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Everything posted by Zorak

  1. Well you can put whatever you want in sandbox but IMO changing zeds settings at night dont make much sense. But adding more zombie types in sandbox settings would be great. So zeds wont be the same 100% of time coz we can set 70% normal zeds 20% fat ressistant zeds and 10% runners (or however we want).
  2. No one says that everybody would be able to craft chain mail. For ballancing armor items i was thinking about few negative things that come along Limited con of vision (for helmets) Weight -> you can carry less items It slows your movement and attacks It increase stamina usage when running and fighting It make noise when you move (chain mail)
  3. fuck no, no no , no way. Its not dying light I agree that night needs to be more dangerous than day but just make it darker, limit our vision but dont just make super zombies at night.
  4. Zorak

    Gasoline Molotovs

    TBH I would just allow anyone to make flame bomb and keep only smoke , pipe and areosol bombs to be exclusive for engeneer.
  5. We all know that they plan to change combat system in PZ. Here is my view about how the combat system should look like in ver 1.0 I don’t want to go much into detail as I have faith in devs so ill just point main things with some explanation why I want to see them. Gear 1) weapons: more weapons to choose from is obvious thing. Machete, wrench, katana and many more but also different qualities of the same gear worn leather jacket, fine quality leather jacket, old rusty axe, sharp axe etc. You can use both of them to chop trees but the have a bit different stats. Nothing major but still tier 1 weapon will be worse than t2 (just like 5-10%). WHY? We love to collect things. All MMOs are so addicting because players like to collect things. Small stats difference will do for them to spend hours in search for that perfect weapon and still keep the balance of the game. 2) Upgrade gear: add the possibility to upgrade the gear we have. Sharp our blade weapons, balance blunt weapons, reinforce armor etc. Tie it to maintenance skill or some new kind of occupation and let us improve gear we find. The reason for this is just the same as for different gear qualities. This time is a bit less random but finding a good gear and then the right person that can improve it to finnaly get “ perfect weapon/armor” will be nice addiction for most of us. 3) More ranged weapons that use the same ammo. It’s a bit the same thins as 1) but this time impact is bigger. I just don’t like that in most cases ammo X fits only to gun Y, ammo A to gun B etc. I like the situation like we have with fuel right now, will you use it to fuel up generator, create a flame bomb or fuel up a car (on day). A rare version of gun X that use the same ammo but have different stats would add that kind of dilemma. Few Examples hunting rifle -> sniper rifle (better range), shotgun -> duble barrel shotgun (better damage, more spread), pistol -> automatic pistol (higher fire rate). 4) Armor and shields. Leather jackets, baseball gear, riot gear, chain mails etc that give us protection vs bite and scratch. I don’t want to see a easy choices about gear like riot gear is better than leather jacket. All protection gear have to have downsides. Like: it weight more, it slows your swing and movement time, you get exhausted faster, for head gear it can limit your cone of view. Chain mails makes a lot of noise when you move and fight. Os instead of picking the armor with best protective stats you will pick the best one for the situation you are in. Its another thing to collect, and another thing that give us an option. I like games with a lot of different and hard decisions to make. It will reward those that play smart. Skills and fighting. Unlocking new skill levels in blunt and blade skills will give us access to new killing moves. Each of that special attack will have own attack speed, endurance / energy cost, range, damage and cooldown. There wont be the best attack you will have to choose the right one for given situation. Cooldown is important otherwise we would just switch normal attack spam with special attack spam. Few ideas: blown down, heavy strike (slow, high energy cost but huge dmg), sweep strike (hits 3 targets in front and have pushback effect, lower dmg). 1 hit jaw stab also as separate blade skill. Some skills would be more effective vs zeds, some vs humans (like fast stabs in chest, good to kill a human but not so effective vs undead). At higher skill levels we can gain access to improved versions of those attacks (lower energy cost, lower cooldown etc). Right now IMO its to easy for non combat build characters to kill large number of zeds. Pure combat build would be viable and with new animation update combat fighting horde would be very eye appealing. Ofc leveling up combat skills can also give us passive traits not only active abilities. Some ideas about them, dual wielding weapons (dual pistol or dual hatchet), reloading while running (slower than normal but still). Small energy gain after killing zombie (to represent anger / fury). I know that Project Zomboid is not focused around combat but still combat is an important part of the game and some of us enjoy playing the game with combat build. We have a nice crafting professions, a high level carpenter or doctor are great to have in community, lets make good battle hardened fighters also a valuable community members.
  6. Zorak

    Gasoline Molotovs

    This recipe is in game from some time. Its called Flame Bomb and only engeneers can craft it. I can imagine why areosol and pipe bombs are exclusive for that occupations but flame bombs are easy to make.
  7. Tbh I dont have problem with it. IRL you also change your waight each days +- 1-2kg depends on what you eat. In my current game im eating a lot of fruits and veges to lose the waight ( overwaight trait) but still dont suffer from hunger and - strength moodle. By dooing so im loosing about 0,3 Kg each day. Dunno how much realistic is this but for my game v real taste it fits just fine.
  8. Yes but only 1 tile sized ones. Menu on the left side of screen Sometime you need to have specific tool and level of skill.
  9. For me its more like a end game challenge. In first weeks you dont have to worry about it. It might be the problem in 5-7 months but then when i start with over/under waight traits i dont feel that they impact me that hard. Right now overweight is a free points, i just dont eat much at start and after few weeks my weight is normal (free 6 points). Its still a big improvement from old system but i feel like it was added as a long long term challenge. I also cant wait for some MP play in build 34. Now we need to eat a lot more and getting food in redboid might be a nice challenge.
  10. I have one question about lore / radio brodcast. Once we get louisville and an option to spawn there how it will affect the game history. In those brodcasts we can hear that at start only MU and WP were infected and Louisville was secured by military. So if we spawn there will it be zombie - free zone or you just disable spawning in Lousiville ?
  11. IMO Population and advanced zombie options can be merged in sandbox options.
  12. Seasons are in. You just need to survive over 5 months to see them (snow starts around january)
  13. Some update about map progress would be awesome. I hope Devs will see this
  14. Long time ago in Road to 1.0 mondoid they confirmed Louisville, Fort Knox and Brandenburg. But now im not sure about Brandenburg as they are silent about it for a long time. Here is old map from one mondoid i saved long time ago.
  15. 1st thing is why we want to sleep in MP ? For most of us its a part of realism, way to force us to find a safe stop during long travel. To limit number of things we can do during the day. For big MP servers it will never be possible to skip the night. a 5 min of sleep during the 45m-1h day imo its a sweet spot. We will have to find a safe place to survive that 5 min or ask someone to look after us. Ofc depending on traits we could get an option to wake up faster if thers a noise around, it can be "black screen" or we would have some vision around. I hope that sleeping will be part of multiplayer soon in one way or another.
  16. Those swords we used for fighting were made by local blacksmith from car spring. They were very durable and according to that man easy to make
  17. spears are nice but they are stab weapon, if you miss the head you might be in truble. With sword you can cut off limbs. swords are not hard to use, its like axe with a bigger "sharp edge" or bigger machete. I agree that they are not easy to make but a good sword would be a good weapon in Zapocalypse. And its not only my words based on tons of rpg experience, I was part of medieval reconstruction group for few years. Its not that hard to learn how to use swords.
  18. So what would be you melee weapon for zombie apocalypse and why ?
  19. Well for me swords and shields are obvious things to craft. Im not saying that it is easy to craft them but for high lvl crafting i dont see a reason not to. If you can craft knife or axe why not to try craft something more advanced like sword. For some of you it might be like OMG its not a minecraft. Swords shields and armor are key and most efficient things in melee combat. The one reason why we dont use them now is that guns are better. But in Zapocalypse we dont want to use guns.
  20. This ! Metal crate + padlock = safe items. That would make padlocks useful.
  21. Ok good to hear coz it sound more like not yet than no Are bigger gates planned ? All these well walled bases in MP looks funny with just a simple door as enterance.
  22. Will these gates be single tile or bigger to fit cars ? Can we craft shields (yes shield). Using metal plates to reinforce leather jacket ?
  23. Zorak

    Voice chat.

    They know it, they plan it, just no ETA`s so we need to wait. I also dont like typing when few zeds are on my back
  24. Just to make it clear - gates will be a lot wider than doors. Like 4x1 tiles ? Right ?
  25. So many great ideas !! This update will be huge. Im happy that there will be items that require to have 2 or more high lvl skills to craft. RJ ive seen your post on twitter about adding new smelting skill. IMO dont go that way and just tie it with metalworking. I preffer few skills but more deep and unique. That bear traps you mentioned ! Finally ! I always wanted more love for that skill, not only gathering food but also for defending. Bear traps, spikes, tripwire, yes please.
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