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Dusty Lens

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Everything posted by Dusty Lens

  1. Dusty Lens

    Swing State

    Whoa. Well. I mean. You have your own cone of vision but I'm not entirely certain where my own aim falls within that cone of vision. Maybe even outside of it in moments of substantial panic or using a long range weapon without pausing. Given the lack of player feedback it seemed to me that having a real understanding of what range of tiles RNG might have my bullets fall within isn't bad? What feedback are you looking for that you're not receiving if not an area in which your fire is going to fall? A precise marker that identifies the target you have your sights on before RNG takes over? A hit percentage indicator ala xcom? What would be your ideal?
  2. Dusty Lens

    Swing State

    I am not an intelligent person. Would you be willing to elaborate and clarify? Assume you are speaking to a particularly slow child. Like real slow. Like if you dropped me out of an airplane I wouldn't need a parachute. Because I'm so slow. See it's a joke about how my lack of mental fortitude is so substantial that is actually impacts the physical world. No but really would you be willing to elaborate and clarify?
  3. Dusty Lens

    Swing State

    I find myself thinking that a good aiming system might be a cone of vision within the cone of vision. A sort of color overlay that gives an idea of the potential spread in which your weapon could be expected to operate given your mental state, skill and factors such as standing still to aim. It would be a good way to really "see" where your shots have a potential to land in addition to lending a nice visible clue regarding how horrific your aim might be if you're truly panicked and swinging your pistol about like a shaky madman.
  4. Dusty Lens

    Swing State

    I wish my professors were as forgiving as you! That post read like hot garbage. Whoops. But yeah. I dunno. I think my view is probably limited by a lack of pvp chops. I play against the environment with friends (when we play, which likely wont be happening again until this game is released or in a near enough state that the groundwork is laid for modding communities to take over a solid fundamental concept) and in that context guns feel like an afterthought at best. Or something to lure a neighborhood's worth of zeds into a firepit to begin a long day's process of walking in a circle with burning zeds slowly dropping behind us. edit: I am aware that broader contexts within the game remain immature and, in time, guns might find a stronger place within the game. At the moment I can agree that regardless of their intended role I truly hope that the animation changes provide additional contextual cues for the wielder to employ in determining what's going to happen should they pull the trigger.
  5. Dusty Lens

    Swing State

    For what it's worth I will agree that the current aiming system is very annoying. Firearms in general are unrewarding at the moment and, outside of having a grand old time emptying out a bucketload of shotgun shells the only real use I've found for unmodded guns is to serve as a nice portable noise source. Furthermore I'm not entirely certain that if someone were to actually choose to focus on firearms as a skill, lord help them, there would be sufficient ammo on the map to employ higher skill weapon types before their ammo was depleted from the map. Guns hold a very strange place within PZ at the present. I'm not entirely certain if they're meant to have a role, which I feel must be the case based on the number of skills and trinkets associated with them, or if what we have at present is supposed to be a placeholder for a more robust vision that has yet to mature.
  6. Dusty Lens

    Swing State

    Firing on hostiles with impunity whilst your friends can close to melee range doesn't seem like a good balancing act. While knowing where you're aiming isn't always a perfect art in PZ it's generally fairly clear if something is between where you are and where you're aiming. The idea of accidental friendly fire at a 45* angle from your intended path of attack seems not entirely likely. There's something to be said for the idea of removing friendly fire within x tiles of a shooter, to simulate a kind of "firing over the shoulder" scenario rather than having your ally put their rifle in the middle of your back and going to town. But the removal of the strategic consideration of long range support through a tangle of allies to nail enemies without penalty? I'm not certain that's a good idea. While I'm here I'll say that the ideas on the table appear to be good ones. While the development process for PZ has not been a short one it's worth noting that time has always been set aside to adjust issues encountered by playtesters, so I'm sure that if any real issues crop up as a result of these proposed starting points that adjustments will be forthcoming. So hopefully we can all keep the panic moodles to a minimum.
  7. Being able to fireman carry a buddy in a moment of crisis strikes me as not only an outstanding solution to the problem of "oh no my leg also encroaching hoards" but also a delightful new problem: "Oh no my leg also encroaching hoards just drop all of the loot we picked up and save me." I dig it. Also I believe it's imperative that the devs look into this sort of thing as it will doubtless pave the first steps into allowing players to ride on the shoulders of zombies whilst directing them about with bits of brains on a fishing line.
  8. Kentucky is home to some pretty tremendous weather from time to time. One problem with things like tornados is that you can't really "look down the road" for them. If you take my meaning. Furthermore they might bring about a rather spectacular and unsatisfactory end to a person's game without any real ability for the player to do anything about it. At the moment Zomboid is pretty good about making sure that if you die it's almost always your fault in one way or another. Even if the odds can be stacked against you rather heavily. Being said! Heavy weather really strikes me as a good idea. In off the cuff no real thought put into it fashion I could see that the wear and tear of extreme winds, blizzard and other concerns being the breakage of windows, collapse of roofs and impact on walls. Basically a sort of second tier "erosion" that can impact structures. Easy enough to patch up with some carpentry skill but potentially bad news. In addition to the moodle impact you described, of course.
  9. If you're bitten, infected and survive the infection for six months in the current game you actually transform into a helicopter (the sound of another survivor accomplishing this task is the source of the current helicopter noise event). AFAIK the helicopter is immune to the zombie disease so technically your request is already in the game. Edit: No but really you're doomed. You can shove a whole chicken down your gullet as fast as the game allows and you're going to keel over sooner or later. A request that might be closer in line with what you're thinking of is switching the game mode to "everyone is infected" following the Walking Dead lore, wherein being bitten by a zed doesn't communicate the disease (as you already have it) but rather your immune system is suppressed by the presence of the disease and as such a bite from a zed is considered to generally be fatal from damage and infection from all the normal nastiness one finds in our mouths. Which can, technically, be defeated by traditional means. Maybe. But the devs have been pretty clear on the no immunizations bit.
  10. Zomboid incorporates mod support, allowing people to add personal flavor options with ease in order to appease parties that wish to tweak the game to taste. Modder (or friend of modder) requests that mod be added to the base game as a personal flavor option in order to appease parties that feel like tweaking the game to taste. Also probably recognition or something. It's almost a perfect circle. It's beautiful. Dude, the mod you're trying to advertise is good and fine. It's doing its job. It's up there (not in terms of stuff like, say, appreciation or downloads) with all the other mods like silencers and samurai swords and truffle scrounging piglets that tweak the game in one direction or another to appeal to whatever crowd digs it. It's already an option box. For all other positions assume my own views are in lockstep with Enigma. Recognizable as the dude who wasn't claiming that bats and axes are sending zeds flying like Sauron on the field at Dagorlad.
  11. Within the universe of Project Zomboid I have to imagine that we'll be gathering stones from one source or another rather than slowly creating clay bricks. Given the existence of foraging mechanics. I mean. I'd be all about some kind of clay brick system if it would allow for the creation of fireplaces, brick walls and all the other delights that are normally associated with earthen rectangles. I mean, without the days of drying out and so on. I don't know if the common brick that one could steal from a construction yard/harvest from the walls of buildings really meets the criteria at hand. But it would be killer if they did.
  12. You can also use space to give a door a little thump (basically just the shove), which is a nice way to see if anyone's roaming around on the other side without generating a tremendous amount of undue noise. But anyways while we're on the topic this game could really use dehydrated milk amiright or amiright.
  13. I do recall that mondoid! I had some time to kill so I wasted a bunch of words spewing why I figured that having the ability to slap together your own furnace seemed a little more good to go.
  14. While the notion of having a few pre-built furnaces scattered around the world seems charming the idea of the new system boasting a mandatory "hope you like this part of the map because boy howdy are you going to be living here forever" posture strikes me as more than a bit of a departure from Zomboid's spirit. Further I'd rather enjoy being able to walk away from one particular corner of the promised enormous 1.0 map to check out another without lamenting that my enjoyment of an entire aspect of gameplay is tied to some crumby building in some crumby part of the map. Or, heaven's forbid, finding myself making the same trip for the 482390432th time with various metalwares for melting. I doubt I'm underestimating Kentucky's distribution of furnaces. Zomboid provides tremendous latitude in moving about, setting up base and providing a means for a different playstyle experience in single and group play. I mean, sure you could try to go back and live in the same 2-3 bases every single time but cripes alive does that get dull fast. If I tried to rope my friends into another multiplayer game when Zomboid hits 1.0 and told them that we're going to have a whale of a time setting up shop in the Westpoint grocery store by the hotel the drive to experience a familiar game wouldn't be particularly hot and heavy. Not so much as, say, setting up Castle Awesome out in the wilderness with the facilities to provide everyone with the toys they want to play with. Including what appears to be the equivalent to a brick and mud furnace rather than, I dunno, an industrial iron smelter. Not even going to touch the competitive/semi competitive multiplayer ramifications.
  15. Man. As soon as we can make some tire walls we'll be that much closer to Fallout 1 levels of tech.
  16. https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Generator It's a rather troublesome solution given that the fuel shuts off at the same time the power does and vanilla doesn't offer any way I'm aware of to pump fuel after that point. But you can keep the juice flowing for a least a little bit longer. Being said it would be rather fascinating if the functionality for restoring such landmarks to working order was added to the game, even if it was simply for the benefit of non vanilla maps. However I can't imagine that adding the mechanics/actual presence of a no kidding powerplant is on their short list.
  17. Yeah with this update a day of low skill fishing has gone from feeding a battalion for a week to maybe meeting your caloric requirements for a day or two. On that same token the act of generating calories has taken something of a hit. This is something I'm not against as in all of my multiplayer games with friends we've amassed a stock of food that we never touched as a diet of whatever we could pull out of the ground was more than sufficient even if we were living on what was essentially 200 calories a day of cabbage. That brought much of the game to a standstill as the incentive/drive to scavenge food from the neighboring cities was largely deflated. If there is one thing that I've seen crop up a lot in this and the other thread is that there's a lack of feedback between players and this new system. The nutritionist perk communicates food values of items in your inventory but doesn't do much to inform on what you have already consumed and where you are in terms of diet, for yourself or your party. Furthermore there's no real way for the player to assess how they're "feeling" beyond the moodle and observing the weightometer fluctuate. The result seems to be some confusion and frustration. While I feel that systems of generating food could use additional review (looking at you, trapping) a future expanded map and its promised throngs of untold numbers of canned foods and the far distant promised hunting system should hopefully equalize everything out. How that'll balance with some of Zomboid's emphasis on building a static base, especially with the upcoming metalworking stuff, will be interesting to see. Maybe the ideal co-operative long game of Zomboid is going to look like a single player Banished in the long run. But, with, you know. Zombies.
  18. I think it's a wonderful use for the single bag of fertilizer on the map. Though I am very annoyed with the dude who took advantage of the outbreak crisis to steal every other bag in town and dump them into the river.
  19. Right, I'm picking up what you're throwing down in terms of the chemical process and its impact on local energy. While I'm cautious about what kind of response you might see on a Kentucky afternoon it is a pretty neat idea. If your assembly was placed in, say, a fridge/freezer/insulated container with the displacement of the pot/water/etc it seems like it could be a poorman's cooling system. Assuming the ammonium nitrate is useable in the form it's found.
  20. Fan of Jericho I take it? I'm really not sure if the whole ammonium nitrate/metal bowl trick is really a reliable method of freezing. Honestly I'm not sure if that's something that would actually work in any appreciable (or at all) fashion in the 'real' world. Being said there are propane refrigerators out there in the world. Be lovely to find one or two of those somewhere. Honestly with the new system of moving furniture I wonder if an appliance store isn't in order But I digress.
  21. That would be fantastic. At the moment a pile of corpses doesn't really "burn clean" if you take my meaning. It's something of a hassle and a cross of the fingers to see how many bodies you can actually light up. Not to mention the limits on how many can fit in one location at a time. If corpses laying around ever becomes an actual health/mental issue cleaning them up properly will be more of an issue than reducing clutter. Corpse burning management. What a time to be alive in video games.
  22. Seems to me the only initial hurdle is that one can carry multiple corpses, aren't they essentially just heavy dufflebags? On a somewhat unrelated note it sure is a bother getting them to stack up nicely for the occasional corpse bonfire to clear out the yard of the most recent swarm. Sure would be nice to dig a nice shallow pit that one could conveniently dump them into and immolate en masse. But that's neither here nor there.
  23. Are you guys running with this system using the nutritionist perk? I'd be interested to see the calorie counts of the people who're constantly eating huge meals and losing weight.
  24. Ah, I understand now. Thank you for clarifying! For what it's worth I agree with your position.
  25. What balance is disrupted by fuel not ending at the same time electricity does? At the present generators are basically a last gasp of juice following the termination of main power unless you're running some supporting mods.
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