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Everything posted by ProjectSky

  1. You can use TV to block any place, because it is invincible.
  2. Hello RJ. Any plans to add PZ translation text to the GitHub repository? I think this it would be easier to update community translation.
  3. I'm sorry to hear this. I know how you feel. You must stay strong.
  4. ProjectSky

    Hot Wheels

    Jab have done the same module, if there are any plans to add official support, that's great.
  5. ProjectSky

    Hot Wheels

    Discord will integrate with the MP chat system?
  6. Wow i like this futction, but there any plan to add SP support? edit: compost box will still not be attacked by zombies!
  7. Oh, a baby. Congratulations RJ.
  8. TV, barbecue, compost, roadblocks still can not be zombie attacks. I hope that dev can double check the object attribute issue.
  9. Ok, i think the existing admin function of the server is sufficient.
  10. ProjectSky

    In-Game Mappage

    Can players share the same map data?
  11. See recipecode.lua OnEat_Cigarettes function. item Cigarettes { Count = 20, HungerChange = 0, Weight = 0.005, RequireInHandOrInventory = Lighter/Matches, Type = Food, DisplayName = Cigarettes, StressChange = -5, Icon = IckySticks, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, OnEat = OnEat_Cigarettes, CustomEatSound = }
  12. I found a about compost box bug, zombies seem can't attack compost box.
  13. Some moveable objects can not be destroyed by zombies (attack). (sofa, TV……) In addition, we still can not translate the names of these movable objects?
  14. This just easy to check for errors. This is a fix version, you can see it. (i made some notes)
  15. Can you upload your MOD, or console.txt file?
  16. Awesome, very happy to see this mod will continue to be updated.
  17. so, this is steam workshop problem?
  18. I let them delete pz, zomboid folder and re-download, uninstall all mod re-installation, the problem still exists.
  19. LuaChecksum Seems be broken, my friends always prompt the file checksum error, but in build 34.28 they can join my server.
  20. Public version still display IWBUMS?
  21. You can use inv:AddItems("nothing",10)
  22. I do not know if this is out of date, generator is called a IsoGenerator object. It can be like a building object. function ISGenerator:create(x, y, z, north, sprite) local cell = getWorld():getCell(); self.sq = cell:getGridSquare(x, y, z); self.javaObject = IsoGenerator.new(self.item, getCell(), self.sq) self.javaObject:setActivated(false); self.javaObject:setCondition(100); self.javaObject:setConnected(false); self.javaObject:setFuel(0); self.sq:AddSpecialObject(self.javaObject); buildUtil.consumeMaterial(self); self.javaObject:transmitCompleteItemToServer(); end
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