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Bloody Mary

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  1. I think severe damage should induce a scream, which in turn would draw more zombies. Get bit/shot/hit by a heavy weapon = scream.
  2. Yeah. I mean, getting caught by a horde right now is pretty much guaranteed death, but I remember one time I got caught by a hundred or so zombies and they kept pushing me around the map, bouncing off objects like pinball and barely attacking me. Took me 5 or so minutes to die. I'd really like to see zombies knocking down or knocking back players actually, to represent how they'd realistically try to grab and tackle you, not just punch/claw/bite you.
  3. 1. Decrease zombie knockback. The knockback system is fine for indoor areas right now, but it gets fairly ridiculous outside. A single shove can send a zombie flying backwards 12 feet or more, which is a little excessive. 2. Increase zombie health damage. While zombie bites and even scratches can be lethal, they do surprisingly little damage. Of course scratches shouldn't be that damaging, but bites? A player should really be hurting health-wise from a bite, especially multiple ones, but even now several bites on the body only take away 1/4 of a player's health or so. This should be upped. 3. Improve horde AI. This falls in to making general improvements in the AI in general, but in particular, I've noticed zombie hordes, or any large number of zombies, have poor AI when it comes to attacking players. Even if you run into a group of 50 or more, you can survive for quite a long time because only 2-3 zombies will attack you at once while the others wander into each other and teleport around, their movements glitch as they try to get the player. Allowing the zombies to realistically swarm a player when horded and not just Assassin's Creed style it, surrounding them and blocking them for attacking only one at a time or so, would make the inevitable death received when caught by a horde not take nearly as much time.
  4. That's one reason I'm staying away from many "serious roleplay" servers up right now, Madigari. Even whitelisted ones are infested with... Russian special forces. In Kentucky. Logic.
  5. As far as I know, there used to be a really popular serious roleplay server that had Bedford Falls mixed in with it. That was insanely fun. But now, the only serious roleplay servers are one that has questionable roleplay quality and crashes often, and one that's not a 24/7 server and is event-only. How come there's no modded roleplay servers around any more? Is Bedford Falls broken?
  6. They're working on it. Eventually massive hordes will roam the map again like before, and I mean massive. Not a few hundred like now, no, but thousands.
  7. A chat bubble over your character would be good for when alarms trigger, like "Oh shit." or "Uh oh."
  8. I agree and disagree. Guns should not be good right away. I am OK with struggling with reloading/cleaning/whatever. However, there has to be a degree of game design/balance here. Even when I pick the proficient police officer, I am still a bumbling fool with a gun, which makes no sense. I would argue that there is no positive tradeoff for mastering marksmanship. When being a level zero axe man is leaps and bounds better than a fairly proficient marksman, we have a problem. Currently, I only use guns because they are kind of fun, and it's hilarious to draw huge crowds of zombies to a single location. However, when I'm seriously trying to survive, I cannot think of a good reason to pull out a gun... ever. Well, remember, we're still lightyears away from full release. Not only will dozens more weapons, firearms and melee alike, be added, but tons of balance will be added too. Silencers will eventually be implemented too.
  9. Guns aren't that easy to use in real life. I think reloading, cleaning, and maintaining weapons should be very hard in-game if you have no experience. But then again, it doesn't take a genius to know how to point the loud end of the gun and make it go boom on a zombie's head. I think range, skill, movement, etc. should all factor in.
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