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Everything posted by Viceroy

  1. In agreement to deprav I really do think that doors should A) Take a time to open and close, and B) Be obstructed from closing when zombies are against it. This thread makes me wish we had a "Realistic suggestions to enhance difficulty." thread. But it'd need to be quite policed because chances are we will get many unrealistic things debated there. Perhaps it should be a list of previously suggested things and then just links to them. That way the debate and nurd-raeg can occur in each respective topic and the topic itself can remain succinct and clearly formatted. Just a thought.
  2. I agree, NMRIH illustrates the dangers of a zombie very well, having one in a door is a sure fire way to run the other way. The difficulty needs to be upped and this is a pertinent way to address the issue I feel. I have many times before mentioned that the grabbing mechanic is too weak and in some cases entirely useless. For an illustration of this, and to point out that I think it even constitutes a bug. Check out this report: #000682 One zombie should most definitely be able to restrain you and it should most definitely require the player to actively push them back rather than just being able to walk away from them. And I feel that this grappling issue listed above is even more woeful in MP settings where it seems much more difficult to actually get grabbed in the first place.
  3. I guess that true, i just dont want to see people eating bugs the first minute they spawn in cause they dont feel like looting today, i mean eating them raw should have a consequence. Same thing a dev said something about cannibalism, your character is going to see a human begin that right now is your best buddy in the whole world. Meanwhile the player is going to see the NPC as a quick meal if he dosent feel like going to the supermarker loot-a-ton. I just don't think that this is a problem. If you have proper food like burgers or chips still, why would you even eat insects? The payoff would be miniscule compared to that of proper food. Also, the game starts off with the assumption that the apocalypse is already well under way. So how is it that you can resort to robbery and murder on day one but must be artificially coaxed into not eating insects? I just think that the social interactions of the game are going to be a massive part of the viability of cannibalism, and rightly so, but why on earth must you force players not to eat insects when you can eat rats and worms from day one? What about if I start in a world that is months old already? Or for instance I actually wish to avoid falling into hunger and wish to preemptively eat whatever I can find? And to further iterate on the point of cannibalism: The usefulness of an NPC will far outweigh the usefulness of eating them, the danger a human poses will far outweigh the nutritional value. The social impact on your group will far outway the benefit of cannibalism. And most of all, the allies of the person you ate will certainly shoot you in the back and burn your house down should they discover that. I reiterate that cannibalism has many factors that will realistically balance it out. As in real life. It is fairly safe to assume that upon being discovered as a cannibal that the word would spread and you will be facing indiscriminate attacks from people you don't even know. Because when you eat people you automatically alienate anyone not also a cannibal and define yourself not only as a murderer and killer (even if just a scavenger in fact.) but also as a predator. So yes cannibalism certainly needs and will have consequences... But insects? Beyond unhappiness I see no reason to put artificial constraints on eating them. You might get sick from eating the wrong one for sure, but as I said the world already ended and most people are shambling corpses. It stands to reason that as a survivor you have already done horrid things to be alive, and upon commencing the game it should be believable that you had some form of survival prior to appearing in a house.
  4. *Opens mouth and out comes exactly what Vonholtz said.*
  5. Hmmm wouldn't that take control from the player? Meaning I'd pick up twigs and stones and crap while walking around without intenionally wanting to do so? I still propose that it should indeed be a timed action, but that the player should just path to random points within the zone you are in for the duration of the action, in order to give you at least some inkling as to the area you have depleted or harvested from, and to enhance the immersion as you are seemingly 'looking' for things.
  6. I'd like more variety in animations certainly, but I don't think these animations should be removed though. I am quite fond of them and it would be a waste of effort to replace them entirely. Rather add moar!!!
  7. T'was a murky morning in the land of Dildondus, and everyone was Eating pancakes With forks. Suddenly a herald from the opposing kingdom of Supercalafradgelisticexpealadociousantidisestablishmentarianismfloccinaucinihilipilification, as their inferior waffles had been abducted by the mole-people. and the moles said the Supercalafradgelisticexpealadociousantidisestablishmentarianismfloccinaucinihilipilifications were next due to them not being hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia friendly. Luckily the Kingdom of Dildondus didn't give a fuck since they opposed the kingdom of Supercalafradgelisticexpealadociousantidisestablishmentarianismfloccinaucinihilipilification, nailing the herald's hat to his head and going to the pub for a quick
  8. Hmmm interesting, I'll check into it a bit as well. EDIT: Ah you are correct, I am getting 1 when alive and -1 when dead, with absolutely no gradient in between. I shall have to look deeper into the system to figure out what is going on here
  9. It would make NPC dialogue FAR easier though. Worth considering. lol. Brings an entirely new meaning to "barking mad".
  10. Green: Very happy about these additions indeed. Blue: Will the timed action manifest as our character walking around 'searching' for things within the zone (to give the player an idea of the searched area as well as make it more immersive.) or do they just stand there? If the case is the latter, I suggest the prior.
  11. If zombies are attracted to animals in traps (They are.) and when hunting is introduced to animals in general, I'd say yes they will be attracted to the sounds they make. Otherwise humans would take just about a week to figure out that you can bark at one another to communicate and zombies ignore it.
  12. getPlayer():getHealth() to retrieve it and health is a floating point number between 0 and 1 I do believe. So 80% ought to manifest as 0.8. Again this is speculation now because I haven't handled that in a while and don't have the code in front of me now. But I am fairly certain it is the case. And the actual health and what the floating point represents is based on character fitness and such I do believe. Again, I only skimmed through the code some weeks ago on the matter and haven't touched it since or worked with it intimately. And welcome to the Forums and happy modding Hope to see you around, others will hopefully help more effectively than I.
  13. I agree, tripping when walking backwards should also be a threat. There are reasons people don't kite in real life as they do in games.
  14. ^ Coffee is the only form of medication I need. < Not a morning person... At all. v Has a rare phobia.
  15. Part I T'was a murky morning in the land of Dildondus, and everyone was Eating pancakes With forks. Suddenly a herald from the opposing kingdom of
  16. If it's for the exact same thing, we'd rather not have duplicates- it clutters the system up and makes it harder for the devs to use. They read it all, so duplicates aren't actually going to help He only has a single ticket open and that is for zombies climbing through closed windows, not for rain collectors of varying efficacy but the same carpentry level. So I do think you are mistaken my good man! Or perhaps you are confused as to what he meant when he said "I have another one opened, still waiting for answer." and thought he referred to another ticket on the same subject matter, which if it were the case would naturally mean I am suggesting creating a duplicate which would be quite inane on my own part.
  17. The Alabaster Reckoning Part I T'was a murky morning in the land of
  18. No problem opening more than one issue though, it gives everyone a better level of awareness regarding what is going on
  19. Never! The fire of this war will burn for eternity. It's not the Pancake Alliance's fault that the Waffle Nation has retreated.
  20. Wondering what is up with all the triple posts lately.

  21. My table is dancing on the street and i'm thinking to myself "that would make a great david bowie song", but then The beat started And I started singing along I looked to the table as I sang, my feet shuffling closer. But he didn't notice me So i turned away And as soon as i did i heard an explosion come from behind me But I dare not turn around to look because that wouldn't be cool and I have atomosophobia So i walked up into A transvestite potato salad bar but then i ordered the tomato with extra mayonnaise and the tomato got angry and bit my awkwardly shaped ingrown toenail, which then caused the tomato to see the error of its ways and solemnly declare that
  22. I think that zombies like people should have traits naturally reflecting things that the were physical attributes when alive, such as being fat would add to the heft of a zombie smashing a window for example as well as making them more resistant to BFT, and being strong in life would render you strong in unlife as well. Losing teeth and nails as well is a good example of a realistic trait in my opinion. A zombie with a helmet on also would not be odd since most helmets are fastened with a strap. A zombie being particularly loud or clumsy would naturally also fall within the realm of realism I'd say. I just don't agree with the intelligent one on the principal that it is a setting in the sandbox and not something to be used interchangeably. Also it must be noted that as player you wouldn't necessarily be any more aware of these traits than you would be of the current level of decay or weakness a zombie has. It would mostly (if not entirely.) play off behind the scenes, adding to the variety of threats zombies could potentially pose. Especially in cases where the zombie is strong or well toned. Anything that enhances difficulty is good in my books as long as it is realistic, and I see nothing wrong with having some level of basic traits for zombies. In fact I'd assume that zombies inherit some of my physical traits when I reanimate. For instance say I am hard of hearing or shortsighted? My zombie would have to be the same otherwise it would be a little queer wouldn't it?
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