create their character. Everytime I load into a new character, it spawns me without a choice of map. This is what my spawnpoints lua looks like: function SpawnRegions() return { { name = "Muldraugh, KY", file = "media/maps/Muldraugh, KY/spawnpoints.lua" }, { name = "West Point, KY", file = "media/maps/West Point, KY/spawnpoints.lua" }, { name = "Bedford Falls, KY", file = "media/maps/BedfordFalls/spawnpoints.lua" }, }end this is what my servertest.ini looks like: nightlengthmodifier=1.0 PVP=true PauseEmpty=false GlobalChat=true Open=true ServerWelcomeMessage= <RGB:1,0,0> Welcome to ThePlague! <LINE> <RGB:1,1,1> LogLocalChat=false AutoCreateUserInWhiteList=false DisplayUserName=true SpawnPoint=10633,9314,0 SafetySystem=true ShowSafety=true SafetyToggleTimer=100 SafetyCooldownTimer=120 SpawnItems= DefaultPort=16261 ResetID=263231328 Mods=Hydrocraft;ORGM;PumpPower;HydrORGMAmmo;MoreBuild;RMConvenientBags;SVGZombieLoot;BedfordFalls Map=Bedford Falls, KY;West Point, KY;Muldraugh, KY SpawnRegions=servertest_spawnregions.lua DoLuaChecksum=true Public=true PublicName=ThePlague - Fresh Apocalypse -- PVP // BaseBuilding // Survival PublicDescription= MaxPlayers=16 PingFrequency=10 PingLimit=400 HoursForLootRespawn=0 MaxItemsForLootRespawn=4 ConstructionPreventsLootRespawn=true DropOffWhiteListAfterDeath=false NoFireSpread=false NoFire=false AnnounceDeath=false MinutesPerPage=1.0 HoursForCorpseRemoval=0 SaveWorldEveryMinutes=0 PlayerSafehouse=false AdminSafehouse=false SafehouseAllowTrepass=true SafehouseAllowFire=true SafehouseAllowLoot=true SafehouseAllowRespawn=false SafehouseDaySurvivedToClaim=0 SafeHouseRemovalTime=144 AllowDestructionBySledgehammer=true KickFastPlayers=false ServerPlayerID=81728172 RCONPort=27600 RCONPassword=oijjwc7sc7 Password= SteamPort1=9000 SteamPort2=9001 WorkshopItems= SteamScoreboard=true SteamVAC=true This is driving me crazy, any help would be appreciated!
  18. Hi all i just come back to the game as me and some friends like to play and test the newest version 34.15 IWBUMS. So we all got that version of the game. But when i try to setup a steam dedicated server, using the server tool from steam its only version 33.20 i think. So how do i update it to the newest IWBUMS version?
  19. Hi, a few friends and I are hosting our own little server. Now we have the issue that the host is not always on when some of them want to play. Which files and folder are to be copied to the new host to keep playing, just on a different PC? We have self made (e.g. edited) Server Settings, and are all running on -nosteam Thanks in advance FalloutBoy EDIT: IWBUMS 34.13 with a few mods
  20. So yeah, I've been trying to do it for 3 days and I don't want this time to get wasted. Here is a guide that will let you set up a private server for your friends within 1-2 hours. INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOST: INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLIENTS: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: I hope, that I'll help at least one group of friends to play this game. To admins: I will not answer to this thread. I registered just to write this one post and disappear forever. So feel free to edit it. I waive the rights to what I've written above. Peace
  21. I am making a mod that shows zombie and player locations on PZ Server map project. This requires some alterations of both game and the map. Currently it looks like this and uses JSON to transfer all zombie locations at once: I would rather stream the zombies and their location continuously through event-driven model, ideally in a separate thread. Currently I'm just gonna replace the original zombie registry ArrayList with my overridden ArrayList implementation that registers adding and removal of the zombies. But that doesn't deal with zombie locations.
  22. Sledgehammer is a “Module-Event” engine designed for the multiplayer game-mode for Project Zomboid. Modules are loaded through the use of Java’s Classloader library, through JAR files (Java Archive File). Modules are given access to core components of the game, as well as utilities to handle a wide variety of needs for each individual module. Targeting specific needs of Project Zomboid Multiplayer management, Administrators can deploy solutions based on their specific needs quickly, and properly, avoiding hard-coding and non-standard code practices that occur when modding multiplayer games. Instructions This is a java mod, so in order to install this, copy the folders inside "PZ Files" folder in the download, and paste them into the folder containing the server files, and replace when asked by your OS. (Download) - Sledgehammer - (2.05_04)(Build 34.28) (Plug-ins) (will redo section soon) - Factions - (1.04_03) (SH - 2.05_04) - IRC-Bot - (1.05) (SH - 2.05_04) - Permissions - (1.02_02 BETA) (SH - 2.05_04) - Discord-Bot - (1.00_03_BETA) (SH - 2.04_04) Commands Developer Information Release notes Official Test Server Special thanks to Terminus for supporting the first versions of SledgeHammer. Thanks to your support, this mod has matured and Project Zomboid multiplayer will benefit from this.
  23. Hello everyone, I've got an Ubuntu Server 64 bit VM that I would like to host a Project Zomboid server on. I have used this VM for hosting an Ark: Survival Evolved server in the past. I was able to manage this very easily with a tool called arkmanager. It did everything from installing the game, starting/stopping the server, and updating the game/mods. Does anyone know of a tool similar to this for Project Zomboid? If not, could anyone point me in the direction of a current (most scripts I've found seem to be outdated) script that will automatically start the server on Linux. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  24. Hello everyone, I have a very important question that it's affecting our players. When we start the PZ Server as Steam, automatically my IP is assigned to the server. That is what we saw in the Public List of servers. So users when joining will save the server as IP and his character local files will be created using this IP Address. But sometimes my IP changes and players have to manually change the local files to reflect the new IP. I already have a hostname assigned to my server but I can't make the Public Server list reflect the hostname instead of IP. Is there a way to do that? Thanks in advance,
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