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Everything posted by Josko

  1. In my opinion it would be alot better if desensitized was just a regular trait costing 6 points and then just remove Veteran profession because: A. Other professions could play with desensitized then. B. It wouldn't conflict with Police Officer anymore and make it unique, being the only profession giving boost to Aim and Reloading from the beginning. Because as it is now, players are forced to use Veteran if they want to play with desensitized and that's a real shame really! Your thoughts?
  2. Josko

    Some buildings

    Yeah That's lovely! This game really needs a few good last stand maps
  3. Josko

    Some buildings

    I really like the police station building. It will make a good Last Stand map Perhaps you can make a small last stand map out of that police station building? Would be effin sweet!
  4. Very nice man! Good job getting to Level 4. I'm myself just on level 3. I think I'm gonna try grind all the way up to level 5.
  5. M60 Machine Gun! Gotta love that baby. Oh wait, you meant a weapon already in the game huh? Hmm... I'd say the Pistol or Shotgun.
  6. Oh. I understand that... but I wonder if there will be skillbooks in that
  7. There's no urgency here, I only hope the fix it in Build 29.
  8. I'm curious to know what you find with Foraging level 4 and 5! Do post if you get there
  9. For a long time it have bothered me that the 9mm bullet icon is a box and should be single bullets instead like with the shotgunshells, .223 & .308 Ammo. Anyone agrees? I hope they fix this soon! Maybe in Build 29?
  10. Fucking amazing! Reminds me how much I want to fly a plane. Must be a life changing experience!
  11. It looks so small. It should be much bigger!
  12. Josko


    Can you make this work in Last stand? Thank you ^^
  13. I like the changes of total experience needed for Aim skill and Reloading skill very much! However I think it still needs a few tweaks then it will be perfect! I suggest Lowering Reloading Skill Level 3 Experience needed to 600 from 900. I feel 900 is still too much. Have Level 4 Reloading Experience needed to be at 900. Have Level 5 Reloading Experience needed to be at 1500. The same with Aim skill level 3, 4 & 5: lower Aim skill level 3 from 1500 to 600 just like Reloading. Have Level 4 Aim Experience needed to be at 900. Have Level 5 Aim Experience needed to be at 1500. Otherwise, you will waste tons of ammo and not even get to Aim level 3 as it currently is... On a playthrough I wasted 33 Shotgunshellboxes ( 24 * 33 = 792 Shotgunshells ) And I got only halfway to Aim level 3.
  14. Hello. I've been trying to remove the stock professions and traits because Im making a mod with custom professions and traits and the original ones are just in the way! I have no idea how to do it, however I think this piece of code from NCYawMod can do it, but im not sure... If not, is there anyother way? for i,v in pairs(SuburbsDistributions) do if v.items ~= nil then local k=1; while k <= #v.items do if v.items[k] == "Base.Pistol" then table.remove(v.items, k); table.remove(v.items, k); elseif v.items[k] == "Base.Shotgun" then table.remove(v.items, k); table.remove(v.items, k); elseif v.items[k] == "Base.Bullets9mm" then table.remove(v.items, k); table.remove(v.items, k); elseif v.items[k] == "Base.ShotgunShells" then table.remove(v.items, k); table.remove(v.items, k); elseif v.items[k] == "Base.BulletsBox" then table.remove(v.items, k); table.remove(v.items, k); elseif v.items[k] == "Base.ShotgunShellsBox" then table.remove(v.items, k); table.remove(v.items, k); else k = k + 1; end end else for i2, v2 in pairs(v) do if v2.items ~= nil then local k=1; while k <= #v2.items do if v2.items[k] == "Base.Pistol" then table.remove(v2.items, k); table.remove(v2.items, k); elseif v2.items[k] == "Base.Shotgun" then table.remove(v2.items, k); table.remove(v2.items, k); elseif v2.items[k] == "Base.Bullets9mm" then table.remove(v2.items, k); table.remove(v2.items, k); elseif v2.items[k] == "Base.ShotgunShells" then table.remove(v2.items, k); table.remove(v2.items, k); elseif v2.items[k] == "Base.BulletsBox" then table.remove(v2.items, k); table.remove(v2.items, k); elseif v2.items[k] == "Base.ShotgunShellsBox" then table.remove(v2.items, k); table.remove(v2.items, k); else k = k + 1; end end end end endend
  15. Hello! What I would want to do is add an effect associated with an item that is only activated when that particular item is in your inventory. For example, if I have a Pillow in my inventory then I want to make so the character cannot panic(Just by having that pillow in inventory). And when the pillow is dropped or removed in any way, that "cannot be panicked" bonus is gone and the character starts to panic again. I was thinking of something like creating a custom item first, naming it Pillow1, making it spawn in all of the containers. Then writing a script to check if the player has Pillow1 in their inventory like this: if getPlayer():getInventory():contains("Pillow1") == true then If it's true, then it runs the code that gives the desired effect like not being able to panic for example. However, I have no idea how to make it a fully working script, I have only that vague idea how it could be done. Would appreciate any help!
  16. I just made ConditionMax 999 on all the weapons and stuff. Now they never really break!
  17. How about a new proffession: Military. You start with military clothes ( boots, pants, jacket and possibly helmet.) * Immune to Panic ( Cannot be be panicked ) * Can shoot while moving I think this would be cool! Any thoughts?
  18. You can already see fav weapon and how many zombies you've killed. Press J.
  19. Hey tommy! Any plans to add more weapons? I would like new shotguns like aa12 with 20 clip magazine, Benelli M8 pumpshotgun with 8 shells, M249 or M60 Lmg with 100 round magazines full auto! This mod will be super awesome when you can add world 3d sprite for all the weapons, currently its only pistol and shotgun that you see the character holding when using one of the new weapons, same with melee.
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