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Everything posted by Asparagus

  1. Ban thatonesandwitch for making a forum game with the name "Make a odd reason to ban the person above you" (Seriously, could a moderator or a Dev please fix this? O__O) EDIT: DAM IT! *beavers get to work* Fine, Ban Adamiks for using a picture of Obama where he's pointing this way but looking at somewhere else.
  2. Ban thatonesandwitch for referring to a witch of the sands instead of a delicious and portable way of dining on meat and vegetables.
  3. Like counseling? Yeah, I can see that in multi-player... but I think in SP, it would be like he was talking to himself... O__O insanity. So like, do you gain happiness or lose it when you talk to yourself... I mean perform "self-counseling"? O__O
  4. Ban Adamiks for trying to subtly suggest that we add hills, ruts and varying elevations on the game's ground!!
  5. ... *looks on* *whispers to self* ~Well, there's that dog-barking sound you hear from time-to-time in-game... same goes for human screams... so if there are human screams, there'd be human NPC's... so why not give a body to that disembodied dog bark? and while we're at it, can't we have them as pets? *Yells* C'MERE BOY!! COME HERE YOU MANGY... I MEAN ADORABLE, POSITIVELY-DISEASED DOG!! O__O
  6. Like counseling? Yeah, I can see that in multi-player... but I think in SP, it would be like he was talking to himself... O__O
  7. Ban everyone for... wait, wrong thread... *hops away*
  8. Ban Adamiks for abusing console commands and not keeping them a trade secret O__O
  9. ^ I read that as "herpes" intead of hippies O__O
  10. Ban Adamiks for using the same ban reason that lucy the axe used on ethanwdp
  11. Sacrilege!! O__O "I made out with this guy and bit him a little but he pushed me away and ran off... I saw him shambling by a few days later"
  12. Or just have the "Q" button actually incorporate sounds instead of just the words appearing overhead. ... *starts opening can of sardines* GRuuuuuuugnngg... *opens the can* Uwah!! O__O Grunting and the like would have its ups and downs... as you've mentioned, they would utter sounds at some instance or event such as encountering zombies and/or simply jumping over a fence... Simulating this, imagine that these were implemented. After a few hours or so of this would you or would you not get a little bit tired? (just a question and no tone is being applied here) I agree that sounds as you have mentioned could be a great addition, but may I suggest that these also be included as toggle-able from the options? In case some don't like it. (But I do :3) ... Now, obscenities... there's something I could get into O__O
  13. Convinces one's self into thinking that what he's drinking didn't come from the toilet... *elegantly sips bottled toilet water like a sir* ... also, walking around in my underpants, because sheet rope is more important. O__O
  14. You got a title!!! &%(*^*(*()_{)_ :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lucy the axe

      lucy the axe

      Noooooooo save it for when power goes out.

    3. Asparagus



      It did O__O

      *eats rotten cabbage*

    4. lucy the axe

      lucy the axe

      Noooooooooooooo (I have weak stomach)

  15. "The normal question...the first question is always, are these cannibals? No, they are not cannibals, cannibalism in the true sense of the word imply a inter spices activity, these creatures can not be considered human, they prey on humans, they do not prey at each other, that's the difference, they attack and feed only on warm flesh, intelligence? seamlessly little to no reasoning power, what basic skills remains are more of remembered behaviors from a normal life, these creatures are nothing more than pure motorized instinct, the only drive is the food" But in the core of all this, zombies were ONCE humans, retaining their appearance. The only thing separating them from what we consider "normal" humans are that they have contracted a disease that, granted, reanimates the deceased... but in essence, zombies are still considered human... sick, sick, humans... so I do believe that the term "cannibalism" still applies here... Now from what I see, the reason why zombies eating humans vs humans eating humans is an issue would be similar to cartoon violence... if it was displayed in a different context, wouldn't it be "different"? So... I... I forgot what my point was... O__O
  16. i just realized there was a search thing...... i am very oblivious.... still good to know these things. I had to search every time I wanted to post something, most of the time, topics aren't even named appropriately so you could end up with a copy... but what I don't understand is why is it a bad thing to make a topic if a similar one has already been lost to time (and I even found some which were archived O__O)? Not complaining, just genuinely curious...
  17. I think I should clarify some things O__O: You guys heard of pet shaming? Where you take a photo of them with a piece of paper/cardboard and written there is something they did wrong like: "Went on a rampage with the toilet paper" O__O Now, how about Zombie Shaming? Alright, carry on O__O
  18. I wish there was a way to just highlight the part you want to quote and a quote button would magically appear and quote just that thing you highlighted... O__O
  19. And so should zombies O__O
  20. I'm sorry, but I don't think I got it... is this game made by TIS? O__O (Looks great though )
  21. *takes off monocle and cleans it with a fancy handkerchief* Ban Lord Gonfalon for being jealous... (also, Imma tap out for a while, lest I flood this thread with my face O__O)
  22. Unban him for the complement... ... then ban him again for not banning me O__O
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