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Tyler the Super Ranger

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Tyler the Super Ranger's Achievements

  1. So I has this idea to create diversity amongst the masses of zombies that will make certain individuals stand out amongst the crowd. Zombie traits! In a nutshell a Zombie has a chance of recieving one of a variety of Traits that give it a strength or weakness. A player can also see a zombies trait by hovering his mouse above it. Here are a few examples: =========================================================================== Hardhead - This zombie has a helmet and can survive one killing blow. Worn down - This zombie has lost it's teeth and nails from excessive use. Can only deal punches. Loud - This zombie makes a lot of noise when persuing a target. Burly - This zombie deals extra damage and cannot be knocked down. 'armless - This zombies arms are broken and cannot attack. Intelligent - This zombie can open doors. Smelly - This zombie really, really stinks! =========================================================================== You all get the idea. So, whad'ya think?
  2. There are 2 buttons you can press that separates a stack of items into individual units. Either you can press the tab next to the item or you can press a button on top of the loot/inventory window.
  3. So I've always had a gripe about how guns and loot tables behave. Especially ammo and pistols. Here are some things that have always bothered me. ========================================================= 1. You cannot unload clips from your gun 2. Zombies carry unloaded pistols 3. Zombies nearly always carry exactly 10 pistol rounds 4. Pistols found on zombies are always at 100% durability 5. It's rare that ammo and pistols are found at the same time ========================================================= Surely this can't be right. Zombies carrying empty pistols and a set amount of ammo like loot pinatas waiting to be hit by your trusty baseball bat? So I thought to myself "hmm, what simple yet effective method could be implemented to address these five issues?" And then the solution came to me! ========================================================= 1. Implement an unload feature on guns 2. Change the way loot tables behave regarding guns and ammo on slain zombies ========================================================= By adding an unload feature you can recover ammo from an unwanted/damaged weapon in favour for another. Did you just find a gun with more health than your current one? Unload your gun and place the ammo in the one you just pilfered! I have also come up with an idea to make zombie loot tables appear more realistic: ========================================================= If a zombie drops ammo, give him a gun! -It doesn't make much sense that so many zombies are menandering around holding ammo without a gun. This does not apply the other way around. Guns found this way are always broken to stop them from becoming abundant. Guns that are dropped by zombies are damaged and have a few bullets left in them. -Obviously this poor sap put up a fight before being mauled to death by the local undead fauna. Shame all he has to show for it is a well used gun and a few bullets left in the clip [if any at all]. Oh well, better unload that sucker! Increase the amount of ammo zombies drop to 15 and reduce the chance of ammo dropping by 40%. -15 bullets would represent a full clip of 9mm ammo and the 40% reduction would compensate for the increased ammo dropped. ========================================================= So there you have it folks! An easy to understand way to improve realism in the game world!
  4. Perhaps along with your name you could set your age and describe your character in a blank feild. If you choose you can talk about your characters life and how he came to get the job he had, along with any skills or traits he possesses.
  5. If I was fighting a zombie I would go for the lightest armor I could get away with in regards that it only needs to stop said zombie from penetrating my skin. Let's say for example I was exhausted from fighting and one snuck up on me. I will want to get away from it as fast as I can. That would be near impossible if I was wearing an extra 20 lbs of clothing. Since I cannot remove my armor while fighting I would have to abandon weapons or gear if I needed to lose extra weight [i would not risk fighting a zombie if I am too tired regardless of my armor] even though they are more valuable.
  6. In my own experience I find it's difficult to scare a full time gamer.
  7. So I've been playing PZ for a while now and I've come up with some ideas that I've not seen in the Professions.lua file. Most of these are oriented around sports while there is also a couple of non-sport professions. If you like any of the ideas or can think of better alternatives then feel free to post. SPORTS OCCUPATIONS Quarterback - Less hindered when grabbed by zombies. -A common cause of death is being caught and swarmed by a horde of zombies. This profession will help a player break out of a small group more easily [Although being swarmed will still be impossible to escape]. Major league batter - Faster swing rate and knockback while using baseball bats. -Gives more combat bonuses than the Fire Officer profession. This makes the baseball bat a more viable weapon against a modest horde of zombies. Bodybuilder - Behaves like the Strong trait. Locks out Strong/Stout/Feeble/Weak. -Essentially a free trait. Does not stack with other strength related traits [Hence, the lockout]. Martial Artist - Punch/bash zombies at close range; Deals damage and has greater knockback than shove. -Allows the player to punch zombies instead of shoving them. If a weapon is equipped and the zombie is too close to attack he will bash them instead. Punching/bashing deals a little damage and has a stronger knockback then the shove. Hunter - Zombies will fade away more slowly when the player stops looking at them. -Extends the time a zombie will fade from the players vision when he stops looking at it. The duration scales on how tired the player is [2 seconds for well rested, 0.5 seconds for exhausted]. Gamer - Panic moodles have less effect on a player. -Related to the police officer profession. Allows a character to handle himself better in a tense situation. NON-SPORTS OCCUPATIONS Handyman - Uses less materials when repairing items. -Handymen will have their own repair tables which uses less items. Helping players get more use out of their tools before the maps resources run dry. [unnamed] - Hungry, Thirsty and Sick moodles will drain health more slowly. -I couldn't think of a name for this one. It gives players better chances of surviving if he cannot find food, water or if he gets a fever. NEW SUGGESTIONS BY OTHER USERS Bodybuilder [Alternative] - Players become less tired when overencumbered. -Comrade Crimson Gravekeeper - Players are less intimidated by zombies -Comrade Crimson Packer - Players can loot and place items faster. -Tyler the Super Ranger
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