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Everything posted by Okamikurainya

  1. I don't think it's a respawn glitch. If anything it's too much migration (Zombies coming to a zombie-free area of the map from populated ones too soon). I was testing for this some time ago and when I killed most zombies, including the ones that came to replace their fallen brethren, they did stop coming so I do think it's just an overzealous migration (Which can currently be caused by a number of things, sound bugs included and probably the most likely) I hope so... A respawn glitch seems like something that's all too easy to overlook as things are now, and as I stated when setting the respawn to 0.0 I had no problems, yet even a massive setting for the respawn timeline has zombies "seemingly" respawning daily. Edit: On an unrelated note, since 33.4 I've been having the right-click menus sometimes pop-up on the far left of the screen instead of where I clicked.
  2. I think that the problem people have been having with zeds is a legitimate respawn glitch. I've been doing some experimenting, editing the respawn hours in the zombie.ini. Setting it to 0 helps instantly with zeds clinging to my walls and hoardes appearing daily. However, no matter what I set the respawn amount to, anything above 0.0 seems to just have zombies spawn daily or within the day. I set it to the max amount of time and the problem with daily hoardes began instantly, with Dixie also filling up nearly everyday. I would love to be proven wrong, can anyone help me verify this?
  3. It doesn't look like a ''little'' fort to me. Does that mean I'm fort-unate? It has not been fort-old if my fort should be fort-aken.
  4. This is awesome! I tend to just go with messy normally, which isn't exactly messy at all... In fact it's almost identical to short... So the addition of new hair is an awesome idea! Keep up the good work.
  5. Using Blender or a similar tool would probably be easier if Blender didn't melt my brain. T_T All these blocks so far have been hand done in MSPaint so far, fixing up each face individually and then using Graphics Gale for the top face. Minecraft Desert Temple in PZ's Building Editor. Clay Blocks and Bricks. Natural Blocks. Crafted Sandstone Blocks. As always, use as you see fit. My concept for Block Walls: Leaves - just causes slow down Sand - half as strong as dirt Gravel - slightly weaker than dirt Dirt - half as strong as oakwood planks Birchwood Planks - Slightly weaker than normal PZ wooden wall Oakwood Planks - Same strength as normal PZ wooden wall Sprucewood Planks - Slightly stronger than normal PZ wooden wall Birchwood Logs - Slightly weaker than normal PZ log wall Oakwood Logs - Same strength as normal PZ log wall Sprucewood Logs - Slightly stronger than normal PZ log wall Cobblestone - Double the strength of oakwood log wall Stone - Slightly stronger than cobblestone wall Iron - Double the strength of cobblestone wall Diamond - Double the strength of iron wall Obsidian - double the strength of diamond wall
  6. An Expensive Fort Finally managed to get block sizes right. Utility Blocks Crafted Blocks Next up are the natural blocks. Feel free to use as you want. Still waiting on someone who'll help me with what is pretty much the first total conversion for Project Zomboid.
  7. I'm still trying to tinker with LUAs without the titlescreen vanishing. :/ But I agree that this is a necessity. According to the Zombie Survival Handbook most microorganisms give zombie carcasses a wide berth, meaning that even if they're deader than normal then they'll still take around five years to decay. Add to that that anything that munches on zombie flesh will end up dying then scavengers will probably not help much either. So I don't think they're really meant to decay... If I were to do it the corpse would go through four phases Normal - Lasts about a week Infectious - Lasts maybe a few months to half a year, during this phase it could cause health problems, crops nearby would have increased risk of pest flies. Skeletal - Harmless, no longer a container but can still be picked up and moved/ burned. This would last a fairly long time, maybe another half of a year. Dust - Just a patch marking that a zombie was there. Would vanish within the week or fade like blood causing the ground to be "sickly" for crops. Yeah, that will still take a while but it's realistic without adhering to the handbook. Maybe somewhere in the erosion LUA?
  8. The game isn't really meant to be Harvest Moon/ Rune Factory with zombies (though speaking of that, once NPCs come about I want a post-apocalyptic waifu to woo! XD) I had an awesome moment today, managed to get to a level where I could make trap cages so I left my safehouse to plonk it in the nearby woods. The next morning I had to fight off an entire hoarde to get my rabbit, and I won! I got the rabbit but the cage trap was destroyed shortly thereafter. Yeah, it was tough and trapping is nearly impossible now, but the awesome feeling of success made it worth it. I'm still clearing 50 zombies off my fences EVERY day and I never have time to go on runs and that I don't like. I don't believe it is the migration settings as I cleared north of me yet the very next morning a hoarde came from up north, I headed north and found the area still clear, headed west and it was clear, headed east an yip, it was clear. WHERE did they come from if not portals from hell? Edited the save file to disable spawning and guess what, no hoardes for days.
  9. 33.4 is great so far, fixed 90% of my sound issues. Things I've noticed: Generator sounds are inaudible, which isn't bad from a "Hell yeah, silent generator!" point of view but not from a realism point of view. Anything you pick up and place on a wall creates an invisible wall on that square. Lights and lamps that you pick up and place can't be turned on. TVs just stop working. You can click "Turn on" a thousand and one times but nothing happens. If this is meant to happen then a symbol or bit of text telling you the tv is kapoot would go a long way. This is all progressing really well, looking forward to the next release!
  10. Another little something since I'm playing around. Now I know! And knowing's half the battle! G.I. ZOMBOOOOID!
  11. Wow... Tis quiet as a caterpillar's giggle in here... It makes me cry. T^T Ah well, have some pictures! Work is proceeding on the basic layout of Arcadia. I'm still only focusing on those four blocks for now but I thought it wise to set up the area around them for aesthetic reasons as well as paving the road for future work. This entire area is 9x6cells. As for possible futures... Union Buildings: South Africa's answer to America's White House. I certainly want to work on the this area, it has some beautiful wilderness surrounding its north east and the gardens themselves would make for a very unique Zomboid experience. I've obtained the floor plans but it will have to wait till I'm a bit more skilled. Hatfield: Hatfield holds the University and all the Spiffo's, burger joints, clothing stores you could want. I certainly want to expand in this direction and would love if someone could help me design some PZ equivalents of fast food joints like Wimpy, Burger King, Nando's, Spur and the ironically absent Kentucky Fried Chicken. Residential: This area is second on my to do list once Arcadia-proper is done. Nothing really special to say. Town Center: Impossible until building hight-cap is removed or additional floors are made available. This is the absolutely terrifying public restroom located on the south west corner of the Art Museum's park. I swear that zombies inhabit the IRL version as well. D: As usual, would appreciate all the help, feedback, hugs you can offer. Pixel/tile/sprite artists would make things go at least 20% faster and LUA geniuses would make the whole thing more fun.
  12. So far I've survived for 3months and I've got a pretty good fort. I managed to get all the carpentry books but I'm suffering a bit on the cooking xp side since making long runs to towns tends to result in being exhausted and limping back home inches from death. XD Also, I lack the Herbalist and the magazine racks of all the Zippees have been totally empty. T_T
  13. Heh! I'll take it as a compliment as to how authentic the building is to it's source material. Bittersweet. :/ Tis good that it shouldn't be too hard but I hope I get some help.
  14. Other way around. XD Project Zomboid uses LUA. I want to make a mod/map/challenge for PZ. Edit: The image in the OP is from PZ's Building editor.
  15. Hey all! I'm working on a Minecraft inspired map and was wondering if anyone would like to join me in making a challenge map. I can't get my head around LUA, I'm trying but my attempts at editing have been failures so far. I was hoping someone could help with the coding side while I work on making the map and buildings. The map will be 2x2 with "caves" containing resources. On the LUA side I'd need help with "blocks" which the player can right-click and attempt to "mine" which would give them resources and destroy the block, which will be a tile/sprite. Also help having the day length at 16mins and zombies only spawning at night. If anyone is interested, I think this could be quite a fun little distraction.
  16. A glitch here with the fancy light fittings: A: Not sure if this a glitch or just me derping, but I can't get them to turn on, even with a generator hooked up. B: Once placed the square below becomes impassable. It is difficult, but I managed to set up a base south of Dixie in the forest red-neck hidden trailer place. I managed this thanks to the fact that metal fences are indestructible yet you can stab and kill zombies through them. I clogged up the entrance with a crosshatch of logwalls which is now nigh unbreachable. The zombies can get through a layer or too if they even bother to try take it down, but simply running out, leading them to the fence, then climbing over, lets you keep it fairly safe. That and placing a tv on the completly indestructible side will be a fair bit of insurance that the zombies will ignore your blockade and head to the fence. Still, I get a flux of around 50 zombies daily. X(
  17. I've never found lacking a respawn to be any easier, though I'm one player and I'm not sure if you're talking in terms of multiplayer. I agree with this 100%. I always found it weird, but then again I usually just RP it as "I don't have eyes everywhere, dang thing must have crawled in while I wasn't paying attention." I'm guessing that in multiplayer it might be a bit more jarring, especially if you fortify a very large area only to find no breaches but a hoarde within. :/
  18. I just found out you can dig up certain flowers and such with a shovel. Now we just need trees and bushes. I'm not sure if this will help but I've found that the longer I play the less buggy the sounds become. After the first few weeks in game there was no longer a loud click preceding the dog bark and the deafness factor seemed to no longer be as much of a problem. The sound of zombies bashing against walls and windows was no longer inaudible but it sounded more like damaged audio clicks. Finally managed to get a fort up and running and have had a chance to listen to the radio and watch some tv. Loving it so far, 1 month in I'm finding it a bit hard to catch the broadcasts but what I have seen is great and presents some very interesting questions. The huge ramp in difficulty from the previous version had me a bit on edge at first, but as with many things once I learnt the new ins and outs I could handle most things if I was cautious enough. Through experimentation it seems that the zeds don't focus on your safehouse/fort/location, what it seems to me is that they spread through cells you've explored. It seemed that the larger square area I covered the less problems with hoardes I had. I normally head straight for my desired destination and regardless of whether I attracted attention the zombies would follow, but exploring in a circular pattern until reaching my destination prevents this. Maybe I'm just mad.
  19. I'm not really having fun with 33.1... I mean, the features that have been added are amazing but I'm wondering if it's going to be possible to get FMod working properly ever for me. I'm deaf 90% of the time, I smack a zombie in front of me and hear nothing except the birds in the background. Once I was surrounded by an angry hoarde and it was totally silent. The sound of breaking glass seems to work at random and if I'm standing against a west facing wall all of my sounds are muffled. I am using earphones, I'm not sure if that has something to do with it but I'm updating my sound drivers now, so I'll let you know how that goes. Also, the zombies seem to home in on me, even if I've avoided all of them they'll focus on my location and migrate there, regardless of whether I'm making any noise or not. And it isn't just unlucky random migration either, other areas will empty out to fill my location every time. Once they reach my location they just stop and loiter and grow in size every second. It makes playing a defensive character very difficult. I'm not sure if this is intended or not but I feel it is very unfair. If it wasn't for that, 33.1 would be amazing and I'm really looking forward to the fixed up true release. Moving furniture is great and easy to comprehend, I'd love it in the future if the same could be done with decorative vegetation and trees for those with a shovel and the gardener trait. Has there been any addition to the map, the outskirts of Louisville? I haven't managed to survive long enough to check yet. XD
  20. Awesomeness! I was actually thinking of updating this with my cliff and cave tiles. I'll post it here if/when I finish it.
  21. Had it for about two years; constant complaints about the mechanic being broken. Now focusing only influences knock down chance. Don't mean to be dismissive. It's just that TIS has tried a few things over the years. No problem, I'm a recent survivor so all's good. I would like to know how it was broken, it just seems so... Right to me. Maybe there's still a way to fix it? Though I guess y'all asked yourselves that many more times than I could.
  22. Did I just cross some Taboo or something? For Arcadia, it could still be a while. But not too much of a while. I've managed to complete the exterior of four buildings, which I'm still detailing when I notice something that I want to detail or learn something new, so far and fluffe9911 is helping out with interiors. The art museum is goiung to be tough, since I'm making new tiles for some things and I'm really not much of an artist... So another shout out! Anyone with sprite/tile/pixel ability, I need YOU! Join up today and get a free nod of approval.
  23. IMO, a simple fix for this would be the inclusion of a focused aiming mode. Shooting with your gun out randomly is obviously not going to work too well for an inexperienced wannabe-gunman. You're bound to hit the can on the wall in front of your friend's firing range rather than the one in front of you if you just whip out the gun and start shooting. However, even inexperienced shooters can hit something of a human size if it's directly ahead of you and you've been aiming for the past hour without the thing moving. Focused aiming would "cast a light" on your aiming skill, your vision would narrow and a sort of roulette would begin, potential targets will highlight for a split second, simulating a shaky aim, and if you hit fire while a target is highlighted then you'll hit them and ,depending on your aiming skill, you'll have a chance to deal a killing blow/ barely hit or get a body shot that'll simply knock them down. ^All of that, is what will actually make hunting fun IMO once animals are added.
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