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Everything posted by ZombieHunter

  1. Game first of all isn't based on reality, otherwise 50% of zombies would have a gun in Kentuky. Also door locking already exists in the game as locked doors. So that is a moot point. Latches would be an extremely irritating factor because you did not consider how the player would have to interact with door locking and latching. Which would mean right clicking on the door then chooing the option, having the little bar, then doing it for the other. Which means 3 actions to open a door and 2 of them are contextual. The current system is once its unlocked, its unlocked forever. More importantly it can be done by simple "Use Key" which opens and closes the door. What does NPCs have anything to do with it? That point is nonsensical as Latches. No one even knows the NPC mechanics. Murphys Law and Math. Murphys Law is of course self-explanatory Math Say the zombie had 1% chance to open the door per bump. That means anytime between 1s and 1 minute 40s the door can randomly open if not locked. More importantly, if multiple zombies are hitting the door that time drastically reduces. Also why would I be talking about picking the lock to your base house? I am obviously talking about the other 5000+ houses and buildings with doors in-game where many of them will be locked. As I said before - not thought out at all. Door Bars are fine - Latches No. Locking Unnecessary. Zombies Opening Doors, No. That would make latches pointless - as it serves same function as a Door bar. Which would make it redundant, and as I said before Door bars are a great idea. So you have Pointless, Redundant, and Unnecessary and or Aggravating. But the word useful as a descriptor does not apply. Lock Picking it self I did not have an issue with - it was the difference in types of lock and types of picks. This is unnecessary over-complicated mechanic for a game not about stealing. If the game was a Theif Sequel it would make sense, otherwise it does not. Simpler solution would be to have Picking Difficulty tied directly to the door type. Plank Simplest - Metal Hardest. Then throw in RNG success roll based on skill level. It simplifies the system and allows existing systems to overlap. To put it simply, higher quality the door, the harder it is to break and lockpick. Latching doesn't add flavor it is unnecessary pollution of existing systems. it is like Putting a Rock into the center of a Meal. Serves no purpose to the meal, doesn't add flavor the meal, its not edible. Essentially no real benefit to existing systems. P.S To moderators, For some reason the previous post is uneditable so I had to make another. No idea why but I think its because of how the Quote got bugged and empty space was added to the top. So if you want to Merge to the posts that would be great.
  2. Because there is a difference between real life and a game. You want games to be fun, not tedious busy work. OPs Idea To Enter a House Pick Door -> Open Door -> Latch Door -> Lock Door Exit House Unlatch -> Un Lock -> Open Door - Close Door And you have to do all this by right clicking context menus on top if it. Current game Open Door ( if not locked ) Close Door Done through single button press Essentially it would make the game unnecessarily frustrating in one of the most simplest aspects of the game, opening and closing a door.
  3. I do not support: Not a fan of door latching - that would make things unnecessarily annoying. Zombie Opening doors would be terrible. Cause you would have ot lock every door - which from a gameplay mechanic is unnecessarily burdensome for the player. Lock Complexity again would also be annoying. But the ability to pick locks is fine. lock picking skill should simply determine the time it takes to pick the lock with an RNG crit meter. Adding more to the mechanic would only add to the frustration of player. Which is also part of the game as you can remove doors with a screwdriver Door kicking makes no sense - simply for the fact its easier to go through a Window. More importantly not affecting structural strength makes the least amount of sense out of everything. The force of the impact goes from the door to the frame. In order for door kicking to work you have to destroy the door frame to unlock the door. Hence making the door useless. I support: Door Barring is fine - as they are technically easy to craft. Metal Pipe + Rubber - also Door bars are portable - which means players can carry them around - use it and remove it. Magnetic Locks would be a fun idea for players to open up loot troves by finding the panel to unlock the door.
  4. Realism is great and all but gameplay and functionality is equally important especially when the player needs to find out whats not working. One solution is "Building Overlay" mode. When you activate it ( only activatable when you enter a room ) The floor tiles will glow a specific color telling you what you need to know. No glow = Not considered a room Grey = Safe Room* but not powered Red = Powered Room, but not safe ( zombies can spawn ) Purple = Unpowered Room, not Safe Green = Safe room and Powered Safe Room only means zombies won't spawn on those tiles, it doesn't means zombies can't break through windows and doors at night. This will help debug issues players have when making homes or renovating existing homes trying to figure out if something is working or not.
  5. My guess the problem has to do with how to chunk loading works. If the house is actually broke by 2 separate chunks, it may not consider the entire house "sealed" which would allow them to spawn inside.
  6. That is why a single zombie only damage windows. Even a child can break a window. Angry people can break wood doors - After all cops do it all the time, as well as drunk people. ( which is why I mentioned Agro State ) So I tried to keep the damage values realistic. As for the player structures I agree, the random attacking player structures cause its made by a player makes no sense. it should only attack a player structure if pathing prevents it from winding a way around. This can be done through "Global Pathing markers"
  7. It would be nice if we could make Alternate Power Systems when you have enough Carpentry and Engineering. Wind Solar Biofuel Methane Most of the stuff can be made at home as shown by this guy, https://www.instructables.com/id/How-I-built-an-electricity-producing-wind-turbine/ So you aren't going to need some sort of fab factory to even do basic construction. Though his setup involves mixing Solar and Wind to charge up large Battery pack ( Which is Similar to Teslas Uninterupted Powersupply Idea )
  8. I think the point is Dead batteries can't actually hold a charge, which is why it called a "Dead battery"
  9. I feel bump damage ( the damage done by zombies as they knock against something with their bodies ) should change based on the state they are in. Wandering State Only damage to unbarricaded windows Agro State ( Triggered by a specific action ) Damages Unbarricaded wooden doors and Barricaded Windows Horde State ( More than one zombie hitting door ) Damages Barricaded Doors \ Metal Doors \ Barricaded Windows This could be done by having each state apply a specific damage type instead of having to worry about complex math. This would make it so bases are not just destroyed by random zombies bumping into things because a player made the structure.
  10. Ya that's why I didn't want it to be a separate object. Simply an added flag which is just an extra line of code the game checks to essentially "hide" the options in specific windows.
  11. One thing I really am not fond of in Project Zomboid is its GUI - it is just a massive amount of screens and options which is essentially dumped into a single massive crafting window. Many games simplify the crafting element by having specific objects to focus on specific crafting elements. An only shows those associated crafting Recipes when you interact with that object. This would cut down on the crafting GUI exponentially. This is seen in games like Fallout New Vegas, Starbound, Subnautica, etc. Also moving specific actions from that crafting GUI through special flags to separate; Actions ( opening \ packaging ) Crafting ( combining two items ) So actions are not displayed in the crafting window but only displayed on direct interaction would again reduce the amount of crafting GUI spam. Instead specifically for packaging, it will list it is possible but the icon will be greyed out when you try to interact with something where you don't have enough to package it. --- Finally, quick filters for GUI would help go a long way by way of tabs To display only food items \ weapons \ etc. Instead of scrolling down and up.
  12. For anyone who needs the Answer: First you need to download https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/3511-pz-unpacker/ Then go to Zomboid\media\texturepacks Unpack UI.pak and UI2.pak Images should be a 32 x 32 png image with transparent background for icons.
  13. I love reading these technical posts, I know a few indie devs that do it. Factorio guys do it often and Starbound Devs used to do it in Early Access So if you want to do more, no issue from me.
  14. That's great. Anyway I love the game either way. Keep up the great work.
  15. Hi, I am trying to make my first mod, but I want to use some of the core images and have no idea where they are. ( For example the Backpack Icon, Rope Icon, etc ) I check Zomboid \ Media but can't seem to find it. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
  16. I reduced Darkness to 0.5 actually for the screenshot. If the shaders are being designed around them, shouldn't the option to disable shaders temporarily disabled \ permanently be removed in that case??
  17. I feel like that severity cap needs a second look, or should be configurable server side.
  18. Thank you for taking the time to write up the tutorial, was immensely helpful.
  19. This is me at 23:00 at night - with a flashlight on. It may look like a block bear on a new moon, but you can see that tiny bit of bookshelf. The darkness needs to be toned down 9000% - it used to be fine before the whole weather. Now its like the sun blew up and light no longer exists.
  20. One thing that will help players both those hard of hearing and those not would be "sound pings" of loud noises. Such as when a zombie knocks on a door or barricade a "ping" appears that refreshes every 3s. These pings can also be played when a zombie "moans" when not in direct sight line. So you know something is coming from behind you. Zombies aren't ninjas, they don't try to sneak up on people they are incapable of advanced thought. So this would help especially with survival in the new combat system.
  21. I feel when the power gets out indoors become way to pitch black. Coming from a person who lived in a house for 20+ years I know for a fact that it is not pitch black in the morning, none of the lights in my house are on until late at night. To prevent overly complex lighting algorithm and since indoor lighting is separate. I think the light should have a "minimum" light level during daylight hours and clear weather.
  22. Thanks, I will post all the information you provided to steam to help others!
  23. Thanks, I found the ORGM settings - I am running a dedicated server and found the ORGM.ini file but it is 0kb, I am guessing it only saves the changes. So I will have to manually edit it in SP then copy that file onto my dedicated?
  24. So I double checked to make sure all the parts are installed correctly made sure the versions I got were https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=514618604 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=640674707 What seems to be happening is even though the Surpressor installs correctly on the weapon, and makes the "noise" as if silenced. The noise reduction function and noise spread does not actually occur. It still pulls zombies from very larges distances as if not installed at all. You can check out the other steam comments, again thanks for the reply and continued interest in the mod.
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